
时间:2022-08-25 02:08:20

I have a simmple HTML table that I just cant seem to fix.


I am trying to display data like so:


                                  <-Previous Next->
                              51 to 100 of 10151 records

Below is the html code. I have taken out the dynamic language part that adds 'Previous' depending on what page the user is on:


EDIT: After all the responses I've changed the code to following. but still alignment is the same. >_<

编辑:在所有响应后,我已将代码更改为以下。但仍然对齐是一样的。 > _ <

<table width="100%" border="0">
    <tr align="center">
       <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center" colspan="2">
       <!--some form elements go here!-->
       <!--I just replaced tags with some text for testing-->
       <font face="Arial" size="2"><strong>Previous</strong></font>
       <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center" colspan="2">
    <tr align="center">
       <td align="center"><font face="arial" size="2"><b>51 to 100 of 10151</b> </font>

Expected output is above but what I am getting from the code is:


                 Previous            Next Group   
         51 to 100 of 10151 Households  

I have been doing trial and error for quite some time now so need some help!


9 个解决方案


Why do you need table cells for both the Previous and Next text? Why not just put them in the same <td>?


<table width="100%" border="0">
    <tr align="center">
      <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center" colspan="2">
        Previous Next
    <tr align="center">
      <td align="center"><font face="arial" size="2"><b>51 to 100 of 10151</b></font></td>

Did I miss a requirement?



You need to escape the attributes:



should be



Add a colspan="2" to the td in the second row.

将colspan =“2”添加到第二行的td。


use html entities to show < and > characters on the screen. < is &lt; and > is &gt;

使用html实体在屏幕上显示 <和> 字符。 <是<和> 是>

Something that will also help is to use an editor that has syntax highlighting and you can catch these mistakes more easily



For starters, after your first row (<tr>...</tr>), you fail to start another row. Also, you need to column span the cell in the next row to make it take up the space under both cells in the row above it, not just the first one:

对于初学者,在第一行( ... )之后,您无法启动另一行。此外,您需要在下一行中跨越单元格的列,以使其占据其上方行中的两个单元格下的空间,而不仅仅是第一行:

  <td align="center" colspan="2"><font....>....</td>

Also, you have other HTML issues (you need to escape out HTML entities such as < and > if you want them to appear in your text), so you might want to run that through an editor that understands HTML or otherwise validate it.

此外,您还有其他HTML问题(如果希望它们出现在文本中,则需要转出HTML实体,例如 <和> ),因此您可能希望通过了解HTML或以其他方式验证HTML的编辑器来运行它。


You're missing some tags and quotes, and escape characters as others have mentioned.


You can try using the htmlvalidator at w3c.




<table width="100%" border="0">
    <tr align="center">
       <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center">
            <!--some form elements go here!-->
            <font face="Arial" size="2"><strong>Previous</strong></font>
            <Input id='previuesButton' Type="image"  alt="Previous" src="/eiv/images/prev.gif" value="&lt;&lt;Previous" name=previuesButton ACCESSKEY="B">
       <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center">
            <font face="Arial" size="2"><strong>Next Group</strong></font>
            <Input id='nextButton' alt="Next" Type="image" src="/eiv/images/next.gif" Value="Next&gt;&gt;" name=nextButton ACCESSKEY="B">
       <td align="center" colspan="2"><font face="arial" size="2"><b>51 to 100 of 10151</b> </font></td>

You were missing a starting and ending row tag as well as a colspan in the bottom column. Try the above to see if that works out for you. Also you need to swap the less than and greater than characters for their equivalents (as shown above).



Are you having a problem with greater than or less than signs?


Try this:

    <table width="100%" border="0">
    <tr align="center">
       <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center">
       <!--some form elements go here!-->
       <font face="Arial" size="2"><strong>&lt;-Previous</strong></font>
        <Input id='previuesButton' Type="image"  alt="Previous" src="/eiv/images/prev.gif"     
        Value="<<Previous" name=previuesButton ACCESSKEY="B">
       <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center">
       <font face="Arial" size="2"><strong>Next Group-&gt;</strong></font>
       <Input id='nextButton' alt="Next" Type="image" src="/eiv/images/next.gif" Value="     
       Next>>     "name=nextButton ACCESSKEY="B">
       <td align="center"><font face="arial" size="2"><b>51 to 100 of 10151</b> </font>

That help?


Your code, with:


  1. The missing tags for the second row added in.
  2. 添加了第二行的缺失标记。

  3. The arrows converted to html entities.
  4. 箭头转换为html实体。

  5. The missing quotes added in.
  6. 缺少的引号加入。

  7. Your spelling corrected.
  8. 你的拼写纠正了。

Try running your html through the w3c validator next time. Hope it helps.


<table width="100%" border="0">
    <tr align="center">
       <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center">
       <font face="Arial" size="2"><strong>Previous</strong></font>
        <Input id='previousButton' Type="image"  alt="Previous" src="/eiv/images/prev.gif"     
        Value="&lt;&lt;Previous" name="previousButton" ACCESSKEY="B">
       <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center">
       <font face="Arial" size="2"><strong>Next Group</strong></font>
       <Input id='nextButton' alt="Next" Type="image" src="/eiv/images/next.gif" Value="     
       Next &gt;&gt;" name="nextButton" ACCESSKEY="B"></td>
       <td align="center" colspan="2"><font face="arial" size="2"><b>51 to 100 of 10151</b></font>


Why do you need table cells for both the Previous and Next text? Why not just put them in the same <td>?


<table width="100%" border="0">
    <tr align="center">
      <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center" colspan="2">
        Previous Next
    <tr align="center">
      <td align="center"><font face="arial" size="2"><b>51 to 100 of 10151</b></font></td>

Did I miss a requirement?



You need to escape the attributes:



should be



Add a colspan="2" to the td in the second row.

将colspan =“2”添加到第二行的td。


use html entities to show < and > characters on the screen. < is &lt; and > is &gt;

使用html实体在屏幕上显示 <和> 字符。 <是<和> 是>

Something that will also help is to use an editor that has syntax highlighting and you can catch these mistakes more easily



For starters, after your first row (<tr>...</tr>), you fail to start another row. Also, you need to column span the cell in the next row to make it take up the space under both cells in the row above it, not just the first one:

对于初学者,在第一行( ... )之后,您无法启动另一行。此外,您需要在下一行中跨越单元格的列,以使其占据其上方行中的两个单元格下的空间,而不仅仅是第一行:

  <td align="center" colspan="2"><font....>....</td>

Also, you have other HTML issues (you need to escape out HTML entities such as < and > if you want them to appear in your text), so you might want to run that through an editor that understands HTML or otherwise validate it.

此外,您还有其他HTML问题(如果希望它们出现在文本中,则需要转出HTML实体,例如 <和> ),因此您可能希望通过了解HTML或以其他方式验证HTML的编辑器来运行它。


You're missing some tags and quotes, and escape characters as others have mentioned.


You can try using the htmlvalidator at w3c.




<table width="100%" border="0">
    <tr align="center">
       <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center">
            <!--some form elements go here!-->
            <font face="Arial" size="2"><strong>Previous</strong></font>
            <Input id='previuesButton' Type="image"  alt="Previous" src="/eiv/images/prev.gif" value="&lt;&lt;Previous" name=previuesButton ACCESSKEY="B">
       <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center">
            <font face="Arial" size="2"><strong>Next Group</strong></font>
            <Input id='nextButton' alt="Next" Type="image" src="/eiv/images/next.gif" Value="Next&gt;&gt;" name=nextButton ACCESSKEY="B">
       <td align="center" colspan="2"><font face="arial" size="2"><b>51 to 100 of 10151</b> </font></td>

You were missing a starting and ending row tag as well as a colspan in the bottom column. Try the above to see if that works out for you. Also you need to swap the less than and greater than characters for their equivalents (as shown above).



Are you having a problem with greater than or less than signs?


Try this:

    <table width="100%" border="0">
    <tr align="center">
       <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center">
       <!--some form elements go here!-->
       <font face="Arial" size="2"><strong>&lt;-Previous</strong></font>
        <Input id='previuesButton' Type="image"  alt="Previous" src="/eiv/images/prev.gif"     
        Value="<<Previous" name=previuesButton ACCESSKEY="B">
       <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center">
       <font face="Arial" size="2"><strong>Next Group-&gt;</strong></font>
       <Input id='nextButton' alt="Next" Type="image" src="/eiv/images/next.gif" Value="     
       Next>>     "name=nextButton ACCESSKEY="B">
       <td align="center"><font face="arial" size="2"><b>51 to 100 of 10151</b> </font>

That help?


Your code, with:


  1. The missing tags for the second row added in.
  2. 添加了第二行的缺失标记。

  3. The arrows converted to html entities.
  4. 箭头转换为html实体。

  5. The missing quotes added in.
  6. 缺少的引号加入。

  7. Your spelling corrected.
  8. 你的拼写纠正了。

Try running your html through the w3c validator next time. Hope it helps.


<table width="100%" border="0">
    <tr align="center">
       <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center">
       <font face="Arial" size="2"><strong>Previous</strong></font>
        <Input id='previousButton' Type="image"  alt="Previous" src="/eiv/images/prev.gif"     
        Value="&lt;&lt;Previous" name="previousButton" ACCESSKEY="B">
       <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center">
       <font face="Arial" size="2"><strong>Next Group</strong></font>
       <Input id='nextButton' alt="Next" Type="image" src="/eiv/images/next.gif" Value="     
       Next &gt;&gt;" name="nextButton" ACCESSKEY="B"></td>
       <td align="center" colspan="2"><font face="arial" size="2"><b>51 to 100 of 10151</b></font>