
时间:2022-08-25 02:09:14

I have a basic angular app, users can post Adverts, now I am working on how to search / filter for adverts. I am currently using a filter like so..


<a data-ng-repeat="advert in filtered = (adverts | filter:filterBySearch) | startFrom:(currentPage-1)*entryLimit | limitTo:entryLimit" data-ng-href="#!/adverts/{{advert._id}}" class="list-group-item">

where I have created my own fiter, filterBySearch


I also have a range slider for filtering by a range of prices, and I have all this working with pagination.


My concern is because I have declared <section data-ng-controller="AdvertsController"> at the top of the homepage in order to use the AdvertsController for Advert logic, I am now finding I am putting logic in here around, pagination, the range slider, filtering logic etc. I would like to know how best to split this logic out into their own controllers or whatever it needs.


以便使用AdvertsController for Advert逻辑,我现在发现我在这里放置逻辑,分页,范围滑块,过滤逻辑等。我想知道如何最好地将这个逻辑分解到他们自己的控制器或它需要的任何东西。

2 个解决方案



The controller should not he hadling such complex business logics in itself. It must be used for binding scope elements, handling events, updating states etc. I would suggest pulling your pagination, range slider, filtering logics etc in dedicated angular service and inject the it into your AdvertsController. This way you can also utilize them in any other view/controller you require.


Read more about modularity in AngularJS here




If you have business logic pertaining to elements inside of your tag, then it still makes sense to have all of your code inside of that controller. It might make more sense to rename your Controller to something that better suits your needs.




The controller should not he hadling such complex business logics in itself. It must be used for binding scope elements, handling events, updating states etc. I would suggest pulling your pagination, range slider, filtering logics etc in dedicated angular service and inject the it into your AdvertsController. This way you can also utilize them in any other view/controller you require.


Read more about modularity in AngularJS here




If you have business logic pertaining to elements inside of your tag, then it still makes sense to have all of your code inside of that controller. It might make more sense to rename your Controller to something that better suits your needs.
