
时间:2021-12-04 02:04:51

Suppose you have a page with two columns of content. For whatever reason, you wish to retrieve the HTML content of one of those columns after the page has loaded, via an AJAX request. The user does not need to take an action to make the content load (no link clicking or form submissions), it just happens automatically.


I can easily do this by returning an empty placeholder div in the main response


<div id="pink-dancing-elephants"></div>

and then add a little jQuery to the page


    url: "/elephants/dancing/pink",
    cache: false,
    success: function(html){

and have the action that responses to /elephants/dancing/pink return the corresponding blob of HTML.

并让响应/elephant /dancing/pink的动作返回相应的HTML blob。

This all works fine, but I'm wondering if I'm missing some Rails3 feature that would make this easier. E.g. I'm searching for the ability to be able to just put something like the following in the main view and have the rest of it happen by "magic"


<%= render :url=>"/elephants/dancing/pink", :remote => true %>

Am I missing something?


4 个解决方案



I am using the method described in @cailinanne's comment to Dan L's post and it's worked well for me. I like the readability of the data tag that's attached to the div. Within your html you can see exactly what's going to load into that div, and you don't have to add any new JS if you want to add this functionality to multiple divs or pages.

我正在使用@cailinanne对Dan L文章的评论中描述的方法,它对我很有效。我喜欢div的数据标签的可读性。在html中,你可以看到要加载到div中的内容,如果你想在多个div或页面中添加这个功能,你不需要添加任何新的JS。

Taking from this article: http://tech.thereq.com/post/16479390885/loading-page-content-via-ajax-in-rails-3-1

本文摘录:http://tech.thereq.com/post/1647939088.5 / loadingpage -content-via- ajaxin - rails3 -1

The simplest way to do this to use the jQuery load method.



The awkward part is the AJAX path (/blogs/2/comments) which clearly changes according to which blog we are viewing. If we followed the jQuery documentation exactly, we could just plop a script tag in the middle of our HTML body, so that in our template file we might have something like


# show.html.erb

<div id="comments"></div>
  $("#comments").load("<%= blog_comments_path(@blog)%>");

Yuck. Not a fan of javascript mixed into my template files.


What to do instead? Follow the pattern suggested by Rails UJS and take advantage of the new HTML data- attributes.

要做什么呢?遵循Rails UJS建议的模式,利用新的HTML数据属性。

First, when you want to load AJAX content in your page, do the following in your template



<div id="comments" data-load="<%= blog_comments_path(@blog. :format => :js)%>">

Second, add the following to your application.js


# application.js or any JS file loaded within application.js


  var path = $(this).attr('data-load');


Third, set up a route that matches a get request to blog_comments (type rake routes to see how your routes are named)


# routes.rb

# ajax load at page load
  get "/blogs/comments" => "blogs#comments"

And voila! Your comments div will magically be filled by whatever is returned by the /blogs/3/comments path!




I think what I originally outlined is actually the best approach.


First put an empty, placeholder div in your main view


<div id="recent_posts"></div>

and then add a little jQuery to the page


    url: "/posts/recent",
    cache: false,
    success: function(html){

and have the action that responses to /posts/recent return the blob of HTML that you want to have fill up the div. In the action that is invoked by the AJAX request, you'll want to render with :layout => false to keep the returned blob of HTML from including the entire frame. E.g.

和反应的行动/文章/最近返回HTML的blob,你想填满了div。由AJAX请求调用的动作,你要渲染:布局= >假防止blob的HTML返回包括整个框架。如。

# posts_controller.rb
def recent
  @recent_posts = #whatever
  render :layout => false

This would render the template in views/posts/recent.html.erb and then the jQuery will take care of inserting the rendered contents into your placeholder div.




There is a simple way ofcource, just add respond_to :html, :js to your controller and create *.js.erb views in your app/views/ directory. Your controller will then be able to respond to javascript format and you can write javascript with ruby code in *.js.erb files.
Check this out: Unobtrusive javascript in Rails 3

有一种简单的方法,只需将respond_to:html、:js添加到控制器中并创建*.js。在你的应用/视图/目录中的erb视图。然后,您的控制器将能够响应javascript格式,您可以使用*.js中的ruby代码编写javascript。erb文件。看看这个:在Rails 3中不引人注目的javascript



If you want to use the approach the OP proposed, I would recommend moving it to a separate application.js file and use unobtrusive JS. I wouldn't recommend putting the JS inline on the page itself.


# index.html.erb
<div id="content"></div>

# application.js
$(function() {
    url: "...",
    success: function (html) {

# controller.rb
# empty placeholder
def index

This fires off the ajax request automatically without you having to put it on every page. It's better practice. I wouldn't call it optimal, but slighty m




I am using the method described in @cailinanne's comment to Dan L's post and it's worked well for me. I like the readability of the data tag that's attached to the div. Within your html you can see exactly what's going to load into that div, and you don't have to add any new JS if you want to add this functionality to multiple divs or pages.

我正在使用@cailinanne对Dan L文章的评论中描述的方法,它对我很有效。我喜欢div的数据标签的可读性。在html中,你可以看到要加载到div中的内容,如果你想在多个div或页面中添加这个功能,你不需要添加任何新的JS。

Taking from this article: http://tech.thereq.com/post/16479390885/loading-page-content-via-ajax-in-rails-3-1

本文摘录:http://tech.thereq.com/post/1647939088.5 / loadingpage -content-via- ajaxin - rails3 -1

The simplest way to do this to use the jQuery load method.



The awkward part is the AJAX path (/blogs/2/comments) which clearly changes according to which blog we are viewing. If we followed the jQuery documentation exactly, we could just plop a script tag in the middle of our HTML body, so that in our template file we might have something like


# show.html.erb

<div id="comments"></div>
  $("#comments").load("<%= blog_comments_path(@blog)%>");

Yuck. Not a fan of javascript mixed into my template files.


What to do instead? Follow the pattern suggested by Rails UJS and take advantage of the new HTML data- attributes.

要做什么呢?遵循Rails UJS建议的模式,利用新的HTML数据属性。

First, when you want to load AJAX content in your page, do the following in your template



<div id="comments" data-load="<%= blog_comments_path(@blog. :format => :js)%>">

Second, add the following to your application.js


# application.js or any JS file loaded within application.js


  var path = $(this).attr('data-load');


Third, set up a route that matches a get request to blog_comments (type rake routes to see how your routes are named)


# routes.rb

# ajax load at page load
  get "/blogs/comments" => "blogs#comments"

And voila! Your comments div will magically be filled by whatever is returned by the /blogs/3/comments path!




I think what I originally outlined is actually the best approach.


First put an empty, placeholder div in your main view


<div id="recent_posts"></div>

and then add a little jQuery to the page


    url: "/posts/recent",
    cache: false,
    success: function(html){

and have the action that responses to /posts/recent return the blob of HTML that you want to have fill up the div. In the action that is invoked by the AJAX request, you'll want to render with :layout => false to keep the returned blob of HTML from including the entire frame. E.g.

和反应的行动/文章/最近返回HTML的blob,你想填满了div。由AJAX请求调用的动作,你要渲染:布局= >假防止blob的HTML返回包括整个框架。如。

# posts_controller.rb
def recent
  @recent_posts = #whatever
  render :layout => false

This would render the template in views/posts/recent.html.erb and then the jQuery will take care of inserting the rendered contents into your placeholder div.




There is a simple way ofcource, just add respond_to :html, :js to your controller and create *.js.erb views in your app/views/ directory. Your controller will then be able to respond to javascript format and you can write javascript with ruby code in *.js.erb files.
Check this out: Unobtrusive javascript in Rails 3

有一种简单的方法,只需将respond_to:html、:js添加到控制器中并创建*.js。在你的应用/视图/目录中的erb视图。然后,您的控制器将能够响应javascript格式,您可以使用*.js中的ruby代码编写javascript。erb文件。看看这个:在Rails 3中不引人注目的javascript



If you want to use the approach the OP proposed, I would recommend moving it to a separate application.js file and use unobtrusive JS. I wouldn't recommend putting the JS inline on the page itself.


# index.html.erb
<div id="content"></div>

# application.js
$(function() {
    url: "...",
    success: function (html) {

# controller.rb
# empty placeholder
def index

This fires off the ajax request automatically without you having to put it on every page. It's better practice. I wouldn't call it optimal, but slighty m
