LINQ to SQL - 无法修改存储过程的返回类型

时间:2021-02-10 02:06:10

When I drag a particular stored procedure into the VS 2008 dbml designer, it shows up with Return Type set to "none", and it's read only so I can't change it. The designer code shows it as returning an int, and if I change that manually, it just gets undone on the next build.

当我将特定存储过程拖到VS 2008 dbml设计器中时,它会显示返回类型设置为“none”,并且它是只读的,因此我无法更改它。设计器代码将其显示为返回int,如果我手动更改它,它将在下一个构建时撤消。

But with another (nearly identical) stored procedure, I can change the return type just fine (from "Auto Generated Type" to what I want.)


I've run into this problem on two separate machines. Any idea what's going on?


Here's the stored procedure that works:


USE [studio]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetCourseAnnouncements]    Script Date: 05/29/2009 09:44:51 ******/
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetCourseAnnouncements]
    @course int
SELECT * FROM Announcements WHERE Announcements.course = @course

And this one doesn't:


USE [studio]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetCourseAssignments]    Script Date: 05/29/2009 09:45:32 ******/
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetCourseAssignments]
    @course int
SELECT * FROM Assignments WHERE Assignments.course = @course ORDER BY date_due ASC

11 个解决方案


I've also seen this problem several times and while I don't know what causes it, I've come across a pretty easy way to get past it. It involves manually editing the xml within the .dbml file, but it's a pretty simple edit.


Right-click on your Data Context's .dbml file in the Solution Explorer (not the .layout file nor the designer.cs file) and open it with the XML Editor. You should find your stored procedure listed in a <Function> ... </Function> block. You should also find the custom class you would like to set as the Return Type listed in a <Type> ... </Type> block.

右键单击解决方案资源管理器中的数据上下文的.dbml文件(不是.layout文件,也不是designer.cs文件),然后使用XML编辑器打开它。您应该在 ... 块中找到列出的存储过程。您还应该找到要设置为 ... 块中列出的返回类型的自定义类。

Step one is to give your custom class an identifier. You do so by adding an "Id" tag, like this, making sure that it's unique within the dbml file:


<Type Name="MyCustomClass" Id="ID1">

Step two is to tell your function to use the newly ID'd type as the Return Type. You do so by replacing the line in your <Function> block that looks like

第二步是告诉你的函数使用新的ID类型作为返回类型。您可以通过替换 块中看起来像这样的行来实现

<Return Type="System.Int32" />


<ElementType IdRef="ID1" />

Save the file, exit, and rebuild. Done. Re-open the .dbml file in design mode to verify: Your procedure will now have the custom class set as the Return Type.



I had a similar mapping problem, but I found the culprit in my case.


If your procedure or any subprocedure that gets called has temporary objects like


CREATE TABLE #result (
   ID INT,
   Message VARCHAR(50)

then you're in trouble, even if you don't select anything of these temporaries.


The mapper has a general problem with these temporary objects, because the type can be changed outside the procedure in the session context. Temporary objetcs are not typesafe for the mapper and he refuses the usage os them.


Replace them by table variables and you're back in business


   ID INT,
   Message VARCHAR(50)


I followed the link provided by Tony for a better solution (same answer as Arash's)


  • do read the blog, especially the last part, for there is a thing to consider when adding SET FMTONLY OFF in your stored procedure.
  • 请阅读博客,特别是最后一部分,因为在您的存储过程中添加SET FMTONLY OFF时需要考虑一下。

When you add



in the beginning of the stored procedure and load it to DBML,
LINQ2SQL would execute the actual stored procedure.


To get the correct return table object type,
said stored procedure must return something when called w/o parameter(s).
That means:
1. Have default value for all input parameters
2. Make sure SP returns at least a row of data -- this is where I stumbled

要获得正确的返回表对象类型,所述存储过程必须在调用w / o参数时返回一些内容。这意味着:1。具有所有输入参数的默认值2.确保SP至少返回一行数据 - 这是我偶然发现的地方

create table #test ( text varchar(50) );
insert into #test (text) values ('X'); -- w/o this line, return type would be Int32
select * from #test; -- SP returns something, proper object type would be generated


Okay, I found the problem... kind of. I had changed the name of the table "Assignments" and forgot to update the stored procudure, so the DBML designer was confused. BUT even after I updated the stored procedure, deleted it from the DBML designer and readded it, it wasn't working!


This is nearly the same problem discussed here:


It only worked when I deleted the stored procedure from the database and recreated it, and deleted it from the DBML designer, recompiled, restarted Visual Studio, and added it again. This is the second time I've run into "refresh" problems with the Visual Studio DBML designer...

它只在我从数据库中删除存储过程并重新创建它,并从DBML设计器中删除它,重新编译,重新启动Visual Studio并再次添加它时才起作用。这是我第二次遇到Visual Studio DBML设计器的“刷新”问题......


I managed to work out an easier way, which just wasn't obvious at the time, but sounds straight forward when written down:


  1. Delete the stored procedure from the design surface of the .dbml file
  2. 从.dbml文件的设计图面中删除存储过程

  3. Click Save All files
  4. 单击保存所有文件

  5. Click Refresh in Server Explorer on the list of Stored Procedures
  6. 单击存储过程列表中的服务器资源管理器中的刷新

  7. Add (drag) the stored procedure back onto the design surface of the .dbml file
  8. 将存储过程添加(拖动)回到.dbml文件的设计图面上

  9. Click Save All
  10. 单击全部保存

  11. Click Build
  12. Check the designer.cs code file and you will have the updated C# code for the new version of the stored procedure
  13. 检查designer.cs代码文件,您将获得新版本存储过程的更新C#代码



I had the same problem, but only happens if my sp uses FTS, what i did was "cheat" the dbml designer, I remove the fts language stuff and works perfectly, now i can change the return type. Later i go to the sp and add the fts again and works pefectly!. Hope this help.



The way to get around this issue is:


  1. Add "set fmtonly off;" to the beginning of your stored procedure.
  2. 添加“set fmtonly off;”到存储过程的开头。

  3. After adding that statement get DBML generate the code for your stored procedure.
  4. 添加该语句后,获取DBML将为您的存储过程生成代码。

If your stored procedure's return type is still 'int' in your DBML code, comment the entire code of stored procedure, create a new SELECT statement whose returning fields types and names match the original's SELECT statement and get DBML regenerate the code again. It has to work!



Thanks @Rubenz, I was also using FTS (Full-Text Search) in a stored procedure and your steps worked.


I commented the FTS section from the stored procedure, added the stored procedure to .dbml, and then uncommented the FTS section back to original.



This also happens when using sql user-defined types as parameters in stored procedures



Better solution found here:

这里有更好的解决方案: -一张桌子/


OK, I didnt want to be changing anything in my Designer.cs code, I knew there was a different problem and it wasnt related to my stored procedure (I wasnt using temp table anyway).


Simply deleting the sp from the database and updating the model wasnt helping at all. New model created still had the same problems...


What I found is that for some reason a copies of my sp were created in DatabaseModel -> Function Imports.

我发现由于某种原因,我的sp的副本是在DatabaseModel - > Function Imports中创建的。

What I did, I deleted the duplicated objects in Function Imports and updated the model. It worked!


Regards, Chris


I've also seen this problem several times and while I don't know what causes it, I've come across a pretty easy way to get past it. It involves manually editing the xml within the .dbml file, but it's a pretty simple edit.


Right-click on your Data Context's .dbml file in the Solution Explorer (not the .layout file nor the designer.cs file) and open it with the XML Editor. You should find your stored procedure listed in a <Function> ... </Function> block. You should also find the custom class you would like to set as the Return Type listed in a <Type> ... </Type> block.

右键单击解决方案资源管理器中的数据上下文的.dbml文件(不是.layout文件,也不是designer.cs文件),然后使用XML编辑器打开它。您应该在 ... 块中找到列出的存储过程。您还应该找到要设置为 ... 块中列出的返回类型的自定义类。

Step one is to give your custom class an identifier. You do so by adding an "Id" tag, like this, making sure that it's unique within the dbml file:


<Type Name="MyCustomClass" Id="ID1">

Step two is to tell your function to use the newly ID'd type as the Return Type. You do so by replacing the line in your <Function> block that looks like

第二步是告诉你的函数使用新的ID类型作为返回类型。您可以通过替换 块中看起来像这样的行来实现

<Return Type="System.Int32" />


<ElementType IdRef="ID1" />

Save the file, exit, and rebuild. Done. Re-open the .dbml file in design mode to verify: Your procedure will now have the custom class set as the Return Type.



I had a similar mapping problem, but I found the culprit in my case.


If your procedure or any subprocedure that gets called has temporary objects like


CREATE TABLE #result (
   ID INT,
   Message VARCHAR(50)

then you're in trouble, even if you don't select anything of these temporaries.


The mapper has a general problem with these temporary objects, because the type can be changed outside the procedure in the session context. Temporary objetcs are not typesafe for the mapper and he refuses the usage os them.


Replace them by table variables and you're back in business


   ID INT,
   Message VARCHAR(50)


I followed the link provided by Tony for a better solution (same answer as Arash's)


  • do read the blog, especially the last part, for there is a thing to consider when adding SET FMTONLY OFF in your stored procedure.
  • 请阅读博客,特别是最后一部分,因为在您的存储过程中添加SET FMTONLY OFF时需要考虑一下。

When you add



in the beginning of the stored procedure and load it to DBML,
LINQ2SQL would execute the actual stored procedure.


To get the correct return table object type,
said stored procedure must return something when called w/o parameter(s).
That means:
1. Have default value for all input parameters
2. Make sure SP returns at least a row of data -- this is where I stumbled

要获得正确的返回表对象类型,所述存储过程必须在调用w / o参数时返回一些内容。这意味着:1。具有所有输入参数的默认值2.确保SP至少返回一行数据 - 这是我偶然发现的地方

create table #test ( text varchar(50) );
insert into #test (text) values ('X'); -- w/o this line, return type would be Int32
select * from #test; -- SP returns something, proper object type would be generated


Okay, I found the problem... kind of. I had changed the name of the table "Assignments" and forgot to update the stored procudure, so the DBML designer was confused. BUT even after I updated the stored procedure, deleted it from the DBML designer and readded it, it wasn't working!


This is nearly the same problem discussed here:


It only worked when I deleted the stored procedure from the database and recreated it, and deleted it from the DBML designer, recompiled, restarted Visual Studio, and added it again. This is the second time I've run into "refresh" problems with the Visual Studio DBML designer...

它只在我从数据库中删除存储过程并重新创建它,并从DBML设计器中删除它,重新编译,重新启动Visual Studio并再次添加它时才起作用。这是我第二次遇到Visual Studio DBML设计器的“刷新”问题......


I managed to work out an easier way, which just wasn't obvious at the time, but sounds straight forward when written down:


  1. Delete the stored procedure from the design surface of the .dbml file
  2. 从.dbml文件的设计图面中删除存储过程

  3. Click Save All files
  4. 单击保存所有文件

  5. Click Refresh in Server Explorer on the list of Stored Procedures
  6. 单击存储过程列表中的服务器资源管理器中的刷新

  7. Add (drag) the stored procedure back onto the design surface of the .dbml file
  8. 将存储过程添加(拖动)回到.dbml文件的设计图面上

  9. Click Save All
  10. 单击全部保存

  11. Click Build
  12. Check the designer.cs code file and you will have the updated C# code for the new version of the stored procedure
  13. 检查designer.cs代码文件,您将获得新版本存储过程的更新C#代码



I had the same problem, but only happens if my sp uses FTS, what i did was "cheat" the dbml designer, I remove the fts language stuff and works perfectly, now i can change the return type. Later i go to the sp and add the fts again and works pefectly!. Hope this help.



The way to get around this issue is:


  1. Add "set fmtonly off;" to the beginning of your stored procedure.
  2. 添加“set fmtonly off;”到存储过程的开头。

  3. After adding that statement get DBML generate the code for your stored procedure.
  4. 添加该语句后,获取DBML将为您的存储过程生成代码。

If your stored procedure's return type is still 'int' in your DBML code, comment the entire code of stored procedure, create a new SELECT statement whose returning fields types and names match the original's SELECT statement and get DBML regenerate the code again. It has to work!



Thanks @Rubenz, I was also using FTS (Full-Text Search) in a stored procedure and your steps worked.


I commented the FTS section from the stored procedure, added the stored procedure to .dbml, and then uncommented the FTS section back to original.



This also happens when using sql user-defined types as parameters in stored procedures



Better solution found here:

这里有更好的解决方案: -一张桌子/


OK, I didnt want to be changing anything in my Designer.cs code, I knew there was a different problem and it wasnt related to my stored procedure (I wasnt using temp table anyway).


Simply deleting the sp from the database and updating the model wasnt helping at all. New model created still had the same problems...


What I found is that for some reason a copies of my sp were created in DatabaseModel -> Function Imports.

我发现由于某种原因,我的sp的副本是在DatabaseModel - > Function Imports中创建的。

What I did, I deleted the duplicated objects in Function Imports and updated the model. It worked!


Regards, Chris