
时间:2021-08-24 02:07:20

What steps i should follow to use the following sql scalar value function within entity framework.


select dbo.GetDefaultAccount(5,1,48)

I tried creating a static class under the same namespace of the edmx and defining the function as following


    [EdmFunction("Model.Store", "GetDefaultAccount")]
    public static int? GetDefaultAccount(int id, Int16 type, int assocId)
        throw new NotSupportedException();

While accessing it from linq like below


  var Accountno = (from s in dbcontext.TranSetups select new { Accountno = CutomEdmxFunctions.GetDefaultAccount(5, 1, 48) })

I get the following error


cannot be translated into a LINQ to Entities store expression because no overload matches the passed arguments

无法转换为LINQ to Entities存储表达式,因为没有重载与传递的参数匹配


1 个解决方案


Unfortunately, working scalar-valued functions in Entity Framework is not as easy as it supposed to be. After a long googling I found only two methods to work with scalar-valued functions, best described here, but remember: all edits to the .edmx file will be lost when you update the EDM from the database. You will have to re-edit the .edmx file each time. Good luck.

不幸的是,在Entity Framework中使用标量值函数并不像预期的那么容易。经过长时间的谷歌搜索后,我发现只有两种方法可以使用标量值函数,这里最好的描述,但请记住:当您从数据库更新EDM时,对.edmx文件的所有编辑都将丢失。您每次都必须重新编辑.edmx文件。祝好运。


Unfortunately, working scalar-valued functions in Entity Framework is not as easy as it supposed to be. After a long googling I found only two methods to work with scalar-valued functions, best described here, but remember: all edits to the .edmx file will be lost when you update the EDM from the database. You will have to re-edit the .edmx file each time. Good luck.

不幸的是,在Entity Framework中使用标量值函数并不像预期的那么容易。经过长时间的谷歌搜索后,我发现只有两种方法可以使用标量值函数,这里最好的描述,但请记住:当您从数据库更新EDM时,对.edmx文件的所有编辑都将丢失。您每次都必须重新编辑.edmx文件。祝好运。