
时间:2021-01-03 02:03:43

I am new in programming. I need to convert a Fortran 95 file into a C file. At the beginning of the Fortran file I have a module that contains a bunch of variables that are used inside various functions (don't mind the comments):

我是编程新手。我需要将Fortran 95文件转换成C文件。在Fortran文件的开头,我有一个模块,其中包含了一些在各种函数中使用的变量(请不要介意注释):



DOUBLE PRECISION, PARAMETER :: tmax_dsmc  = 450.D0     ! durata simulazione
DOUBLE PRECISION, PARAMETER :: tim_dsmc   = 150.D0     ! istante inizio campionamento
DOUBLE PRECISION, PARAMETER :: dt_dsmc    = 0.05D0     ! passo temporale
DOUBLE PRECISION, PARAMETER :: alpha_dsmc = 0.02D0     ! gradiente velocita' 

Is there a way to replicate this in C? I know that I could use the command #define variable x but I don't know if it is correct; my goal is to have these constants defined somewhere in the code so that if I modify one, every single part of the program could knows the new value I have assigned. Of course I can define each constant in every function I have in my code but it would be a great waste of time.


1 个解决方案



If you want to define constant in C, you can use #define PI 3.1415926. If you don't want to duplicate this everywhere, then you can use #includes like this:

如果想在C中定义常数,可以使用#define PI 3.1415926。如果您不想在任何地方复制这个,那么您可以使用#include如下:

First a header (in a file named MyConsts.h):


/* My constants */
#define PI 3.1415926

then a module (in some .c file):


/* A module */
#include "MyConsts.h" // include here the contents of the file
double p = 2*PI*r;

and another one (in another .c file):


/* Another module */
#include "MyConsts.h" // include here the contents of the file
double s = PI*r*r;

If you use a clean compilation procedure by describing the dependencies in a Makefile for example, then every modification made in MyConsts.h will be reflected into the object modules.




If you want to define constant in C, you can use #define PI 3.1415926. If you don't want to duplicate this everywhere, then you can use #includes like this:

如果想在C中定义常数,可以使用#define PI 3.1415926。如果您不想在任何地方复制这个,那么您可以使用#include如下:

First a header (in a file named MyConsts.h):


/* My constants */
#define PI 3.1415926

then a module (in some .c file):


/* A module */
#include "MyConsts.h" // include here the contents of the file
double p = 2*PI*r;

and another one (in another .c file):


/* Another module */
#include "MyConsts.h" // include here the contents of the file
double s = PI*r*r;

If you use a clean compilation procedure by describing the dependencies in a Makefile for example, then every modification made in MyConsts.h will be reflected into the object modules.
