
时间:2020-12-29 02:04:58

I have a code for a simple photo gallery that had been writen with jquery, but i think it's overkill to load the entire library for such a simple thing. I want it in raw javascript.


$('#thumbs').delegate('img','click', function(){

Also i'm wondering how do I attach a loading spinner to this code. thanks.




2 个解决方案



Without using any library, it looks a bit like this, although of course there are other ways to write it:


(function() {
    var largeImage = document.getElementById('largeImage'),
        description = document.getElementById('description');

    document.getElementById('thumbs').onclick = handleGalleryClick;

    function handleGalleryClick(event) {
        var target;

        event = event || window.event;                // Handle IE difference
        target = event.target || event.srcElement;    // Another one
        if (target && target.tagName.toUpperCase() === "IMG") {
            largeImage.src = target.src.replace('thumb', 'large');
            description.innerHTML = target.getAttribute('alt');

Make sure that script appears at the bottom of your page (just before the closing body element) or wrap it up in a window.onload although you won't be happy with how long that takes to occur, as window.onload happens after all images and such are loaded.


But: I have to agree with Frédéric's and John's comments: It's not overkill to load a library for this, and in the case of jQuery (and Prototype and YUI) you can load via the Google CDN and use something your page visitor probably already has in their cache anyway.


Update: In the comments below, scunliffe pointed out an IE bug that I've blogged in the past that could affect the above, which is magically worked around for you by jQuery. So I thought it might be useful to flag up the various complications that this simple little script has that a good library will sort out for you:

更新:在下面的评论中,scunliffe指出了一个IE bug,我以前在博客中写过这个bug,它可能会影响上面的内容,这是jQuery神奇地为您解决的问题。所以我认为,标记出这个简单的小脚本所具有的各种复杂性可能会对你有所帮助:

  • addEventListener vs. attachEvent: IE6 through IE8 don't support the DOM2 standard addEventListener, using Microsoft's own attachEvent instead. I actually punted on this in the above for simplicity and just used the DOM0 onclick = ... style, but there's a good reason not to do that: With the DOM0 style, you can only have a single event listener per event per element, and attaching another will detach the previous one. So my code above doesn't play nicely with others, because it will dislodge any previous DOM0 click handler (and will be dislodged by a DOM0 click handler attached after the code above runs).
  • addEventListener vs attachEvent: IE6到IE8不支持DOM2标准addEventListener,而是使用微软自己的attachEvent。为了简单起见,我在上面使用了DOM0 onclick =…样式,但是有一个很好的理由不这样做:对于DOM0样式,每个元素每个事件只能有一个事件侦听器,附加另一个事件将分离前一个事件。因此,上面的代码不能很好地与其他代码配合,因为它将删除以前的DOM0单击处理程序(并将被上面代码运行后附加的DOM0单击处理程序所删除)。
  • Accessing the event object: The DOM standard says that the event object is passed into the event handler as its first argument. IE, instead, uses a global window.event object. That's the reason for my first "IE difference" above.
  • 访问事件对象:DOM标准说事件对象被传递到事件处理程序中作为它的第一个参数。IE则使用全局窗口。事件对象。这就是我第一次“IE差异”的原因。
  • Properties on the event object: ...and similarly, the DOM standard says the actual element on which the event was fired will be the target property. IE6 through IE8 use srcElement instead. (There are other differences, too.) Hence my "Another one" comment.
  • 事件对象的属性:…同样,DOM标准说,触发事件的实际元素将是目标属性。IE6到IE8使用srcElement代替。(还有其他的区别。)这就是我的“另一个”评论。
  • Bug workaround: This is the conflation thing scunliffe pointed out. The above relies on document.getElementById to work correctly, but on IE6 and IE7, it doesn't. It conflates several namespaces rather than working just with id values.
  • Bug解决方案:这是scunliffe指出的合并问题。以上依赖于文档。getElementById可以正常工作,但是在IE6和IE7上就不行。它合并了几个名称空间,而不只是使用id值。

...so all in all, this simple little script makes the point fairly well that libraries in general — and a good library in particular — can save you time, keep your site broadly-compatible, and are just generally worth their little cost. I don't know about the others, but for instance jQuery works around the conflation bug for you, but another well-known and well-respected library, Prototype, does not.


(Side note: Before we knock Microsoft too much, let's remember that attachEvent and srcElement probably predate the DOM2 spec; Microsoft did a lot of innovating in IE5.5 and IE6. [They invented ajax, for instance.] IE6 was — by far — the best browser available in 2001, due apologies to Opera. That said, IE6 came out after the standard did and so adding the standards stuff at that point, or several years later in IE7, might have been a worthwhile thing to do! But IE9 fixes a lot of this stuff.)




You call it simple, but it's doing somewhat advanced things. To emulate delegate, you have to attach a click listener on the root container and check for clicks on any <img> tag.


Not to mention you have to do things like use attachEvent in IE instead of addEventListener


The code would look something like (untested):


function listen(root, callback) {
    var addEvent = 'attachEvent';
    if (typeof window.addEventListener === 'function') {
        addEvent = 'addEventListener';

    root[addEvent](function (e) {
        if (/img/i.test(e.target.tagName)) {
    }, false);

listen(document.getElementById('thumbs'), function () {
    document.getElementById('largeImage').src = this.src.replace(/thumb/ig, 'large');
    document.getElementById('description').src = this.alt;

In fact, as TJ's post shows below, I'm not even handling all of the IE idiosyncrasies. jQuery is not overkill considering all of the browser headaches it solves for you.




Without using any library, it looks a bit like this, although of course there are other ways to write it:


(function() {
    var largeImage = document.getElementById('largeImage'),
        description = document.getElementById('description');

    document.getElementById('thumbs').onclick = handleGalleryClick;

    function handleGalleryClick(event) {
        var target;

        event = event || window.event;                // Handle IE difference
        target = event.target || event.srcElement;    // Another one
        if (target && target.tagName.toUpperCase() === "IMG") {
            largeImage.src = target.src.replace('thumb', 'large');
            description.innerHTML = target.getAttribute('alt');

Make sure that script appears at the bottom of your page (just before the closing body element) or wrap it up in a window.onload although you won't be happy with how long that takes to occur, as window.onload happens after all images and such are loaded.


But: I have to agree with Frédéric's and John's comments: It's not overkill to load a library for this, and in the case of jQuery (and Prototype and YUI) you can load via the Google CDN and use something your page visitor probably already has in their cache anyway.


Update: In the comments below, scunliffe pointed out an IE bug that I've blogged in the past that could affect the above, which is magically worked around for you by jQuery. So I thought it might be useful to flag up the various complications that this simple little script has that a good library will sort out for you:

更新:在下面的评论中,scunliffe指出了一个IE bug,我以前在博客中写过这个bug,它可能会影响上面的内容,这是jQuery神奇地为您解决的问题。所以我认为,标记出这个简单的小脚本所具有的各种复杂性可能会对你有所帮助:

  • addEventListener vs. attachEvent: IE6 through IE8 don't support the DOM2 standard addEventListener, using Microsoft's own attachEvent instead. I actually punted on this in the above for simplicity and just used the DOM0 onclick = ... style, but there's a good reason not to do that: With the DOM0 style, you can only have a single event listener per event per element, and attaching another will detach the previous one. So my code above doesn't play nicely with others, because it will dislodge any previous DOM0 click handler (and will be dislodged by a DOM0 click handler attached after the code above runs).
  • addEventListener vs attachEvent: IE6到IE8不支持DOM2标准addEventListener,而是使用微软自己的attachEvent。为了简单起见,我在上面使用了DOM0 onclick =…样式,但是有一个很好的理由不这样做:对于DOM0样式,每个元素每个事件只能有一个事件侦听器,附加另一个事件将分离前一个事件。因此,上面的代码不能很好地与其他代码配合,因为它将删除以前的DOM0单击处理程序(并将被上面代码运行后附加的DOM0单击处理程序所删除)。
  • Accessing the event object: The DOM standard says that the event object is passed into the event handler as its first argument. IE, instead, uses a global window.event object. That's the reason for my first "IE difference" above.
  • 访问事件对象:DOM标准说事件对象被传递到事件处理程序中作为它的第一个参数。IE则使用全局窗口。事件对象。这就是我第一次“IE差异”的原因。
  • Properties on the event object: ...and similarly, the DOM standard says the actual element on which the event was fired will be the target property. IE6 through IE8 use srcElement instead. (There are other differences, too.) Hence my "Another one" comment.
  • 事件对象的属性:…同样,DOM标准说,触发事件的实际元素将是目标属性。IE6到IE8使用srcElement代替。(还有其他的区别。)这就是我的“另一个”评论。
  • Bug workaround: This is the conflation thing scunliffe pointed out. The above relies on document.getElementById to work correctly, but on IE6 and IE7, it doesn't. It conflates several namespaces rather than working just with id values.
  • Bug解决方案:这是scunliffe指出的合并问题。以上依赖于文档。getElementById可以正常工作,但是在IE6和IE7上就不行。它合并了几个名称空间,而不只是使用id值。

...so all in all, this simple little script makes the point fairly well that libraries in general — and a good library in particular — can save you time, keep your site broadly-compatible, and are just generally worth their little cost. I don't know about the others, but for instance jQuery works around the conflation bug for you, but another well-known and well-respected library, Prototype, does not.


(Side note: Before we knock Microsoft too much, let's remember that attachEvent and srcElement probably predate the DOM2 spec; Microsoft did a lot of innovating in IE5.5 and IE6. [They invented ajax, for instance.] IE6 was — by far — the best browser available in 2001, due apologies to Opera. That said, IE6 came out after the standard did and so adding the standards stuff at that point, or several years later in IE7, might have been a worthwhile thing to do! But IE9 fixes a lot of this stuff.)




You call it simple, but it's doing somewhat advanced things. To emulate delegate, you have to attach a click listener on the root container and check for clicks on any <img> tag.


Not to mention you have to do things like use attachEvent in IE instead of addEventListener


The code would look something like (untested):


function listen(root, callback) {
    var addEvent = 'attachEvent';
    if (typeof window.addEventListener === 'function') {
        addEvent = 'addEventListener';

    root[addEvent](function (e) {
        if (/img/i.test(e.target.tagName)) {
    }, false);

listen(document.getElementById('thumbs'), function () {
    document.getElementById('largeImage').src = this.src.replace(/thumb/ig, 'large');
    document.getElementById('description').src = this.alt;

In fact, as TJ's post shows below, I'm not even handling all of the IE idiosyncrasies. jQuery is not overkill considering all of the browser headaches it solves for you.
