I am facing some problems converting the PHP SQL insertion code below to ASP, I want to use the same concept in ASP, because it is more flexible, not tied to ASP owned keywords.
我在将下面的PHP SQL插入代码转换为ASP时面临一些问题,我想在ASP中使用相同的概念,因为它更灵活,不依赖于ASP拥有的关键字。
Wonder if anyone can help ASP newbie here.
$table = 'tbluser';
$array = array (
'name' => $name,
'email' => $email,
'ip' => $remoteIP
$newid = insert_query ($table, $array);
function insert_query ($table, $array)
global $mysql_errors;
$query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' ';
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
$fieldnamelist .= '' . '`' . $key . '`,';
if ($value == 'now()')
$fieldvaluelist .= 'now(),';
$fieldvaluelist .= '\'' . $value . '\',';
$fieldnamelist = substr ($fieldnamelist, 0, 0 - 1);
$fieldvaluelist = substr ($fieldvaluelist, 0, 0 - 1);
$query .= '' . '(' . $fieldnamelist . ') VALUES (' . $fieldvaluelist . ')';
$result = mysql_query ($query);
if (!$result)
$message = 'Invalid query: ' . mysql_error () . '<br>';
$message .= 'Whole query: ' . $query;
$id = mysql_insert_id ();
return $id;
it's classic ASP. No choice, company still need to maintain this for a specific project.
The main reason I want this specific code style in ASP is because I don't want to tie to the ASP style of querying database (using cmd and etc...)
By creating array collection with key(table fieldname) and value, then convert into a full sql string, I only need to run .execute(sql) , it means in future I can more easier convert the project to other framework, without needing to rewrite the way to insert/update data into DB.
通过使用key(table fieldname)和value创建数组集合,然后转换为完整的sql字符串,我只需要运行.execute(sql),这意味着将来我可以更轻松地将项目转换为其他框架,而无需重写将数据插入/更新到DB的方式。
2 个解决方案
Not exactly the same, but here are some functions I've used in ASP classic sites.
I think it should be a good starting point for learning.
Function AddUser(Name, Email, IP )
dim sqlstmt
sqlstmt = "INSERT INTO tbluser (Name, Email, IP )"
sqlstmt = sqlstmt & " values (?, ?, ?)"
call RunSQL( sqlstmt, array( _
mp("@Name", adVarChar, 100, Name), _
mp("@Email", adVarChar, 100, Email), _
mp("@IP", adVarChar, 100, IP)))
end Function
Function RunSQL(strSqlStmt , params())
On Error resume next
''// Create the ADO objects
Dim cmd
Set cmd = server.createobject("ADODB.Command")
''// Init the ADO objects & the stored proc parameters
cmd.ActiveConnection = GetConnectionString()
cmd.CommandText = strSqlStmt
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
collectParams cmd, params
''// Execute the query without returning a recordset
cmd.Execute , , adExecuteNoRecords
If err.number > 0 then
exit function
end if
''// Cleanup
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = Nothing
Set cmd = Nothing
Exit Function
End Function
Private Sub collectParams(cmd , argparams())
Dim params , v
Dim i , l , u
params = argparams
For i = LBound(params) To UBound(params)
l = LBound(params(i))
u = UBound(params(i))
''// Check for nulls.
If u - l = 3 Then
If VarType(params(i)(3)) = vbString Then
If params(i)(3) = "" then
v = null
v = params(i)(3)
end if
v = params(i)(3)
End If
If params(i)(1) = adLongVarChar Then
Dim p ''// As New Parameter
Set p = cmd.CreateParameter(params(i)(0), params(i)(1), adParamInput)
p.Attributes = adParamLong + adParamSigned
If Not IsNull(v) Then
p.AppendChunk v
p.Size = Len(v)
p.Value = v
p.Size = 10000
End If
cmd.Parameters.Append p
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter(params(i)(0), params(i)(1), adParamInput, params(i)(2), v)
End If
RaiseError m_modName, "collectParams(...): incorrect # of parameters"
End If
End Sub
I guess a simple rewrite would not help you that much as you need to establish a DB connection, handle errors, etc.
I would recommend you have a look at ajaxed library which offers you a db.insert() method .. which I believe does the same as the method you require.
Not exactly the same, but here are some functions I've used in ASP classic sites.
I think it should be a good starting point for learning.
Function AddUser(Name, Email, IP )
dim sqlstmt
sqlstmt = "INSERT INTO tbluser (Name, Email, IP )"
sqlstmt = sqlstmt & " values (?, ?, ?)"
call RunSQL( sqlstmt, array( _
mp("@Name", adVarChar, 100, Name), _
mp("@Email", adVarChar, 100, Email), _
mp("@IP", adVarChar, 100, IP)))
end Function
Function RunSQL(strSqlStmt , params())
On Error resume next
''// Create the ADO objects
Dim cmd
Set cmd = server.createobject("ADODB.Command")
''// Init the ADO objects & the stored proc parameters
cmd.ActiveConnection = GetConnectionString()
cmd.CommandText = strSqlStmt
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
collectParams cmd, params
''// Execute the query without returning a recordset
cmd.Execute , , adExecuteNoRecords
If err.number > 0 then
exit function
end if
''// Cleanup
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = Nothing
Set cmd = Nothing
Exit Function
End Function
Private Sub collectParams(cmd , argparams())
Dim params , v
Dim i , l , u
params = argparams
For i = LBound(params) To UBound(params)
l = LBound(params(i))
u = UBound(params(i))
''// Check for nulls.
If u - l = 3 Then
If VarType(params(i)(3)) = vbString Then
If params(i)(3) = "" then
v = null
v = params(i)(3)
end if
v = params(i)(3)
End If
If params(i)(1) = adLongVarChar Then
Dim p ''// As New Parameter
Set p = cmd.CreateParameter(params(i)(0), params(i)(1), adParamInput)
p.Attributes = adParamLong + adParamSigned
If Not IsNull(v) Then
p.AppendChunk v
p.Size = Len(v)
p.Value = v
p.Size = 10000
End If
cmd.Parameters.Append p
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter(params(i)(0), params(i)(1), adParamInput, params(i)(2), v)
End If
RaiseError m_modName, "collectParams(...): incorrect # of parameters"
End If
End Sub
I guess a simple rewrite would not help you that much as you need to establish a DB connection, handle errors, etc.
I would recommend you have a look at ajaxed library which offers you a db.insert() method .. which I believe does the same as the method you require.