需要帮助将这个php mysql代码转换为mysqli

时间:2022-04-17 02:01:20

I have php code for an upload form, and am trying to update this mysql to the recommended mysqli. I am trying to learn the OO style (and also procedural, but am leaning towards learning the OO style).


I have been successful on updating all my codes so far, except for this snippet:


function query($query) {  
$database = $this->options['database'];  
$host = $this->options['host'];  
$username = $this->options['username'];  
$password = $this->options['password'];  
$link = mysql_connect($host,$username,$password);  
if (!$link) {  
$db_selected = mysql_select_db($database);  
if (!$db_selected) {  
$result = mysql_query($query);  
return $result;  

Can anyone help me translate that into MySQLi, object oriented style? I tried so many combinations I don't know where I am going wrong (I am getting a db error when trying to upload a photo).



1 个解决方案



This should work for you. I'm not sure that a mysqli result will survive a mysqli->close() so I've retrieved the data from the $result into an array and returned that. You might want to test this.

这应该适合你。我不确定mysqli结果会在mysqli-> close()中存活,所以我将$ result中的数据检索到数组中并返回。你可能想测试一下。

I also wonder why you're opening the connection and closing it again around each query. I'd normally open the connection and leave it open until the script has finished all its queries.


function query($query) {  
  // no real need for this - the variables can be used directly
  $database = $this->options['database'];  
  $host = $this->options['host'];  
  $username = $this->options['username'];  
  $password = $this->options['password'];  

  // instantiate the mysqli object. Select the database at the same time.
  $mysqli = new mysqli($host, $username, $password, $database);

  if ($mysqli->connect_error) {  

 $result = $mysqli->query($query); 
 if ($result !== false) { 

   // retrieve data
   $data = array();
   while ($data[] = $result->fetch_assoc()) {}

   // release the result set and close the connection
   return $data;
 } else {
   syslog(LOG_ERROR, "SQL error:".$mysqli->error);
   return false;       



This should work for you. I'm not sure that a mysqli result will survive a mysqli->close() so I've retrieved the data from the $result into an array and returned that. You might want to test this.

这应该适合你。我不确定mysqli结果会在mysqli-> close()中存活,所以我将$ result中的数据检索到数组中并返回。你可能想测试一下。

I also wonder why you're opening the connection and closing it again around each query. I'd normally open the connection and leave it open until the script has finished all its queries.


function query($query) {  
  // no real need for this - the variables can be used directly
  $database = $this->options['database'];  
  $host = $this->options['host'];  
  $username = $this->options['username'];  
  $password = $this->options['password'];  

  // instantiate the mysqli object. Select the database at the same time.
  $mysqli = new mysqli($host, $username, $password, $database);

  if ($mysqli->connect_error) {  

 $result = $mysqli->query($query); 
 if ($result !== false) { 

   // retrieve data
   $data = array();
   while ($data[] = $result->fetch_assoc()) {}

   // release the result set and close the connection
   return $data;
 } else {
   syslog(LOG_ERROR, "SQL error:".$mysqli->error);
   return false;       