
时间:2021-01-14 01:55:24

I am running a service that does some computation and communicates with an ms sql server every minute or so (24/7, uptime is very important) and writes to error log if anything funny happens (like a timeout or lost connection).

我运行的服务进行一些计算,并且每分钟左右与ms sql服务器通信(24/7,正常运行时间非常重要),如果发生任何有趣的事情(如超时或丢失连接),则写入错误日志。

This works great, however once in a while I will get this error:


Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.


Since this is run on client's side, and the exception has only occurred 3 times since the project has been launched (a couple of months now) this would be extremely hard to catch and debug.


I am using OleDbDataAdapter to communicate with the server. The data being received from the server was not special in any way, that I am aware of at least! Data should never exceed field sizes etc, so I can't really think of a reason for this error to occur. Again this is extremly hard to verify since I all I get is the error message.


My question is: Why does this error usually accrue? I have been unable to find any real information about it on the web, so if someone could supply me with some information, that would be very much appreciated.


Thank you!

EDIT: A careful read through the error report showed me that this error has actually occurred during the Fill of DataTable object. Code looks something like this:


    oledbdataAdapter.Fill(DataTable, sqlString);
 catch (Exception e)
    //error has occured, report

Can anyone make sense of this?


EDIT2: I have just thought of this ... Is it possible this exception would be thrown because the system doesn't have enough system resources to complete the Fill? This is the only reason I can think of that would explain the exception occurring. It would also explain why it only occurs on some servers and never occurs on dev server ...


EDIT3: Here is the whole exception in case it gives anyone any more insight:


System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
   at System.Data.DataTable.InsertRow(DataRow row, Int32 proposedID, Int32 pos, Boolean fireEvent)
   at System.Data.DataTable.LoadDataRow(Object[] values, Boolean fAcceptChanges)
   at System.Data.ProviderBase.SchemaMapping.LoadDataRow()
   at System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.FillLoadDataRow(SchemaMapping mapping)
   at System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.FillFromReader(DataSet dataset, DataTable datatable, String srcTable, DataReaderContainer dataReader, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, DataColumn parentChapterColumn, Object parentChapterValue)
   at System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, String srcTable, IDataReader dataReader, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords)
   at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal(DataSet dataset, DataTable[] datatables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
   at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
   at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, String srcTable)
   at INDAZajemService.INDAZajem.FillDataSet()

5 个解决方案


If you are doing calculations on aggregations on the data then it would appear to be resulting in bigger results then the table structure is expecting.



It usually happens when you have a number that is too big or too small to fit into a certain data type. So if you had, say, the number 120398018209571037 and tried to put it into an Int32, you would get this error. You'll need to put some more information in your code about where this is happening in order to pin it down. Good luck!



I was doing a select and filling a DataAdapter with the results. This code is inside a loop and before the loop ends, I clear my DataTable: varDataTable.Clear().



varStrSQL = "select * from my_table where field_whatever = 2 and id_fk = 4"

varDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(varStrSQL, MyConexion)

But after a 65xxx records, I received the error Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.


I'm not sure, but I think the datatable was "dimensioned" with the initial results. Obviously, my first records were integers.


To solve this I don't clear the DataTableTasas, I release it as follows:


varDataTableTasas = Nothing
varDataTableTasas = New Data.DataTable

Hope this helps.



I solved the problem when I was using VS.Net 2013 with SQL Server as backend. Just set the project build settings to "x86" instead of "Any cpu". and there you go. But of-course you need to check your requirements first.

当我使用VS.Net 2013和SQL Server作为后端时,我解决了这个问题。只需将项目构建设置设置为“x86”而不是“Any cpu”。然后你去但当然,您需要先检查您的要求。


I had this issue, but only when connecting from a web application running under IIS. The solution in my case was:


  1. Open IIS
  2. Browse to the application pool used by my application
  3. 浏览到我的应用程序使用的应用程序池

  4. Click "Advanced Settings"
  5. 点击“高级设置”

  6. Change the option "Enable 32-Bit Applications" to "True"
  7. 将“启用32位应用程序”选项更改为“True”

  8. Click "OK"

I didn't even have to restart the application pool, the change fixed the problem immediately.



If you are doing calculations on aggregations on the data then it would appear to be resulting in bigger results then the table structure is expecting.



It usually happens when you have a number that is too big or too small to fit into a certain data type. So if you had, say, the number 120398018209571037 and tried to put it into an Int32, you would get this error. You'll need to put some more information in your code about where this is happening in order to pin it down. Good luck!



I was doing a select and filling a DataAdapter with the results. This code is inside a loop and before the loop ends, I clear my DataTable: varDataTable.Clear().



varStrSQL = "select * from my_table where field_whatever = 2 and id_fk = 4"

varDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(varStrSQL, MyConexion)

But after a 65xxx records, I received the error Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.


I'm not sure, but I think the datatable was "dimensioned" with the initial results. Obviously, my first records were integers.


To solve this I don't clear the DataTableTasas, I release it as follows:


varDataTableTasas = Nothing
varDataTableTasas = New Data.DataTable

Hope this helps.



I solved the problem when I was using VS.Net 2013 with SQL Server as backend. Just set the project build settings to "x86" instead of "Any cpu". and there you go. But of-course you need to check your requirements first.

当我使用VS.Net 2013和SQL Server作为后端时,我解决了这个问题。只需将项目构建设置设置为“x86”而不是“Any cpu”。然后你去但当然,您需要先检查您的要求。


I had this issue, but only when connecting from a web application running under IIS. The solution in my case was:


  1. Open IIS
  2. Browse to the application pool used by my application
  3. 浏览到我的应用程序使用的应用程序池

  4. Click "Advanced Settings"
  5. 点击“高级设置”

  6. Change the option "Enable 32-Bit Applications" to "True"
  7. 将“启用32位应用程序”选项更改为“True”

  8. Click "OK"

I didn't even have to restart the application pool, the change fixed the problem immediately.
