I have a Visual studio based stored procedure that generates a report for a monthly audit process. In the database being queried, all data for each month lives in its own individual table (Contacts_month_1, Contacts_month_2, etc.)
我有一个基于Visual Studio的存储过程,它为每月审计过程生成一个报告。在要查询的数据库中,每个月的所有数据都存在于其各自的表中(Contacts_month_1,Contacts_month_2等)
The SQL used in this report generation has some minor logic included, to allow it to work dynamically, rather than use hard coded dates. The problem arose at the start of January 2017, when I started receiving not just the results for the prior month, but additionally the prior year as well. To be specific, the audit report for December 2016 included data for both 12/2016 and 12/2015. Initially I thought it was a fluke of some kind based on the turn of the year, and we have not had this automated process during the turn as of yet. Unfortunately when I came in to the office today, inside the output file for January 2017, I also received the results for January 2016.
I attempted to include a year check to the process, however I am still getting the same result output. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Declare @GetMonth TinyInt
,@SessionTable varchar(50)
,@ContactTable varchar(50)
,@TableVersion varchar(2)
Declare @GetYear SmallInt
,@SessionTable_year varchar(50)
,@ContactTable_year varchar(50)
,@TableVersion_year varchar(4)
Set @GetMonth=MONTH(cast(GetDate() as Datetime))-1
Set @GetYear=YEAR(cast(GetDate() as Datetime))
If (@getmonth=0) Set @GetMonth=12 + (@GetYear-1)
Set @TableVersion=CAST(@getMonth as varchar(2))
Set @SessionTable='[CentralDWH].[dbo].[Sessions_month_' +@tableversion +']'
Set @ContactTable ='[CentralDWH].[dbo].[Contacts_month_' +@tableversion +']'
-- Select @GetMonth,@GetYear (DEBUGGING STATEMENT)
-- Select @SessionTable,@ContactTable (DEBUGGING STATEMENT)
Exec('SELECT [PBX_id] as AgentID
,[p22_value] as Skill
,''Athens'' as Location
,Convert(varchar(20),c.[local_start_time],120) as local_start_time
,convert(varchar(20),c.[local_end_time],120) as local_end_time
FROM '+@SessionTable +' S
Inner join dbo.Users U on S.user_key=U.user_key
inner Join '+ @ContactTable+' C on S.contact_key=C.contact_key
Where is_screen > 0
And Unit_Num between 398003 and 398005
and P22_value is not null
and c.[local_start_time] > ' + @GetYear
+ ' order by local_start_time')
2 个解决方案
As I understand, the @GetMonth
variable is used for returning the previous month
据我了解,@ GetMonth变量用于返回上个月
Set @GetMonth = MONTH(CAST(GetDate() AS Datetime)) - 1
After a quick look after you procedure my first issue was this line of code:
IF (@getmonth = 0)
SET @GetMonth = 12 + (@GetYear - 1)
I don't understand why are you setting the @GetMonth
variable to 12 + current year -1 and I assume this is the cause to the problem.
我不明白你为什么要将@GetMonth变量设置为12 +当前年-1,我认为这是导致问题的原因。
Did you want to get the 12th month of the previous year when the current month is 1 (January)? If yes then you can easily change the If block to
If @GetMonth = 0
Set @GetMonth = 12
Set @GetYear = @GetYear - 1
Other issues:
It's recommended to keep the consistency of the names of the variables
, this will cause an error if the database collation is case sensitive.建议保持变量名称@GetMonth,@ getmonth的一致性,如果数据库排序规则区分大小写,这将导致错误。
is declared asTinyInt
and this will cause an arithmetic overflow if you try to store the year@GetMonth被声明为TinyInt,如果你试图存储年份,这将导致算术溢出
I recommend testing the dynamic SQL statement that you are composing here with some hard coded values to check the results returned, you can use January and 2016 to check if the actual issue in your procedure or it's in your query.
Hope it helps
Thanks for your help, I figured out the root of the problem, and it was because i was not casting the GetYear as a varchar when trying to run the T-SQL statement. This in turn caused the variable to be completely ignored. I also cleaned up the query a little bit after realizing i was goofing up pretty hard.
Below is the cleaned up functional query, so that it may help someone in the future:
Declare @GetMonth SmallInt,
@SessionTable varchar(50),
@ContactTable varchar(50),
@TableVersion varchar(2),
@GetYear SmallInt,
@YearCheck varchar(4)
Set @GetMonth=MONTH(cast(GetDate() as Datetime))-1
Set @GetYear=YEAR(cast(GetDate() as Datetime))-1
If (@GetMonth=0)
Set @GetMonth =12
Set @GetYear =@GetYear - 1
Set @TableVersion=CAST(@GetMonth as varchar(2))
Set @SessionTable='[CentralDWH].[dbo].[Sessions_month_' +@tableversion +']'
Set @ContactTable ='[CentralDWH].[dbo].[Contacts_month_' +@tableversion +']'
Set @YearCheck=CAST(@GetYear as varchar(4))
--Select @GetMonth,@GetYear,@YearCheck (DEBUGGING STATEMENT)
-- Select @SessionTable,@ContactTable (DEBUGGING STATEMENT)
[PBX_id] as AgentID,
[p22_value] as Skill,
''Athens'' as Location,
Convert(varchar(20),c.[local_start_time],120) as local_start_time,
convert(varchar(20),c.[local_end_time],120) as local_end_time,
FROM '+@SessionTable +' S
Inner join dbo.Users U on S.user_key=U.user_key
inner Join '+ @ContactTable+' C on S.contact_key=C.contact_key
Where is_screen>0
And Unit_Num between 398003 and 398005
And P22_value is not null
And year(c.[local_start_time]) > '+@YearCheck+'
order by local_start_time')
Once I cleaned all this up and remembered to cast the year properly, everything fell into place.
As I understand, the @GetMonth
variable is used for returning the previous month
据我了解,@ GetMonth变量用于返回上个月
Set @GetMonth = MONTH(CAST(GetDate() AS Datetime)) - 1
After a quick look after you procedure my first issue was this line of code:
IF (@getmonth = 0)
SET @GetMonth = 12 + (@GetYear - 1)
I don't understand why are you setting the @GetMonth
variable to 12 + current year -1 and I assume this is the cause to the problem.
我不明白你为什么要将@GetMonth变量设置为12 +当前年-1,我认为这是导致问题的原因。
Did you want to get the 12th month of the previous year when the current month is 1 (January)? If yes then you can easily change the If block to
If @GetMonth = 0
Set @GetMonth = 12
Set @GetYear = @GetYear - 1
Other issues:
It's recommended to keep the consistency of the names of the variables
, this will cause an error if the database collation is case sensitive.建议保持变量名称@GetMonth,@ getmonth的一致性,如果数据库排序规则区分大小写,这将导致错误。
is declared asTinyInt
and this will cause an arithmetic overflow if you try to store the year@GetMonth被声明为TinyInt,如果你试图存储年份,这将导致算术溢出
I recommend testing the dynamic SQL statement that you are composing here with some hard coded values to check the results returned, you can use January and 2016 to check if the actual issue in your procedure or it's in your query.
Hope it helps
Thanks for your help, I figured out the root of the problem, and it was because i was not casting the GetYear as a varchar when trying to run the T-SQL statement. This in turn caused the variable to be completely ignored. I also cleaned up the query a little bit after realizing i was goofing up pretty hard.
Below is the cleaned up functional query, so that it may help someone in the future:
Declare @GetMonth SmallInt,
@SessionTable varchar(50),
@ContactTable varchar(50),
@TableVersion varchar(2),
@GetYear SmallInt,
@YearCheck varchar(4)
Set @GetMonth=MONTH(cast(GetDate() as Datetime))-1
Set @GetYear=YEAR(cast(GetDate() as Datetime))-1
If (@GetMonth=0)
Set @GetMonth =12
Set @GetYear =@GetYear - 1
Set @TableVersion=CAST(@GetMonth as varchar(2))
Set @SessionTable='[CentralDWH].[dbo].[Sessions_month_' +@tableversion +']'
Set @ContactTable ='[CentralDWH].[dbo].[Contacts_month_' +@tableversion +']'
Set @YearCheck=CAST(@GetYear as varchar(4))
--Select @GetMonth,@GetYear,@YearCheck (DEBUGGING STATEMENT)
-- Select @SessionTable,@ContactTable (DEBUGGING STATEMENT)
[PBX_id] as AgentID,
[p22_value] as Skill,
''Athens'' as Location,
Convert(varchar(20),c.[local_start_time],120) as local_start_time,
convert(varchar(20),c.[local_end_time],120) as local_end_time,
FROM '+@SessionTable +' S
Inner join dbo.Users U on S.user_key=U.user_key
inner Join '+ @ContactTable+' C on S.contact_key=C.contact_key
Where is_screen>0
And Unit_Num between 398003 and 398005
And P22_value is not null
And year(c.[local_start_time]) > '+@YearCheck+'
order by local_start_time')
Once I cleaned all this up and remembered to cast the year properly, everything fell into place.