
时间:2021-02-28 01:38:53

I'm trying to filter objects in my database using .filter(field__lte = parameter) however it just returns ALL objects and does not filter any out. I have even set the parameter to well above any value that is stored in the database and all objects are still returned.

我正在尝试使用.filter(field__lte = parameter)过滤数据库中的对象,但是它只返回所有对象并且不会过滤掉任何对象。我甚至将参数设置为远高于存储在数据库中的任何值,并且仍返回所有对象。

>> all_objects = Ranked.objects.all()
>> filtered = all_objects.filter(score__lte = 100) #The max possible score is 100
>> len(filtered)
87 #Every object in the db

The field in the database that I am querying against is an IntegerField.


Am I doing something wrong here? Thanks for your help.


2 个解决方案



As you said max possible score is 100 so it will always return all objects because lte means return all objects whose score is either less than or equal to 100. You might need lt lookup which means just return those objects whose score is less than 100:

正如你所说的最大可能得分为100所以它总会返回所有对象,因为lte意味着返回得分小于或等于100的所有对象。你可能需要lt lookup,这意味着只返回那些得分低于100的对象:

filtered = all_objects.filter(score__lt=100)



You are saying that The max possible score is 100. By using score__lte=100, you are filtering all objects with score less than or equal to 100 - which is every object in the table by your own definition.

您说最大可能得分为100.通过使用score__lte = 100,您将筛选得分小于或等于100的所有对象 - 这是您自己定义的表中的每个对象。



As you said max possible score is 100 so it will always return all objects because lte means return all objects whose score is either less than or equal to 100. You might need lt lookup which means just return those objects whose score is less than 100:

正如你所说的最大可能得分为100所以它总会返回所有对象,因为lte意味着返回得分小于或等于100的所有对象。你可能需要lt lookup,这意味着只返回那些得分低于100的对象:

filtered = all_objects.filter(score__lt=100)



You are saying that The max possible score is 100. By using score__lte=100, you are filtering all objects with score less than or equal to 100 - which is every object in the table by your own definition.

您说最大可能得分为100.通过使用score__lte = 100,您将筛选得分小于或等于100的所有对象 - 这是您自己定义的表中的每个对象。