
时间:2021-03-10 01:38:46

I'm stuck here. I've got a matrix of size NxN stored in a double array. Then I want to delete a given column, lets say the first column. So I created a new double array of size NxN-1 and copy the values from the first matrix to the second one, except the 1st column of course. But then I want to set the first array to be the second array. I am blanking here.


double matrix[N][N]
//fill up the matrix code here...

// remove first column of array
double newMatrix[N][N-1];
for(i = 0; i < N; i++){
    for(j = 1; j < N; j++){
        newMatrix[i][j-1] = matrix[i][j];
matrix = newMatrix; // how do I set this correctly?  Do I need to realloc the first array?

3 个解决方案



You cannot assign arrays in C, which I assume that your compiler tells you. To do such dynamic memory management, you will need to use pointers instead of arrays. I suggest you read up on how malloc() and free() work so that you can do what you want.




Another solution comes to mind if you are only removing columns (or rows): keep track of the number of rows and columns used in the array. Then you can remove a row or column within the original array without creating a copy first. Just move the data past the delete column (or row) to the left (or up) then decrement your size counters. (I hope this make sense. If not let me know and I'll elaborate.)




like Code-guru said malloc() and free() should help alot, but if u simply wanted to delete the last column the you wouldn't need two arrays:


double matrix[2][3] = {1,2,3,4,5,6}; //declaring a 2 by 3 matrix 

for (i=0;i<2;i++) //rows
    for (j=0;j<3-1;j++) //columns - 1
        printf("%.1f ",matrix[i][j]); //I chose to display matrix...



Instead of accessing elements from array[i][j], one might opt to access elements from array + stride_x[x] + stride_y[y]; where array is originally introduced as double matrix[N*N]; or double *matrix = malloc(sizeof(double)*N*N);.

与其访问数组[i][j]中的元素,还可以选择从数组+ stride_x[x] + stride_y[y]中访问元素;其中数组最初引入为双矩阵[N*N];或双*矩阵= malloc(sizeof(double)*N*N);

The stride_y[x] would originally contain offsets of columns for all rows: 0 1 2 3 4 ... N-1 and stride_y[y] would contain similar offsets multiplied with original row width 0 N 2*N 3*N..

stride_y[x]最初将包含所有行的列偏移量:0 1 2 3 4…N-1和stride_y[y]将包含与原始行宽度0 N 2*N 3*N相同的偏移量。

From these 1-D arrays one can more effortlessly delete or exchange complete rows and columns, which may come handy in eg. recursive implementation of determinant calculation / Gauss Jordan elimination.




You cannot assign arrays in C, which I assume that your compiler tells you. To do such dynamic memory management, you will need to use pointers instead of arrays. I suggest you read up on how malloc() and free() work so that you can do what you want.




Another solution comes to mind if you are only removing columns (or rows): keep track of the number of rows and columns used in the array. Then you can remove a row or column within the original array without creating a copy first. Just move the data past the delete column (or row) to the left (or up) then decrement your size counters. (I hope this make sense. If not let me know and I'll elaborate.)




like Code-guru said malloc() and free() should help alot, but if u simply wanted to delete the last column the you wouldn't need two arrays:


double matrix[2][3] = {1,2,3,4,5,6}; //declaring a 2 by 3 matrix 

for (i=0;i<2;i++) //rows
    for (j=0;j<3-1;j++) //columns - 1
        printf("%.1f ",matrix[i][j]); //I chose to display matrix...



Instead of accessing elements from array[i][j], one might opt to access elements from array + stride_x[x] + stride_y[y]; where array is originally introduced as double matrix[N*N]; or double *matrix = malloc(sizeof(double)*N*N);.

与其访问数组[i][j]中的元素,还可以选择从数组+ stride_x[x] + stride_y[y]中访问元素;其中数组最初引入为双矩阵[N*N];或双*矩阵= malloc(sizeof(double)*N*N);

The stride_y[x] would originally contain offsets of columns for all rows: 0 1 2 3 4 ... N-1 and stride_y[y] would contain similar offsets multiplied with original row width 0 N 2*N 3*N..

stride_y[x]最初将包含所有行的列偏移量:0 1 2 3 4…N-1和stride_y[y]将包含与原始行宽度0 N 2*N 3*N相同的偏移量。

From these 1-D arrays one can more effortlessly delete or exchange complete rows and columns, which may come handy in eg. recursive implementation of determinant calculation / Gauss Jordan elimination.
