Django .values_list()替代方法为ForeignKey字段的模型返回QuerySet?

时间:2022-04-20 01:35:36

I'm looking for a clean way to convert one type of QuerySet to another based on a models ForeignKey field, so basically something like a .values_list('my_fk', flat=True) but returning a proper QuerySet instead of a values_list() variant.

我正在寻找一种基于模型ForeignKey字段将一种类型的QuerySet转换为另一种类型的干净方法,所以基本上类似于.values_list('my_fk',flat = True)但返回正确的QuerySet而不是values_list()变种。

For example:

class Parent(models.Model):
    child = models.ForeignKey(Child)

children_qs = Parent.objects.filter(...).theMagicMethod('child')  

Here children_qs should now be a queryset for all Child instances used in the earlier query, instead of a queryset returning Parent instance.


You can sort of do this with a custom queryset and an __in lookup but it feels a bit smelly:


class ParentQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
    def children(self):
        return Child.objects.filter(id__in=self.values_list('child_id', flat=True))

This takes all the child_id FK's from the records in the Parent's queryset and re-query Child directly. When I inspect the SQL it does a sub query, and I'm not sure if this is optimal or has some odd side effects. It does look like the ordering from the original Parent query is gone, and so are duplicates.

这将从Parent的查询集中的记录中获取所有child_id FK,并直接重新查询Child。当我检查SQL它做了一个子查询,我不确定这是否是最佳的或有一些奇怪的副作用。它看起来像原始父查询的排序已经消失,因此重复。

Does anyone got something better then this?


note: I'm aware I could query directly via Child and filter the Parent's fields using the reverse lookup, but that doesn't support everything you can do on the main model.


2 个解决方案



Try this, it will return query_set of Child class


parent_primary_keys = Parent.objects.filter(...).values_list('pk',flat=True)

 children_qs = Child.objects.filter(id__in=parent_primary_keys)



It sounds like you can leverage the Django's function prefetch_related. Check out this answer and django's documentation




Try this, it will return query_set of Child class


parent_primary_keys = Parent.objects.filter(...).values_list('pk',flat=True)

 children_qs = Child.objects.filter(id__in=parent_primary_keys)



It sounds like you can leverage the Django's function prefetch_related. Check out this answer and django's documentation
