Javascript /起重或承诺范围/延期吗?

时间:2021-10-10 01:20:41

I am trying to make an external AJAX call to an API within a Jquery each loop.


Here is the code I have so far.


getStylesInfo(tmpMake, tmpModel, tmpModelYear, tmpSubmodel).done(function(data){
    var holder = [];

    $.each(styles, function(index, value) {
        var tempValue = value;
        var temp = getNavigationInfo(;

            if(arguments[0].equipmentCount == 1){


function getStylesInfo(make, model, year, submodel){
    return $.ajax({
    type: "GET",
    url: apiUrlBase + make + '/' + model + '/' + year + '/' + 'styles?  fmt=json&' + 'submodel=' + submodel + '&api_key=' + edmundsApiKey + '&view=full',
   dataType: "jsonp"

function getNavigationInfo(styleId){
    return $.ajax({
    type: "GET", 
    url: apiUrlBase + 'styles/' + styleId + '/equipment?availability=standard&name=NAVIGATION_SYSTEM&fmt=json&api_key=' + edmundsApiKey,
    dataType: "jsonp"

The getStylesInfo() returns something similar to this. An array of objects with info about a car model.


var sampleReturnedData = [{'drivenWheels': 'front wheel drive', 'id': 234321}, {'drivenWheels': 'front wheel drive', 'id': 994301}, {'drivenWheels': 'rear wheel drive', 'id': 032021}, {'drivenWheels': 'all wheel drive', 'id': 184555}];  

I am trying to loop through the sampleReturnedData and use each id as a parameter in a different AJAX call with the getNavigationInfo() function.


I want to loop through the results and make a check. If it is true then I want to push the entire object to the holder array.


The problem is the console.log(holder) outside the function returns an empty array. The console.log(holder) within the if statement works properly.


I am not sure if this is a scope/hoisting issue or a problem with the way I am using deferreds?


I have read this question and many like it. They suggest to use either



Or to rewrite the code better. I have tried and used console debugger numerous times. I don't want to set it to false. I'm just unsure what exactly is going on.


I've also read up on hoisting via this article.


I believe it has to do with deferreds but I don't have enough JS knowledge to figure it out.




1 个解决方案



I am not sure if this is a scope/hoisting issue or a problem with the way I am using deferreds?


In fact, it is both:


  • holder is declared only within the callback function (as a local variable), so it's undefined outside the function.
  • holder仅在回调函数中声明(作为局部变量),因此在函数之外没有定义。
  • And the console.log is executed before the asynchronous callback function does fill the array with values, so even if holder was in scope it would still have been empty. See also Why is my variable unaltered after I modify it inside of a function? - Asynchronous code reference
  • 和控制台。在异步回调函数用值填充数组之前执行日志,因此即使holder在作用域中,它仍然是空的。还可以看到为什么我的变量在函数中修改后没有被修改?——异步代码参考

So what you should do is indeed to rewrite your code to use promises properly :-)


getStylesInfo(tmpMake, tmpModel, tmpModelYear, tmpSubmodel).then(function(data) {
    var holder = [];
    var promises = $.map(data.styles, function(value, index) {
        return getNavigationInfo({
            if (v.equipmentCount == 1)
    return $.when.apply($, promises).then(function() {
        return holder;
    }); // a promise for the `holder` array when all navigation requests are done
}).then(function(holder) {
    console.log(holder); // use the array here, in an async callback



I am not sure if this is a scope/hoisting issue or a problem with the way I am using deferreds?


In fact, it is both:


  • holder is declared only within the callback function (as a local variable), so it's undefined outside the function.
  • holder仅在回调函数中声明(作为局部变量),因此在函数之外没有定义。
  • And the console.log is executed before the asynchronous callback function does fill the array with values, so even if holder was in scope it would still have been empty. See also Why is my variable unaltered after I modify it inside of a function? - Asynchronous code reference
  • 和控制台。在异步回调函数用值填充数组之前执行日志,因此即使holder在作用域中,它仍然是空的。还可以看到为什么我的变量在函数中修改后没有被修改?——异步代码参考

So what you should do is indeed to rewrite your code to use promises properly :-)


getStylesInfo(tmpMake, tmpModel, tmpModelYear, tmpSubmodel).then(function(data) {
    var holder = [];
    var promises = $.map(data.styles, function(value, index) {
        return getNavigationInfo({
            if (v.equipmentCount == 1)
    return $.when.apply($, promises).then(function() {
        return holder;
    }); // a promise for the `holder` array when all navigation requests are done
}).then(function(holder) {
    console.log(holder); // use the array here, in an async callback