
时间:2022-04-24 01:22:51

How to create the date in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format using JavaScript ? For example, I want to get the date as 20131018064838.


3 个解决方案



var date = new Date();alert( date.getFullYear() + ("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + ("0" + this.getDate()).slice(-2) + ("0" + this.getHours() + 1 ).slice(-2) + ("0" + this.getMinutes()).slice(-2) + ("0" + this.getSeconds()).slice(-2) );


function pad2(n) { return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n }var date = new Date();alert( date.getFullYear().toString() + pad2(date.getMonth() + 1) + pad2( date.getDate()) + pad2( date.getHours() ) + pad2( date.getMinutes() ) + pad2( date.getSeconds() ) );



Here's my (ES5 safe) method to add the YYYYMMDDHHMMSS() function to any Date object.


On older browsers, either shim Object.defineProperty or just add the inner function directly to Date.prototype:

在较旧的浏览器上,可以使用shim Object.defineProperty或直接将内部函数添加到Date.prototype:

Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSS', {    value: function() {        function pad2(n) {  // always returns a string            return (n < 10 ? '0' : '') + n;        }        return this.getFullYear() +               pad2(this.getMonth() + 1) +                pad2(this.getDate()) +               pad2(this.getHours()) +               pad2(this.getMinutes()) +               pad2(this.getSeconds());    }});



Please try using prototype method as following.


     Date.prototype.YYYYMMDDHHMMSS = function () {        var yyyy = this.getFullYear().toString();        var MM = pad(this.getMonth() + 1,2);        var dd = pad(this.getDate(), 2);        var hh = pad(this.getHours(), 2);        var mm = pad(this.getMinutes(), 2)        var ss = pad(this.getSeconds(), 2)        return yyyy + MM + dd+  hh + mm + ss;    };    function getDate() {        d = new Date();        alert(d.YYYYMMDDHHMMSS());    }    function pad(number, length) {        var str = '' + number;        while (str.length < length) {            str = '0' + str;        }        return str;    }



var date = new Date();alert( date.getFullYear() + ("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + ("0" + this.getDate()).slice(-2) + ("0" + this.getHours() + 1 ).slice(-2) + ("0" + this.getMinutes()).slice(-2) + ("0" + this.getSeconds()).slice(-2) );


function pad2(n) { return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n }var date = new Date();alert( date.getFullYear().toString() + pad2(date.getMonth() + 1) + pad2( date.getDate()) + pad2( date.getHours() ) + pad2( date.getMinutes() ) + pad2( date.getSeconds() ) );



Here's my (ES5 safe) method to add the YYYYMMDDHHMMSS() function to any Date object.


On older browsers, either shim Object.defineProperty or just add the inner function directly to Date.prototype:

在较旧的浏览器上,可以使用shim Object.defineProperty或直接将内部函数添加到Date.prototype:

Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSS', {    value: function() {        function pad2(n) {  // always returns a string            return (n < 10 ? '0' : '') + n;        }        return this.getFullYear() +               pad2(this.getMonth() + 1) +                pad2(this.getDate()) +               pad2(this.getHours()) +               pad2(this.getMinutes()) +               pad2(this.getSeconds());    }});



Please try using prototype method as following.


     Date.prototype.YYYYMMDDHHMMSS = function () {        var yyyy = this.getFullYear().toString();        var MM = pad(this.getMonth() + 1,2);        var dd = pad(this.getDate(), 2);        var hh = pad(this.getHours(), 2);        var mm = pad(this.getMinutes(), 2)        var ss = pad(this.getSeconds(), 2)        return yyyy + MM + dd+  hh + mm + ss;    };    function getDate() {        d = new Date();        alert(d.YYYYMMDDHHMMSS());    }    function pad(number, length) {        var str = '' + number;        while (str.length < length) {            str = '0' + str;        }        return str;    }