
时间:2022-04-24 01:23:03

How to create a bookmark button that sends the whole page as email .


4 个解决方案


HTML content of a page is a bit harder to send, you can use this to send the page's text in an email like this -

页面的HTML内容有点难以发送,你可以使用它来发送这样的电子邮件中的页面文本 -

if (document.all)
    window.open("mailto:email@email.com?body=" + document.body.innerText); //For IE
    window.open("mailto:email@email.com?body=" + document.body.textContent); //For FF et al.

The bookmark will be -

书签将是 -

"javascript:if (document.all) window.open('mailto:email@email.com?body=' + document.body.innerText); else window.open('mailto:email@email.com?body=' + document.body.textContent);"

EDIT: For this to work, you'll have to create a link, and you'll have to right-click it and click "Add to Favorites".


<a href="javascript:if (document.all) window.open('mailto:email@email.com?body=' + document.body.innerText); else window.open('mailto:email@email.com?body=' + document.body.textContent);">Bookmark This</a>


I played with your question a little bit, done it with jquery ($('html').html()), and everything seemed fine for a moment.. BUT.. after I tried to email the whole content it didn't work either. When I got why it did not work I laughed - url too long, dude, software won't open it. Tested even on hard-coded string - short content opened the mail client fine, long did not.

我用你的问题玩了一下,用jquery($('html')。html())完成它,一切似乎都很好..但是......在我试图通过电子邮件发送整个内容后它没有工作要么。当我知道为什么它不起作用时我笑了 - 网址太长,老兄,软件不会打开它。甚至在硬编码的字符串上测试 - 短内容打开邮件客户端很好,很久没有。


If you want to read the html with javascript so hard, you can do it, but you have to send it via post to your server and mail it from there. Cheerz

如果你想用javascript阅读html这么难,你可以做到,但你必须通过邮件发送到你的服务器并从那里发送邮件。 Cheerz

ps. try with some test short html content and then with a whole casual webpage


        $("#testlink").click(function() {
            $('#trick').text($("html").html().replace(/[\r\n]+/g, "%0A"));
            window.open('email@email.com?body='+$('#trick').html(), 'email', '');


I know I'm bit late for this ;-) but try the following page. Its the perfect solution to your requirement: http://solutions.weblite.ca/emailwebpage/



Put something like this within the head section of your HTML document, or better yet, skip the script tags and


put it in an external file and link to it in the head section instead:


<script language="JavaScript" type="Text/Javascript"><!-- // 
var url = " "; //u can add ur url
var pageName = "Client side programming"; 
function bookmark() { 
if (window.external) { 
window.external.AddFavorite(url, pageName)   
else { 
alert("Sorry! Your browser doesn't support function. 
Use the bookmark option in your browser instead."); 
} // --></script>

And this somewhere in the body section of your HTML document:


<input type="button" name="Bookmark this page" onclick="bookmark()" />


Simple link:
href="javascript:bookmark()">Click here to bookmark this page


HTML content of a page is a bit harder to send, you can use this to send the page's text in an email like this -

页面的HTML内容有点难以发送,你可以使用它来发送这样的电子邮件中的页面文本 -

if (document.all)
    window.open("mailto:email@email.com?body=" + document.body.innerText); //For IE
    window.open("mailto:email@email.com?body=" + document.body.textContent); //For FF et al.

The bookmark will be -

书签将是 -

"javascript:if (document.all) window.open('mailto:email@email.com?body=' + document.body.innerText); else window.open('mailto:email@email.com?body=' + document.body.textContent);"

EDIT: For this to work, you'll have to create a link, and you'll have to right-click it and click "Add to Favorites".


<a href="javascript:if (document.all) window.open('mailto:email@email.com?body=' + document.body.innerText); else window.open('mailto:email@email.com?body=' + document.body.textContent);">Bookmark This</a>


I played with your question a little bit, done it with jquery ($('html').html()), and everything seemed fine for a moment.. BUT.. after I tried to email the whole content it didn't work either. When I got why it did not work I laughed - url too long, dude, software won't open it. Tested even on hard-coded string - short content opened the mail client fine, long did not.

我用你的问题玩了一下,用jquery($('html')。html())完成它,一切似乎都很好..但是......在我试图通过电子邮件发送整个内容后它没有工作要么。当我知道为什么它不起作用时我笑了 - 网址太长,老兄,软件不会打开它。甚至在硬编码的字符串上测试 - 短内容打开邮件客户端很好,很久没有。


If you want to read the html with javascript so hard, you can do it, but you have to send it via post to your server and mail it from there. Cheerz

如果你想用javascript阅读html这么难,你可以做到,但你必须通过邮件发送到你的服务器并从那里发送邮件。 Cheerz

ps. try with some test short html content and then with a whole casual webpage


        $("#testlink").click(function() {
            $('#trick').text($("html").html().replace(/[\r\n]+/g, "%0A"));
            window.open('email@email.com?body='+$('#trick').html(), 'email', '');


I know I'm bit late for this ;-) but try the following page. Its the perfect solution to your requirement: http://solutions.weblite.ca/emailwebpage/



Put something like this within the head section of your HTML document, or better yet, skip the script tags and


put it in an external file and link to it in the head section instead:


<script language="JavaScript" type="Text/Javascript"><!-- // 
var url = " "; //u can add ur url
var pageName = "Client side programming"; 
function bookmark() { 
if (window.external) { 
window.external.AddFavorite(url, pageName)   
else { 
alert("Sorry! Your browser doesn't support function. 
Use the bookmark option in your browser instead."); 
} // --></script>

And this somewhere in the body section of your HTML document:


<input type="button" name="Bookmark this page" onclick="bookmark()" />


Simple link:
href="javascript:bookmark()">Click here to bookmark this page