为什么Rails 4脚手架要创建json。jbuilder文件?

时间:2021-06-17 01:20:32

I've generated a new rails 4 (rc1) project using rails new and generated a scaffold using rails g scaffold.

我使用rails新建了一个新的rails 4 (rc1)项目,并使用rails g scaffold生成了一个scaffold。

As expected it has created the migration, controller and all required view files.


It has also created show.json.jbuilder and index.json.jbuilder.

它还创建了show.json。jbuilder index.json.jbuilder。

I assume this is to aid json generation from models. The controller contains format.json invocations as well.


Question: why does it require json and which part of the generated application is using json? It doesn't look like (for me) the views are using json to render anything, seems they are rendered on the server side (@model variables are used in the views to get the content).


The edge guides (http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/) don't see to mention jbuilder and why it's needed there.


Thanks in advance! Please let me know if I can clarify the question.


5 个解决方案



To answer the "why" part:


The relevance of scaffolding in Rails has somewhat shifted over the years. It is no longer meant to generate necessary code which couldn't be abstracted away easily. Today it is mostly an educational tool to provide you with a somewhat dynamic example and demonstrate best practices. (That's also the reason why they are sprinkled with comments with disputable usefulness)


In other words the generated files are meant to tell you:


If you are going to use Rails, here is a good way how you could do it.


or in your specific case:


If you are going to use JBuilder, here is a good way to generate JSON.


They are not meant to tell: "This is how it must be done." or "You have to keep all the generated stuff because it's necessary."




As said before, Rails 4 seems to generate the files as a way to have a template for responding to a JSON query. So let's say you have "scaffolded" a model Car, then it will respond with a HTML page and a detail view of car (id 1) if you go /car/1.

如前所述,Rails 4似乎生成文件,作为对JSON查询进行响应的模板。假设你有一个“搭建”模型车,如果你去/ Car /1,它会响应一个HTML页面和一个详细的Car视图(id 1)。

Then if you go to /car/1.json, it will render the show.json.jbuilder file. There also seems to be some kind of automatic mechanism as the show method is empty when scaffolding:


def show



Rails 4 scaffold generator creates jbuilder files because the gem 'Jbuilder' is in the Gemfile. If you remove this from your Gemfile this functionality will stop.

Rails 4 scaffold生成器创建jbuilder文件是因为gem“jbuilder”位于Gemfile中。如果您从Gemfile中删除它,这个功能将停止。



Jbuilder gem included in RoR 4 by default. You could read about it on its page. There is a cast about it: Railscasts #320.

默认情况下,RoR 4中包含了Jbuilder gem。你可以在它的页面上看到。关于它有一个演员阵容:铁路广播#320。



Nowadays Angular or similar frameworks are popular or if you are writing an API for a mobile application. This JSON builder view can be used. There we will not be using Rails views. For all the rest API's JSON has became the standard format. It is useful to have both HTML view's & JSON created automatically by the rails scaffold.

现在,有棱角的或类似的框架很流行,或者如果您正在为移动应用程序编写API的话。可以使用这个JSON builder视图。在那里我们不会使用Rails视图。对于所有的rest API, JSON都成为了标准格式。由rails脚手架自动创建HTML视图和JSON是很有用的。



To answer the "why" part:


The relevance of scaffolding in Rails has somewhat shifted over the years. It is no longer meant to generate necessary code which couldn't be abstracted away easily. Today it is mostly an educational tool to provide you with a somewhat dynamic example and demonstrate best practices. (That's also the reason why they are sprinkled with comments with disputable usefulness)


In other words the generated files are meant to tell you:


If you are going to use Rails, here is a good way how you could do it.


or in your specific case:


If you are going to use JBuilder, here is a good way to generate JSON.


They are not meant to tell: "This is how it must be done." or "You have to keep all the generated stuff because it's necessary."




As said before, Rails 4 seems to generate the files as a way to have a template for responding to a JSON query. So let's say you have "scaffolded" a model Car, then it will respond with a HTML page and a detail view of car (id 1) if you go /car/1.

如前所述,Rails 4似乎生成文件,作为对JSON查询进行响应的模板。假设你有一个“搭建”模型车,如果你去/ Car /1,它会响应一个HTML页面和一个详细的Car视图(id 1)。

Then if you go to /car/1.json, it will render the show.json.jbuilder file. There also seems to be some kind of automatic mechanism as the show method is empty when scaffolding:


def show



Rails 4 scaffold generator creates jbuilder files because the gem 'Jbuilder' is in the Gemfile. If you remove this from your Gemfile this functionality will stop.

Rails 4 scaffold生成器创建jbuilder文件是因为gem“jbuilder”位于Gemfile中。如果您从Gemfile中删除它,这个功能将停止。



Jbuilder gem included in RoR 4 by default. You could read about it on its page. There is a cast about it: Railscasts #320.

默认情况下,RoR 4中包含了Jbuilder gem。你可以在它的页面上看到。关于它有一个演员阵容:铁路广播#320。



Nowadays Angular or similar frameworks are popular or if you are writing an API for a mobile application. This JSON builder view can be used. There we will not be using Rails views. For all the rest API's JSON has became the standard format. It is useful to have both HTML view's & JSON created automatically by the rails scaffold.

现在,有棱角的或类似的框架很流行,或者如果您正在为移动应用程序编写API的话。可以使用这个JSON builder视图。在那里我们不会使用Rails视图。对于所有的rest API, JSON都成为了标准格式。由rails脚手架自动创建HTML视图和JSON是很有用的。