
时间:2022-12-22 01:20:53

I am trying to use the same form to create a new database entry, display current DB information, and now update the DB information, but am stuck trying to patch in the create method within the controller. I have tried using first_or_initialize and find_or_initialize_by_name, but cant seem to get them to work for this situation. I was thinking of trying a if something.nil? / else type of design. I am new at this and any help is appreciated!

我试图使用相同的表单来创建一个新的数据库条目,显示当前的数据库信息,现在更新数据库信息,但我试图修改控制器内的create方法。我尝试过使用first_or_initialize和find_or_initialize_by_name,但似乎无法让它们适应这种情况。我在考虑尝试if something.nil? / else设计​​类型。我是新来的,任何帮助表示赞赏!

This is my controller (working currently to create new DB):


    def create
     params[:student].each do |student_id, attendance_type|
      attendance = Attendance.new
      attendance.attendance_type = attendance_type.to_i
      attendance.student_id = student_id
      attendance.event_id = params[:event_id]
     redirect_to :back


     <% @students.each do |student| %>
      <form class="form-group" action="/events/<%= @event.id %>/attendances" method="post">
      <div class="checkbox">
        <td style="white-space:normal;"><%= link_to student.name, student_path(student.id) %></td>

        <% attendance = student.attendances.find_by_event_id(@event.id) %>
        <% if attendance.blank? || attendance.attendance_type == 1 %>
          <td style="white-space:normal;"><label class="radio-inline"><input type="radio" name="student[<%= student.id %>]" checked="checked" id="inlineRadio1" value="1"></label></td>
          <td style="white-space:normal;"><label class="radio-inline"><input type="radio" name="student[<%= student.id %>]" id="inlineRadio2" value="2"></label></td>
          <td style="white-space:normal;"><label class="radio-inline"><input type="radio" name="student[<%= student.id %>]" id="inlineRadio3" value="3"></label></td>
        <% elsif attendance.attendance_type == 2 %>
          <td style="white-space:normal;"><label class="radio-inline"><input type="radio" name="student[<%= student.id %>]" id="inlineRadio1" value="1"></label></td>
          <td style="white-space:normal;"><label class="radio-inline"><input type="radio" name="student[<%= student.id %>]" checked="checked" id="inlineRadio2" value="2"></label></td>
          <td style="white-space:normal;"><label class="radio-inline"><input type="radio" name="student[<%= student.id %>]" id="inlineRadio3" value="3"></label></td>
        <% else attendance.attendance_type == 3 %>
          <td style="white-space:normal;"><label class="radio-inline"><input type="radio" name="student[<%= student.id %>]" id="inlineRadio1" value="1"></label></td>
          <td style="white-space:normal;"><label class="radio-inline"><input type="radio" name="student[<%= student.id %>]" id="inlineRadio2" value="2"></label></td>
          <td style="white-space:normal;"><label class="radio-inline"><input type="radio" name="student[<%= student.id %>]" checked="checked" id="inlineRadio3" value="3"></label></td>
        <% end %>
    <% end %>
        <tr><%= button_to 'Submit', :class => 'btn btn-primary' %></tr>


Thank you in advance!


1 个解决方案


Hopefully this is your missing piece. I do not believe it will help with efficiency. I will explain after.


Using an attribute already existing for your model I would do the following to either find or create an attendance object for student with the id 10.


Attendance.where(:student_id => 10).first_or_create do |attendance|
  attendance.event_id = 3 #arbitrary
  attendance.attendance_type = 2 #arbitrary


attendance = Attendance.where(:student_id => 10).first_or_initialize
# a bunch of ways to set attributes
# ... and then

Now, why this may be inefficient. If you are going through each student parameter and looping through some attribute you will incur multiple calls. For example, for 100 students you will end up doing 100 separate queries if you loop for a first_or_initialize on every student attribute set. What I suggest is mapping all of the parameters that you require together into one array, doing a where query and then looping through the array. Put them all into one create call as an array, and BAM you cut yourself some serious ActiveRecord overhead.


#Just giving some context to the student param keys
student_ids = params[:student].keys 
#Query for all student ids
attendances = Attendance.where(student_id: student_ids) 
#Get a list of ids by filtering out all of the existing ids
new_student_ids = student_ids - attendances.map{|a| a.student_id}
#Create an array to carry your hashes
attendances = Array.new
#Cycle through all of your non-created ids and build you create list
new_student_ids.each do |id|
  attendances << {#assign all values as a hash by grabbing them from params[:student] using the iterating id}
#Create a bunch at once
Attendance.create attendances


Hopefully this is your missing piece. I do not believe it will help with efficiency. I will explain after.


Using an attribute already existing for your model I would do the following to either find or create an attendance object for student with the id 10.


Attendance.where(:student_id => 10).first_or_create do |attendance|
  attendance.event_id = 3 #arbitrary
  attendance.attendance_type = 2 #arbitrary


attendance = Attendance.where(:student_id => 10).first_or_initialize
# a bunch of ways to set attributes
# ... and then

Now, why this may be inefficient. If you are going through each student parameter and looping through some attribute you will incur multiple calls. For example, for 100 students you will end up doing 100 separate queries if you loop for a first_or_initialize on every student attribute set. What I suggest is mapping all of the parameters that you require together into one array, doing a where query and then looping through the array. Put them all into one create call as an array, and BAM you cut yourself some serious ActiveRecord overhead.


#Just giving some context to the student param keys
student_ids = params[:student].keys 
#Query for all student ids
attendances = Attendance.where(student_id: student_ids) 
#Get a list of ids by filtering out all of the existing ids
new_student_ids = student_ids - attendances.map{|a| a.student_id}
#Create an array to carry your hashes
attendances = Array.new
#Cycle through all of your non-created ids and build you create list
new_student_ids.each do |id|
  attendances << {#assign all values as a hash by grabbing them from params[:student] using the iterating id}
#Create a bunch at once
Attendance.create attendances