I have a queries that reside in multiple methods each (query) of which can contain multiple parameters. I am trying to reduce file size and line count to make it more maintainable. Below is such an occurrence:
$sql_update = qq { UPDATE database.table
SET column = 'UPDATE!'
WHERE id = ?
$sth_update = $dbh->prepare($sql_update);
if ($dbh->err) {
my $error = "Could not prepare statement. Error: ". $dbh->errstr ." Exiting at line " . __LINE__;
print "$error\n";
if ($dbh->err) {
my $error = "Could not execute statement. Error: ". $dbh->errstr ." Exiting at line " . __LINE__;
print "$error\n";
This is just one example, however, there are various other select examples that contain just the one parameter to be passed in, however there is also some with two or more parameters. I guess I am just wondering would it be possible to encapsulate this all into a function/method, pass in an array of parameters, how would the parameters be populated into the execute() function?
If this was possible I could write a method that you simply just pass in the SQL query and parameters and get back a reference to the fetched records. Does this sound safe at all?
5 个解决方案
If line-count and maintainable code is your only goal, your best bet would be to use any one of the several fine ORM frameworks/libraries available. Class::DBI and DBIx::Class are two fine starting points. Just in case, you are worried about spending additional time to learn these modules - dont: It took me just one afternoon to get started and productive. Using Class::DBI for example your example is just one line:
如果行数和可维护代码是您唯一的目标,那么您最好的选择是使用几个可用的精细ORM框架/库中的任何一个。 Class :: DBI和DBIx :: Class是两个很好的起点。为了以防万一,你担心花费额外的时间来学习这些模块 - 不要:我只花了一个下午才开始并提高工作效率。以Class :: DBI为例,您的示例只是一行:
Table->retrieve(id => $parameter)->column('UPDATE!')->update;
The only down-side (if that) of these frameworks is that very complicated SQL statements required writing custom methods learning which may take you some additional time (not too much) to get around.
No sense in checking for errors after every single database call. How tedious!
Instead, when you connect to the database, set the RaiseError option to true. Then if a database error occurs, an exception will be thrown. If you do not catch it (in an eval{} block), your program will die with a message, similar to what you were doing manually above.
相反,当您连接到数据库时,将RaiseError选项设置为true。然后,如果发生数据库错误,将引发异常。如果你没有捕获它(在eval {}块中),你的程序将会丢失一条消息,类似于你上面手动执行的操作。
The "execute" function does accept an array containing all your parameters.
You just have to find a way to indicate which statement handle you want to execute and you're done ...
It would be much better to keep your statement handles somewhere because if you create a new one each time and prepare it each time you don't really rip the benefits of "prepare" ...
About returning all rows you can do that ( something like "while fetchrow_hashref push" ) be beware of large result sets that coudl eat all your memory !
关于返回所有可以执行此操作的行(类似于“while fetchrow_hashref push”),请注意大型结果集,这些结果集可以满足您的所有记忆!
Here's a simple approach using closures/anonymous subs stored in a hash by keyword name (compiles, but not tested otherwise), edited to include use of RaiseError
# define cached SQL in hash, to access by keyword
sub genCachedSQL {
my $dbh = shift;
my $sqls = shift; # hashref for keyword => sql query
while (my($name,$sql) = each %$sqls) {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
$SQL_CACHE{$name}->{sth} = $sth;
$SQL_CACHE{$name}->{exec} = sub { # closure for execute(s)
my @parameters = @_;
return sub { # closure for resultset iterator - check for undef
my $row; eval { $row = $SQL_CACHE{$name}->{sth}->fetchrow_arrayref(); };
return $row;
} # end resultset closure
} # end exec closure
} # end while each %$sqls
return \%SQL_CACHE;
} # end genCachedSQL
my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:...', { RaiseError => 1 });
# initialize cached SQL statements
my $sqlrun = genCachedSQL($dbh,
{'insert_table1' => qq{ INSERT INTO database.table1 (id, column) VALUES (?,?) },
'update_table1' => qq{ UPDATE database.table1 SET column = 'UPDATE!' WHERE id = ? },
'select_table1' => qq{ SELECT column FROM database.table1 WHERE id = ? }});
# use cached SQL
my $colid1 = 1;
my $result = $sqlrun->{'select_table1'}->{exec}->($colid1);
print join("\t", @$_),"\n" while(&$result());
my $colid2 = 2;
# ...
I'm very impressed with bubaker's example of using a closure for this.
Just the same, if the original goal was to make the code-base smaller and more maintainable, I can't help thinking there's a lot of noise begging to be removed from the original code, before anyone embarks on a conversion to CDBI or DBIC etc (notwithstanding the great libraries they both are.)
If the $dbh
had been instantiated with RaiseError
set in the attributes, most of that code goes away:
如果$ dbh已经在属性中设置了RaiseError实例化,那么大部分代码都会消失:
$sql_update = qq { UPDATE database.table
SET column = 'UPDATE!'
WHERE id = ?
$sth_update = $dbh->prepare($sql_update);
I can't see that the error handling in the original code is adding much that you wouldn't get from the vanilla die
produced by RaiseError
, but if it's important, have a look at the HandleError
attribute in the DBI
我无法看到原始代码中的错误处理增加了很多你不会从RaiseError生成的vanilla die中获得的,但是如果它很重要,请查看DBI联机帮助页中的HandleError属性。
Furthermore, if such statements aren't being reused (which is often the main purpose of preparing them, to cache how they're optimised; the other reason is to mitigate against SQL injection by using placeholders), then why not use do
$dbh->do($sql_update, \%attrs, @parameters);
If line-count and maintainable code is your only goal, your best bet would be to use any one of the several fine ORM frameworks/libraries available. Class::DBI and DBIx::Class are two fine starting points. Just in case, you are worried about spending additional time to learn these modules - dont: It took me just one afternoon to get started and productive. Using Class::DBI for example your example is just one line:
如果行数和可维护代码是您唯一的目标,那么您最好的选择是使用几个可用的精细ORM框架/库中的任何一个。 Class :: DBI和DBIx :: Class是两个很好的起点。为了以防万一,你担心花费额外的时间来学习这些模块 - 不要:我只花了一个下午才开始并提高工作效率。以Class :: DBI为例,您的示例只是一行:
Table->retrieve(id => $parameter)->column('UPDATE!')->update;
The only down-side (if that) of these frameworks is that very complicated SQL statements required writing custom methods learning which may take you some additional time (not too much) to get around.
No sense in checking for errors after every single database call. How tedious!
Instead, when you connect to the database, set the RaiseError option to true. Then if a database error occurs, an exception will be thrown. If you do not catch it (in an eval{} block), your program will die with a message, similar to what you were doing manually above.
相反,当您连接到数据库时,将RaiseError选项设置为true。然后,如果发生数据库错误,将引发异常。如果你没有捕获它(在eval {}块中),你的程序将会丢失一条消息,类似于你上面手动执行的操作。
The "execute" function does accept an array containing all your parameters.
You just have to find a way to indicate which statement handle you want to execute and you're done ...
It would be much better to keep your statement handles somewhere because if you create a new one each time and prepare it each time you don't really rip the benefits of "prepare" ...
About returning all rows you can do that ( something like "while fetchrow_hashref push" ) be beware of large result sets that coudl eat all your memory !
关于返回所有可以执行此操作的行(类似于“while fetchrow_hashref push”),请注意大型结果集,这些结果集可以满足您的所有记忆!
Here's a simple approach using closures/anonymous subs stored in a hash by keyword name (compiles, but not tested otherwise), edited to include use of RaiseError
# define cached SQL in hash, to access by keyword
sub genCachedSQL {
my $dbh = shift;
my $sqls = shift; # hashref for keyword => sql query
while (my($name,$sql) = each %$sqls) {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
$SQL_CACHE{$name}->{sth} = $sth;
$SQL_CACHE{$name}->{exec} = sub { # closure for execute(s)
my @parameters = @_;
return sub { # closure for resultset iterator - check for undef
my $row; eval { $row = $SQL_CACHE{$name}->{sth}->fetchrow_arrayref(); };
return $row;
} # end resultset closure
} # end exec closure
} # end while each %$sqls
return \%SQL_CACHE;
} # end genCachedSQL
my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:...', { RaiseError => 1 });
# initialize cached SQL statements
my $sqlrun = genCachedSQL($dbh,
{'insert_table1' => qq{ INSERT INTO database.table1 (id, column) VALUES (?,?) },
'update_table1' => qq{ UPDATE database.table1 SET column = 'UPDATE!' WHERE id = ? },
'select_table1' => qq{ SELECT column FROM database.table1 WHERE id = ? }});
# use cached SQL
my $colid1 = 1;
my $result = $sqlrun->{'select_table1'}->{exec}->($colid1);
print join("\t", @$_),"\n" while(&$result());
my $colid2 = 2;
# ...
I'm very impressed with bubaker's example of using a closure for this.
Just the same, if the original goal was to make the code-base smaller and more maintainable, I can't help thinking there's a lot of noise begging to be removed from the original code, before anyone embarks on a conversion to CDBI or DBIC etc (notwithstanding the great libraries they both are.)
If the $dbh
had been instantiated with RaiseError
set in the attributes, most of that code goes away:
如果$ dbh已经在属性中设置了RaiseError实例化,那么大部分代码都会消失:
$sql_update = qq { UPDATE database.table
SET column = 'UPDATE!'
WHERE id = ?
$sth_update = $dbh->prepare($sql_update);
I can't see that the error handling in the original code is adding much that you wouldn't get from the vanilla die
produced by RaiseError
, but if it's important, have a look at the HandleError
attribute in the DBI
我无法看到原始代码中的错误处理增加了很多你不会从RaiseError生成的vanilla die中获得的,但是如果它很重要,请查看DBI联机帮助页中的HandleError属性。
Furthermore, if such statements aren't being reused (which is often the main purpose of preparing them, to cache how they're optimised; the other reason is to mitigate against SQL injection by using placeholders), then why not use do
$dbh->do($sql_update, \%attrs, @parameters);