
时间:2022-08-27 01:11:26

I am pretty new to MYSQL and need assistance to complete a query.


I have 2 separate queries that I need put into just one query that I can use in PHP.


I am using the following SQL to get the number of records in a table called 'import' that have a Job_Completed_Date less than or equal to the Job_SLA_Due_Date.


My where clause checks for jobs done in the last 6 months in the 'import' table.


SELECT Year(job_completed_date), 
       Count(*) AS Completed_On_Schedule 
FROM   import 
WHERE  job_completed_date >= Last_day(Now()) + interval 1 day - interval 6 month 
       AND job_completed_date <= job_sla_due_date 
       AND ( job_status = 'C' 
              OR job_status = 'C2' 
              OR job_status = 'C8' ) 
GROUP  BY Year(job_completed_date), 
ORDER  BY job_completed_date ASC 

The result output is fine and produces the following....


Year    Month  Completed_On_Schedule 
2017    3      1155 
2017    4      838 
2017    5      881 
2017    6      1095 
2017    7      1073 
2017    8      295 

My second query is similar using the same table but I am looking for the total number of jobs that have been completed in the last 6 months but I am not worried about the Job_SLA_Due_Date. The SQL I am using is .......


SELECT Year(job_completed_date), 
       Count(*) AS Total_Completed 
FROM   import 
WHERE  job_completed_date >= Last_day(Now()) + interval 1 day - interval 6 month 
       AND ( job_status = 'C' 
              OR job_status = 'C2' 
              OR job_status = 'C8' ) 
GROUP  BY Year(job_completed_date), 
ORDER  BY job_completed_date ASC 

The result output is as expected and produces the following.....


    Year  Month  Total_Completed 
    2017  3      1441 
    2017  4      1101 
    2017  5      1144 
    2017  6      1334 
    2017  7      1211 
    2017  8      311 

What I need now is output like this......


    Year   Month Completed_On_Schedule Total_Completed %_On_Schedule 
    2017    3    1155                  1441            80.1 
    2017    4    838                   1101            76.1 
    2017    5    881                   1144            77 
    2017    6    1095                  1334            82 
    2017    7    1073                  1211            88.6 
    2017    8    295                   311             94.8 

So in a nutshell I need to join my 2 queries together and add another column called %_Completed_On_Schedule which is the percentage of jobs completed on schedule i.e. the percentage that the Completed_On_Schedule column is of the Total_Completed column.


Any help will be really appreciated.






3 个解决方案



Just use a conditional COUNT on your SELECT.


Aditional tip use IN instead of multiple OR


SELECT Year(job_completed_date), 
       COUNT(CASE WHEN job_completed_date <= job_sla_due_date 
                  THEN 1 END) as Completed_On_Schedule,
       COUNT(*) AS Total_Completed,
       COUNT(CASE WHEN job_completed_date <= job_sla_due_date 
                  THEN 1 END) * 100.0 / 
       COUNT(*) AS Total_Completed as `%_On_Schedule`

FROM   import 
WHERE  job_completed_date >= Last_day(Now()) + interval 1 day - interval 6 month 
       AND job_status IN ('C', 'C2', 'C8') 
GROUP  BY Year(job_completed_date), 
ORDER  BY job_completed_date ASC 

For answer how you join two queries together here is an example (even when you don't need it for this case):


SELECT Q1.*, Q2.*
FROM ( <your first query> ) as Q1
JOIN ( <your second query> ) as Q2
  ON (Q1.year, Q1.month) = (Q2.year, Q2.month)



I have added in your query a column with the total, and a CASE clausule. Besides, i have removed the AND for the SLA because we have it in the CASE_

我在您的查询中添加了一个包含total的列和一个CASE clausule。此外,我已经删除了SLA的AND,因为我们在CASE_中有它

SELECT Year(job_completed_date), 
               WHEN job_completed_date <= job_sla_due_date THEN 1 ELSE 0
           END) AS Completed_On_Schedule,
       Count(*) AS Total_Completed
FROM   import 
WHERE  job_completed_date >= Last_day(Now()) + interval 1 day - interval 6 month  
       AND ( job_status = 'C' 
              OR job_status = 'C2' 
              OR job_status = 'C8' ) 
GROUP  BY Year(job_completed_date), 
ORDER  BY job_completed_date ASC 



For simplicity I am referring to your queries as QUERY_ONE and QUERY_TWO, you'll of course need to replace these references with the actual queries.


SELECT a.Year, a.Month, a.Completed_On_Schedule, b.Total_Completed, 
((a.Completed_On_Schedule / b.Total_Completed) * 100) AS `%_On_Schedule` 
FROM (QUERY_ONE) AS a JOIN (QUERY_TWO) AS b ON a.Year = b.Year AND a.Month = b.Month;

This query will join your two tables on rows matching on Year and Month, then extract the desired values from each table and create your percent on schedule column. You need to apply ticks to your %_On_Schedule name since % is a key term in MySQL, I would recommend not using this symbol for this reason but it isn't a big deal really.




Just use a conditional COUNT on your SELECT.


Aditional tip use IN instead of multiple OR


SELECT Year(job_completed_date), 
       COUNT(CASE WHEN job_completed_date <= job_sla_due_date 
                  THEN 1 END) as Completed_On_Schedule,
       COUNT(*) AS Total_Completed,
       COUNT(CASE WHEN job_completed_date <= job_sla_due_date 
                  THEN 1 END) * 100.0 / 
       COUNT(*) AS Total_Completed as `%_On_Schedule`

FROM   import 
WHERE  job_completed_date >= Last_day(Now()) + interval 1 day - interval 6 month 
       AND job_status IN ('C', 'C2', 'C8') 
GROUP  BY Year(job_completed_date), 
ORDER  BY job_completed_date ASC 

For answer how you join two queries together here is an example (even when you don't need it for this case):


SELECT Q1.*, Q2.*
FROM ( <your first query> ) as Q1
JOIN ( <your second query> ) as Q2
  ON (Q1.year, Q1.month) = (Q2.year, Q2.month)



I have added in your query a column with the total, and a CASE clausule. Besides, i have removed the AND for the SLA because we have it in the CASE_

我在您的查询中添加了一个包含total的列和一个CASE clausule。此外,我已经删除了SLA的AND,因为我们在CASE_中有它

SELECT Year(job_completed_date), 
               WHEN job_completed_date <= job_sla_due_date THEN 1 ELSE 0
           END) AS Completed_On_Schedule,
       Count(*) AS Total_Completed
FROM   import 
WHERE  job_completed_date >= Last_day(Now()) + interval 1 day - interval 6 month  
       AND ( job_status = 'C' 
              OR job_status = 'C2' 
              OR job_status = 'C8' ) 
GROUP  BY Year(job_completed_date), 
ORDER  BY job_completed_date ASC 



For simplicity I am referring to your queries as QUERY_ONE and QUERY_TWO, you'll of course need to replace these references with the actual queries.


SELECT a.Year, a.Month, a.Completed_On_Schedule, b.Total_Completed, 
((a.Completed_On_Schedule / b.Total_Completed) * 100) AS `%_On_Schedule` 
FROM (QUERY_ONE) AS a JOIN (QUERY_TWO) AS b ON a.Year = b.Year AND a.Month = b.Month;

This query will join your two tables on rows matching on Year and Month, then extract the desired values from each table and create your percent on schedule column. You need to apply ticks to your %_On_Schedule name since % is a key term in MySQL, I would recommend not using this symbol for this reason but it isn't a big deal really.
