
时间:2022-01-22 01:08:12

If I had 2 tables, say blog_category and blog, each "blog" can belong in a particular category only so a 1-1 relationship based on a key called "blog_category_id".


Now in my code I would do something like:


//Loop through categories such as 
foreach($categories as $cat):
//then for each category create an array of all its posts
$posts = $cat->getPosts(); // This would be another DB call to get all posts for the cat
//do stuff with posts

Now to me this seems like it could end up quite expensive in terms of DB calls depending on the size of $categories. Would this still be the best solution to do this? Or would I be able to do something in the code and first retrieve all the categories, then retrieve all the blogs and map them to their corresponding category via the id somehow? This would in theory be only 2 calls to the DB, now size wise the result set for call 2 (the blogs) would definitely be larger, but would the actual DB call be as expensive?

现在对我而言,根据$ categories的大小,这似乎在DB调用方面可能会相当昂贵。这仍然是最好的解决方案吗?或者我能够在代码中执行某些操作并首先检索所有类别,然后检索所有博客并通过ID以某种方式将它们映射到相应的类别?理论上这只是对数据库的2次调用,现在大小明智,调用2的结果集(博客)肯定会更大,但实际的数据库调用会不会很昂贵?

I would normally go for the first option, but I'm just wondering if there would be a better way of approaching this or is it more likely that the extra processing in PHP would be more costly in terms of performance? Also specifically from an MVC perspective, if the model returns the categories, but it should also return the corresponding blogs for that category, I'm not sure how best to structure this, from my understanding, shouldn't the model return all the data required for the view?


Or would I be better off selecting all categories and blogs using inner joins in the first query and create the output I need of this? Perhaps by using a multi-dimensional array?



2 个解决方案



You can use a simple SQL query to get all categories and posts like the following:


FROM posts p
JOIN categories c ON = p.blog_category_id
ORDER BY c.category_name ASC,
         p.posted_date DESC

Then when you loop over the returned records assign the current category id to a variable, which you can use to compare against the next records category. If the category is different then print the category title before printing the record. It is important to note that for this to work you need to get the posts ordered by category first and then post so that all posts in the same category are together.


So for example:


$category_id = null;
foreach($posts as $post) {
    if($post['blog_category_id'] != $category_id) {
        $category_id = $post['blog_category_id'];
        echo '<h2>' . $post['category_name'] . '</h2>';
    echo '<h3>' . $post['post_title'] . '</h3>';
    echo $post['blog_content'];

Note: as you have not posted up the schema of these two tables I have had to make up column names that are similar to what I would expect to see in code like this. So the code above will not work with your code without some adjustments to account for this.




The best solution depends on what you are going to do with data.


Lazy loading

Load data when you need it. It's a good solution when you have, for instance, 20 categories and you load posts for only 2 of them. However, if you need to load posts for all of them it won't be efficient at all... It's called a n+1 queries (and it's really bad).

在需要时加载数据。例如,当您拥有20个类别并且只为其中2个类别加载帖子时,这是一个很好的解决方案。但是,如果你需要为所有这些帖子加载帖子,它根本就不会有效......它被称为n + 1个查询(这真的很糟糕)。

Eager loading

On the other hand, if you have to access to almost all of your posts, you should do an eager loading.


-- Load all your data in a query
FROM categories c
INNER JOIN posts p ON = p.category_id;

// Basic example in JSON of how to format your result 
   'cat1': ['post1', 'post2'],
   'cat2': ['post5', 'post4', 'post5'],

What to do?


In your case I would say an eager loading because you load everything in a loop. But if you don't access to the most of your data, you should re-design your model to perform a lazy loading in such a way that the SQL query to load posts for a specific category is actually performed when a view try to access them.


What do you think?




You can use a simple SQL query to get all categories and posts like the following:


FROM posts p
JOIN categories c ON = p.blog_category_id
ORDER BY c.category_name ASC,
         p.posted_date DESC

Then when you loop over the returned records assign the current category id to a variable, which you can use to compare against the next records category. If the category is different then print the category title before printing the record. It is important to note that for this to work you need to get the posts ordered by category first and then post so that all posts in the same category are together.


So for example:


$category_id = null;
foreach($posts as $post) {
    if($post['blog_category_id'] != $category_id) {
        $category_id = $post['blog_category_id'];
        echo '<h2>' . $post['category_name'] . '</h2>';
    echo '<h3>' . $post['post_title'] . '</h3>';
    echo $post['blog_content'];

Note: as you have not posted up the schema of these two tables I have had to make up column names that are similar to what I would expect to see in code like this. So the code above will not work with your code without some adjustments to account for this.




The best solution depends on what you are going to do with data.


Lazy loading

Load data when you need it. It's a good solution when you have, for instance, 20 categories and you load posts for only 2 of them. However, if you need to load posts for all of them it won't be efficient at all... It's called a n+1 queries (and it's really bad).

在需要时加载数据。例如,当您拥有20个类别并且只为其中2个类别加载帖子时,这是一个很好的解决方案。但是,如果你需要为所有这些帖子加载帖子,它根本就不会有效......它被称为n + 1个查询(这真的很糟糕)。

Eager loading

On the other hand, if you have to access to almost all of your posts, you should do an eager loading.


-- Load all your data in a query
FROM categories c
INNER JOIN posts p ON = p.category_id;

// Basic example in JSON of how to format your result 
   'cat1': ['post1', 'post2'],
   'cat2': ['post5', 'post4', 'post5'],

What to do?


In your case I would say an eager loading because you load everything in a loop. But if you don't access to the most of your data, you should re-design your model to perform a lazy loading in such a way that the SQL query to load posts for a specific category is actually performed when a view try to access them.


What do you think?
