I am working with Realm Swift and I am running into an issue where I need to write a query that filters Realm objects by both a boolean property and a List on a Realm object.
我正在使用Realm Swift,我遇到了一个问题,我需要编写一个查询,通过布尔属性和Realm对象上的List来过滤Realm对象。
The Realm objects I would like to filter have a List value and it contains an array of strings. The values in this List will only ever be one of the following possibilities: "US", "CA", or "US" and "CA".
How might I go about writing an appropriate predicate to filter by both a boolean and one of the values contained in the List property? So far I have tried this type of query with no success:
category.templates.filter("testMode = false AND countries CONTAINS 'US')
1 个解决方案
UPDATE: After doing some more digging around I found that this solution actually solved what I was attempting to do with Realm: Swift Realm filter List property using an Array
更新:在做了一些挖掘之后,我发现这个解决方案实际上解决了我试图用Realm做的事情:使用数组的Swift Realm过滤器List属性
UPDATE: After doing some more digging around I found that this solution actually solved what I was attempting to do with Realm: Swift Realm filter List property using an Array
更新:在做了一些挖掘之后,我发现这个解决方案实际上解决了我试图用Realm做的事情:使用数组的Swift Realm过滤器List属性