
时间:2022-12-04 00:52:58

Is there any way to see how many queries are executed in like every hour, or per database / hour, or average number of queries on a day, or ...whatever is interesting?


Just for statistics.. I like numbers. I can't just start a trace with Sql Server Profiler, because the UI will crash when too many queries come by.

仅供统计......我喜欢数字。我不能只使用Sql Server Profiler启动跟踪,因为当查询过多时,UI将崩溃。

Does SQL keep track of some basic 'executed queries statistics' somewhere, or are there any tools I can use to get this information?


(I use SQL Server 2008 R2)

(我使用的是SQL Server 2008 R2)

2 个解决方案



This should work:


select * 
from sys.dm_os_performance_counters
where counter_name = 'Batch Requests/sec'

It actually returns the total Batch Requests. You poll this number periodically and then use this calculation:


ReqsPerSec = (curr.Value - prev.Value) / (curr.time - prev.time)



I am actually just learning about this in my Microsoft Certification.


Though I can't answer your question directly yet, I can send you in the right direction with a couple things:


  1. Have a look at the views inside the Server > Databases > System Databases > MSDB > Views > System Views. MSDN Systsem Views
  2. 查看服务器>数据库>系统数据库> MSDB>视图>系统视图中的视图。 MSDN Systsem视图

  3. Have a look at the views inside the Server > Databases > System Databases > Master > Views > System Views.
  4. 查看服务器>数据库>系统数据库>主服务器>视图>系统视图中的视图。

  5. Take a peak at the trace tools available to SQL Server.
  6. 在SQL Server可用的跟踪工具上占据一席之地。

In the views note that you may actually have to join a couple of the views together or get at the underlying tables to get specifically what you are after.




This should work:


select * 
from sys.dm_os_performance_counters
where counter_name = 'Batch Requests/sec'

It actually returns the total Batch Requests. You poll this number periodically and then use this calculation:


ReqsPerSec = (curr.Value - prev.Value) / (curr.time - prev.time)



I am actually just learning about this in my Microsoft Certification.


Though I can't answer your question directly yet, I can send you in the right direction with a couple things:


  1. Have a look at the views inside the Server > Databases > System Databases > MSDB > Views > System Views. MSDN Systsem Views
  2. 查看服务器>数据库>系统数据库> MSDB>视图>系统视图中的视图。 MSDN Systsem视图

  3. Have a look at the views inside the Server > Databases > System Databases > Master > Views > System Views.
  4. 查看服务器>数据库>系统数据库>主服务器>视图>系统视图中的视图。

  5. Take a peak at the trace tools available to SQL Server.
  6. 在SQL Server可用的跟踪工具上占据一席之地。

In the views note that you may actually have to join a couple of the views together or get at the underlying tables to get specifically what you are after.
