
时间:2022-06-28 00:49:44

I have a table with 70 million records and there is an index missing. I want to calculate the time to add the index without backing up the table and doing the index on the backed up table.


I am just wondering if it will be twice as slow(linear) or if it is exponential.


database: mysql 5.0

数据库:mysql 5.0

Thanks a lot


2 个解决方案



(Disclaimer: I have minimal experience on MySQL)


It should be somewhere in-between.


The absolutely lowest complexity of the whole operation would be the one that would appear when just reading all records in order, which is a linear process - O(n). This is an I/O bound operation and there is not much that can be done about it - modern caching systems in most OS may help, but only in a DB that is in use and fits in the available memory.

整个操作的绝对最低的复杂性将是在按顺序读取所有记录时出现的复杂性,这是一个线性过程 - O(n)。这是一个I / O绑定操作,并没有太多可以做的事情 - 大多数操作系统中的现代缓存系统可能有所帮助,但仅限于正在使用并适合可用内存的数据库。

In most SQL engines, indexes are some variation of a B-tree. The CPU complexity of inserting a single record into such a tree is roughly O(log(n)), where n is its size. For n records we get a complexity of O(n log(n)). The total complexity of the operation should be O(n log(n)).

在大多数SQL引擎中,索引是B树的一些变体。将单个记录插入到这样的树中的CPU复杂度大致为O(log(n)),其中n是其大小。对于n个记录,我们得到O(n log(n))的复杂度。操作的总复杂度应为O(n log(n))。

Of course, it's not quite that simple. Computing the index tree is not really CPU-heavy and since the index pages should fit in RAM on any modern system, the operation of inserting a single node when the tree is not rebalanced would be close to O(1) time-wise: a single disk operation to update a leaf page of the index.


Since the tree does get rebalanced, however, things are probably a bit more complex. Multiple index pages may have to be commited to disk, thus increasing the necessary time. As a rough guess, I'd say O(n log(n)) is a good start...

但是,由于树确实得到了重新平衡,所以事情可能会更复杂一些。可能必须将多个索引页面提交到磁盘,从而增加了必要的时间。粗略猜测,我会说O(n log(n))是一个好的开始......

It should never come anywhere close to an exponential complexity, though.




It just occured to me that 70,000,000 B-tree entries may not, in fact, fit in the in-memory cache. It would depend heavily on what is being indexed. INTEGER columns would probably be fine, but TEXT columns are another story altogether. If the average field length is 100 bytes (e.g. HTTP links or 30 characters of non-English UTF-8 text) you'd need more than 7GB of memory to store the index.

我刚刚发现,70,000,000个B树条目实际上可能不适合内存缓存。这在很大程度上取决于被索引的内容。 INTEGER列可能会很好,但TEXT列完全是另一个故事。如果平均字段长度为100个字节(例如,HTTP链接或非英语UTF-8文本的30个字符),则需要超过7GB的内存来存储索引。

Bottom line:


  • If the index fits in the cache, then since building the index should be a single DB transaction, it would be I/O-bound and roughly linear as all the records have to be parsed and then the index itelse has to be written-out to permanent storage.

    如果索引适合缓存,那么由于构建索引应该是单个数据库事务,它将是I / O绑定的并且大致是线性的,因为必须解析所有记录,然后必须写出索引itelse永久存储。

  • If the index does not fit in the cache, then the complexity rises, as I/O wait-times on the index itself become involved in each operation.

    如果索引不适合缓存,则复杂性会增加,因为索引本身的I / O等待时间会涉及每个操作。



What thkala describes is true for inserting individual rows, but when creating a new index, no reasonable RDBMS will just do n inserts, rather it will construct the index directly starting with the leaf nodes. This process will almost certainly be IO-bound.


So, in practical terms, re-indexing time should be linear: twice as long for twice as many records.




(Disclaimer: I have minimal experience on MySQL)


It should be somewhere in-between.


The absolutely lowest complexity of the whole operation would be the one that would appear when just reading all records in order, which is a linear process - O(n). This is an I/O bound operation and there is not much that can be done about it - modern caching systems in most OS may help, but only in a DB that is in use and fits in the available memory.

整个操作的绝对最低的复杂性将是在按顺序读取所有记录时出现的复杂性,这是一个线性过程 - O(n)。这是一个I / O绑定操作,并没有太多可以做的事情 - 大多数操作系统中的现代缓存系统可能有所帮助,但仅限于正在使用并适合可用内存的数据库。

In most SQL engines, indexes are some variation of a B-tree. The CPU complexity of inserting a single record into such a tree is roughly O(log(n)), where n is its size. For n records we get a complexity of O(n log(n)). The total complexity of the operation should be O(n log(n)).

在大多数SQL引擎中,索引是B树的一些变体。将单个记录插入到这样的树中的CPU复杂度大致为O(log(n)),其中n是其大小。对于n个记录,我们得到O(n log(n))的复杂度。操作的总复杂度应为O(n log(n))。

Of course, it's not quite that simple. Computing the index tree is not really CPU-heavy and since the index pages should fit in RAM on any modern system, the operation of inserting a single node when the tree is not rebalanced would be close to O(1) time-wise: a single disk operation to update a leaf page of the index.


Since the tree does get rebalanced, however, things are probably a bit more complex. Multiple index pages may have to be commited to disk, thus increasing the necessary time. As a rough guess, I'd say O(n log(n)) is a good start...

但是,由于树确实得到了重新平衡,所以事情可能会更复杂一些。可能必须将多个索引页面提交到磁盘,从而增加了必要的时间。粗略猜测,我会说O(n log(n))是一个好的开始......

It should never come anywhere close to an exponential complexity, though.




It just occured to me that 70,000,000 B-tree entries may not, in fact, fit in the in-memory cache. It would depend heavily on what is being indexed. INTEGER columns would probably be fine, but TEXT columns are another story altogether. If the average field length is 100 bytes (e.g. HTTP links or 30 characters of non-English UTF-8 text) you'd need more than 7GB of memory to store the index.

我刚刚发现,70,000,000个B树条目实际上可能不适合内存缓存。这在很大程度上取决于被索引的内容。 INTEGER列可能会很好,但TEXT列完全是另一个故事。如果平均字段长度为100个字节(例如,HTTP链接或非英语UTF-8文本的30个字符),则需要超过7GB的内存来存储索引。

Bottom line:


  • If the index fits in the cache, then since building the index should be a single DB transaction, it would be I/O-bound and roughly linear as all the records have to be parsed and then the index itelse has to be written-out to permanent storage.

    如果索引适合缓存,那么由于构建索引应该是单个数据库事务,它将是I / O绑定的并且大致是线性的,因为必须解析所有记录,然后必须写出索引itelse永久存储。

  • If the index does not fit in the cache, then the complexity rises, as I/O wait-times on the index itself become involved in each operation.

    如果索引不适合缓存,则复杂性会增加,因为索引本身的I / O等待时间会涉及每个操作。



What thkala describes is true for inserting individual rows, but when creating a new index, no reasonable RDBMS will just do n inserts, rather it will construct the index directly starting with the leaf nodes. This process will almost certainly be IO-bound.


So, in practical terms, re-indexing time should be linear: twice as long for twice as many records.
