在调试Visual Studio时阻止Visual Studio构建所有项目

时间:2021-12-16 00:37:57

I have a solution with a few different projects in it: a couple dll projects, a console project, and a couple WCF projects.


The console project uses a dll from one of the projects, but I have VS set so that the console project has no dependencies. However, when I debug the console project VS launches, or builds all my projects. This is just a pain since both the WCF projects compile and launch the WCF client or the asp.net dev IIS process. Is there a way to prevent this behavior?


EDIT: I have semi fixed it. To prevent the WCF library from launching, I followed this: How to Prevent Visual Studio launch WcfSvcHost.exe in Debuggin?

编辑:我已经半修复了。为了防止WCF库启动,我遵循以下内容:如何防止Visual Studio在Debuggin中启动WcfSvcHost.exe?

But I still cant stop the asp.net dev server from launching.

但我仍然无法阻止asp.net dev服务器启动。

4 个解决方案


Right click on your solution, then go to Properties, Configuration Properties and select the projects you want to be compiled.



You might try checking what Visual Studio builds when running a project. Open the Options dialog, and go to Projects and Solutions | Build and Run. Try turning on "Only build startup projects and dependencies on Run".

您可以尝试检查Visual Studio在运行项目时构建的内容。打开“选项”对话框,然后转到“项目和解决方案”|构建并运行。尝试启用“仅在运行时构建启动项目和依赖项”。


To stop the ASP.Net dev server from launching:

停止ASP.Net dev服务器启动:

Simply click the web project in the solution explorer and hit F4 to bring up the properties window, and change "Always start when debugging" from "True" to "False". You might need to check all the projects in the solution.


See this thread for more on this.



Just Unload The Project, Right Click Project -> Unload Project

只需卸载项目,右键单击项目 - >卸载项目


Right click on your solution, then go to Properties, Configuration Properties and select the projects you want to be compiled.



You might try checking what Visual Studio builds when running a project. Open the Options dialog, and go to Projects and Solutions | Build and Run. Try turning on "Only build startup projects and dependencies on Run".

您可以尝试检查Visual Studio在运行项目时构建的内容。打开“选项”对话框,然后转到“项目和解决方案”|构建并运行。尝试启用“仅在运行时构建启动项目和依赖项”。


To stop the ASP.Net dev server from launching:

停止ASP.Net dev服务器启动:

Simply click the web project in the solution explorer and hit F4 to bring up the properties window, and change "Always start when debugging" from "True" to "False". You might need to check all the projects in the solution.


See this thread for more on this.



Just Unload The Project, Right Click Project -> Unload Project

只需卸载项目,右键单击项目 - >卸载项目