使用Spring Boot在Solr中搜索以逗号分隔的列表

时间:2021-07-19 00:23:43

I have an object Foo with a List<String> property names:

我有一个带有List 属性名称的对象Foo:

class Foo {
    List<String> names = []

In my schema.xml for Solr, I have it configured as a string:


<field name="names" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>

I am then trying to perform a search on it, where, as long as ANY of the values match ANY of the ones in the list, I expect a hit:


new Criteria('names').in(filter.names)

However, because the values are stored as a comma-separated String in Solr, I am not getting back any results.


Is there something I should change to be able to split or parameterize the field into a list so that I can perform my search?


1 个解决方案


One possible solution is to make the field in solr to be multi-valued.



One possible solution is to make the field in solr to be multi-valued.
