时间:2022-12-16 00:14:45

I have the table with one primary key and one foreign key referencing the same table primary key. i.e there are parents and childs in the same table. In sql sever there are three options for the delete rule. But it is only possible to set "NO ACTION" delete rule. I understand that it is not possible to set the "cascade" delete because of cycles and chaining. But why the other options are not allowed? Especially the "SET NULL" one.

我有一个主键和一个外键引用同一个表主键的表。即在同一张桌子上有父母和孩子。在sql sever中,删除规则有三个选项。但是只能设置“NO ACTION”删除规则。据我所知,由于循环和链接,无法设置“级联”删除。但为什么不允许其他选择呢?特别是“SET NULL”之一。

Right now I have to do this manually. I have to find the child records and set the foreign key on null. After that I can delete the parent. Why is it not possible to set the rule for it?


1 个解决方案



Because it cannot perform two actions on the same table together which are:


-delete the parent.

- 删除父级。

-update the children.

- 孩子们。

A mutating table is a table that is being modified by an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT statement, or a table that might be updated by the effects of a DELETE CASCADE constraint.

变异表是由UPDATE,DELETE或INSERT语句修改的表,或者是可能由DELETE CASCADE约束的效果更新的表。

you can overcome doing it manually by creating a procedure that would hold the parent key to delete the record and set the children to NULL.


procedure(parent_id) --takes the id as a parameter

   update table set null where foreign_key = parent_id;

   delete from table where id = parent_id;




Because it cannot perform two actions on the same table together which are:


-delete the parent.

- 删除父级。

-update the children.

- 孩子们。

A mutating table is a table that is being modified by an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT statement, or a table that might be updated by the effects of a DELETE CASCADE constraint.

变异表是由UPDATE,DELETE或INSERT语句修改的表,或者是可能由DELETE CASCADE约束的效果更新的表。

you can overcome doing it manually by creating a procedure that would hold the parent key to delete the record and set the children to NULL.


procedure(parent_id) --takes the id as a parameter

   update table set null where foreign_key = parent_id;

   delete from table where id = parent_id;
