I have table named "city" with column named "city_name" with about 200 records.
I have created another colum named slugs where I want to copy all the records from "city_name" in the same row with spaces replaced with dash - and lowercase.
我创建了另一个名为slugs的列,我想在同一行中复制“city_name”中的所有记录,并用空格 - 小写替换空格。
How can I achieve this via phpmyadmin.
2 个解决方案
You should be able to do this via the following query:
UPDATE city SET slugs=LOWER(REPLACE(city_name, " ", "-"))
Breaking this down, we're using REPLACE
to swap all instances of " " with "-" in the existing city_name
column, and then passing the result of this to the LOWER
function (to convert the data to lower case) before setting the slugs
field with this value.
打破这一点,我们使用REPLACE在现有的city_name列中交换“”与“ - ”的所有实例,然后在设置slugs之前将结果传递给LOWER函数(将数据转换为小写)具有此值的字段。
Depending on how "clean" your data is, you might also want to TRIM the data (to remove any leading or trailing spaces in the city_name
field) before you apply the REPLACE as such:
UPDATE city SET slugs=LOWER(REPLACE(TRIM(city_name), " ", "-"))
Incidentally, if you've not used (My)SQL much I'd recommend a read of the String Functions manual page - the time you spend on this now will more than repay itself in the future.
顺便说一句,如果您没有使用(我的)SQL,我建议您阅读字符串函数手册页 - 您现在花在此上的时间将来不仅仅会回报。
Here is SQLFiddle
MYSql documentation for function LOWER(str) and REPLACE(str,from_str,to_str)
UPDATE city SET slugs = LOWER(REPLACE(city_name," ", "-"));
You should be able to do this via the following query:
UPDATE city SET slugs=LOWER(REPLACE(city_name, " ", "-"))
Breaking this down, we're using REPLACE
to swap all instances of " " with "-" in the existing city_name
column, and then passing the result of this to the LOWER
function (to convert the data to lower case) before setting the slugs
field with this value.
打破这一点,我们使用REPLACE在现有的city_name列中交换“”与“ - ”的所有实例,然后在设置slugs之前将结果传递给LOWER函数(将数据转换为小写)具有此值的字段。
Depending on how "clean" your data is, you might also want to TRIM the data (to remove any leading or trailing spaces in the city_name
field) before you apply the REPLACE as such:
UPDATE city SET slugs=LOWER(REPLACE(TRIM(city_name), " ", "-"))
Incidentally, if you've not used (My)SQL much I'd recommend a read of the String Functions manual page - the time you spend on this now will more than repay itself in the future.
顺便说一句,如果您没有使用(我的)SQL,我建议您阅读字符串函数手册页 - 您现在花在此上的时间将来不仅仅会回报。
Here is SQLFiddle
MYSql documentation for function LOWER(str) and REPLACE(str,from_str,to_str)
UPDATE city SET slugs = LOWER(REPLACE(city_name," ", "-"));