
时间:2022-08-16 00:12:21

I'm trying to load a million rows from a database query in chunks and keep it on the same page but paginated. Currently I have a button that retrieves 50,000 chunks using a LIMIT between and then append it to the end of the table. The query results is written to a JSON file which is retrieved onto a paginated table on the page.


However the browser crashes shortly after loading it. Currently, there is a load more results button that appends a new query onto the existing JSON file which is then loaded into an array of rows in a paginated table. However upon reaching about 160MB JSON file size, roughly 250 thousand rows, the browser would crash.

但是加载后浏览器很快就崩溃了。目前,有一个加载更多结果按钮,将新查询附加到现有JSON文件,然后将其加载到分页表中的行数组中。但是,当达到约160MB JSON文件大小,大约25万行时,浏览器将崩溃。

Currently, my table is already paginated, retrieved from an array and filtered using angularJS filter on ng-repeat of the huge array to display only 1000 results per page on the table, and the load more query will append the new results to the end of the table. The reason for appending is because a single large query takes too long and I would like to have access to previous results loaded (for csv export reasons), is there a way to have a million rows paginated and not crash the page?


Thanks in advance, hope you can help.


1 个解决方案



Use smaller pieces of code and use local storage to save your code. In addition, run a count the number of pages that will be in the code to know how to break it up.




Use smaller pieces of code and use local storage to save your code. In addition, run a count the number of pages that will be in the code to know how to break it up.
