
时间:2022-09-09 00:08:56

I have a table which has nearly 2,000,000 records. I have a column(crmid) which is a varchar in that table. I wrote a query say,


 Select column1, column2,..... from table where crmid = ?

the value comes from the front-end. Previously it was working fine but now it is getting timed-out from front end. Then I used an index on that column which even doesn't helped me much. After indexing I explained the query, again it is traversing 1,800,000 rows using index too.


Please help me in fine tuning this query.


Note : This is not the actual query, its just the simplest form. There are many joins in the actual query.


EDITED :: The full query is

EDITED ::完整的查询是

select  column1
        , column2 
from    table1 a
        inner join appointmentstatusmst st 
            on  st.entity_id = a.shdstatuslviid 
        inner join hlcclientdetails 
            on  a.shdclientid = hlcclientdetails.cldregno 
            and a.shdclientdcnid = hlcclientdetails.clddcnid
where   hlcclientdetails.cldunifiedcrmid = ?

The explain output is 需要微调我在varchar列上有索引的mysql查询


1 个解决方案



Is there an index on appointmentstatusmst.entityid? How about on table1.shdclientid and table1.shdclientdcnid? How about on hlcclientdetails.cldregno and hlcclientdetails.clddcnid?

在appointmentstatusmst.entityid上有索引吗? table1.shdclientid和table1.shdclientdcnid怎么样?在hlcclientdetails.cldregno和hlcclientdetails.clddcnid上怎么样?

For your joins to work smoothly, you need indexes on the columns involved in the join criteria as well as on the column you're using to choose output rows.


@Bohemian is correct, this is a medium-sized, not large, problem.




It may help to think through what your mySQL server actually has to do to perform your query.


 where hlcclientdetails.cldunifiedcrmid = ? 

means it has to romp through your hlcclientdetails table looking for certain rows. So an index on cldunifiedcrmid will let it do that efficiently. You've mentioned that you have that index in place. Good.


Moving on,


   inner join hlcclientdetails 
              on  a.shdclientid = hlcclientdetails.cldregno 
             and  a.shdclientdcnid = hlcclientdetails.clddcnid

means it has to take the rows it found in your hlcclientdetails table and match them to your table1 a by looking at a.shdclientdcnid and a.shdclientid. So, your query can probably benefit from a compound index in table1 a for those two columns. You should try adding that index, and see whether performance gets better.

意味着它必须获取它在hlcclientdetails表中找到的行,并通过查看a.shdclientdcnid和a.shdclientid将它们与table1a匹配。因此,对于这两列,您的查询可能会受益于table1 a中的复合索引。您应该尝试添加该索引,并查看性能是否变得更好。



inner join appointmentstatusmst st 
           on  st.entity_id = a.shdstatuslviid 

means the server has to take the rows it found in table1 a and match them up to this third table. You mentioned in your comment that entity_id is the PK of that table. That will help.


You get the idea, I hope. Indexes help not only with WHERE clauses but with ON clauses.


By the way, the full-text index mentioned in another answer won't help with this JOIN performance problem you are having.




Is there an index on appointmentstatusmst.entityid? How about on table1.shdclientid and table1.shdclientdcnid? How about on hlcclientdetails.cldregno and hlcclientdetails.clddcnid?

在appointmentstatusmst.entityid上有索引吗? table1.shdclientid和table1.shdclientdcnid怎么样?在hlcclientdetails.cldregno和hlcclientdetails.clddcnid上怎么样?

For your joins to work smoothly, you need indexes on the columns involved in the join criteria as well as on the column you're using to choose output rows.


@Bohemian is correct, this is a medium-sized, not large, problem.




It may help to think through what your mySQL server actually has to do to perform your query.


 where hlcclientdetails.cldunifiedcrmid = ? 

means it has to romp through your hlcclientdetails table looking for certain rows. So an index on cldunifiedcrmid will let it do that efficiently. You've mentioned that you have that index in place. Good.


Moving on,


   inner join hlcclientdetails 
              on  a.shdclientid = hlcclientdetails.cldregno 
             and  a.shdclientdcnid = hlcclientdetails.clddcnid

means it has to take the rows it found in your hlcclientdetails table and match them to your table1 a by looking at a.shdclientdcnid and a.shdclientid. So, your query can probably benefit from a compound index in table1 a for those two columns. You should try adding that index, and see whether performance gets better.

意味着它必须获取它在hlcclientdetails表中找到的行,并通过查看a.shdclientdcnid和a.shdclientid将它们与table1a匹配。因此,对于这两列,您的查询可能会受益于table1 a中的复合索引。您应该尝试添加该索引,并查看性能是否变得更好。



inner join appointmentstatusmst st 
           on  st.entity_id = a.shdstatuslviid 

means the server has to take the rows it found in table1 a and match them up to this third table. You mentioned in your comment that entity_id is the PK of that table. That will help.


You get the idea, I hope. Indexes help not only with WHERE clauses but with ON clauses.


By the way, the full-text index mentioned in another answer won't help with this JOIN performance problem you are having.
