更新后,SQL Server似乎没有自动启动

时间:2021-02-26 00:08:56

It's a pretty short problem. I've got SQL Server 2008 R2. A few days ago I downloaded Silverlight, which turned on "Updates for other Microsoft Applications," which in turn realized that Visual Studio, SQL Server, and a few other misc things had plenty of updates. I downloaded and installed them all, and now it seems that SQL Server is no longer starting up when I turn on the computer. It's still set to Automatic, and SQL Express is starting up fine. Any idea why it wouldn't be? Something interfering with it?

这是一个非常短暂的问题。我有SQL Server 2008 R2。几天前,我下载了Silverlight,它打开了“其他Microsoft应用程序的更新”,这反过来又意识到Visual Studio,SQL Server和其他一些错误的东西有很多更新。我下载并安装了所有这些,现在看来,当我打开计算机时,SQL Server不再启动。它仍然设置为自动,SQL Express正常启动。知道为什么不会这样吗?有什么东西干扰它?

And to note, it works fine once I click "start."


1 个解决方案



I would recommend changing the service from Automatic to Automatic (Delayed Start). You can do this directly from the Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services area.

我建议将服务从自动更改为自动(延迟启动)。您可以直接从“控制面板” - >“管理工具” - >“服务”区域执行此操作。

I've personally seen cases where something else is going on during start-up that blocks the service, but changing to Auto-Delayed fixed the symptom. Note I used the word symptom on purpose.


The true problem should probably still be found and fixed - but testing Auto (Delayed Start) would at least help you zero in on the problem.

真正的问题应该仍然可以找到并修复 - 但测试自动(延迟启动)至少可以帮助你解决问题。



I would recommend changing the service from Automatic to Automatic (Delayed Start). You can do this directly from the Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services area.

我建议将服务从自动更改为自动(延迟启动)。您可以直接从“控制面板” - >“管理工具” - >“服务”区域执行此操作。

I've personally seen cases where something else is going on during start-up that blocks the service, but changing to Auto-Delayed fixed the symptom. Note I used the word symptom on purpose.


The true problem should probably still be found and fixed - but testing Auto (Delayed Start) would at least help you zero in on the problem.

真正的问题应该仍然可以找到并修复 - 但测试自动(延迟启动)至少可以帮助你解决问题。