如何为SQL server 2008创建链接服务器,其中我们有2000年和2005年的数据库

时间:2021-01-14 00:02:39

Currently I am working on SQL Server 2000,2005 & 2008, my requirement is like, the database available in SQL Server 2000 & 2005 will be available in 2008 using a linked server.

目前我正在开发SQL Server 2000、2005和2008,我的要求是,SQL Server 2000和2005中的数据库将在2008年使用一个链接服务器。

Let's say I have a database in SQL Server 2000 called LIVE_2000 and in SQL Server 2005 it's called LIVE_2005, can someone please help me to create the linked server for LIVE_2000 and LIVE_2005 into SQL Server 2008?

假设我在SQL Server 2000中有一个数据库叫LIVE_2000,在SQL Server 2005中叫LIVE_2005,有人能帮我在SQL Server 2008中创建LIVE_2000和LIVE_2005的链接服务器吗?

1st thing is this even possible?


Thanks in advance...`


1 个解决方案



There are a few different ways that you can create a linked server in SQL Server you can use the GUI in SQL Server Management Studio or via a script.

有几种不同的方法可以在SQL server中创建链接服务器,您可以在SQL server Management Studio中或通过脚本使用GUI。

Using the instructions on MSDN you can do the following:


  1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2008, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.

    单击Start,单击所有程序,单击Microsoft SQL Server 2005或Microsoft SQL Server 2008,然后单击SQL Server Management Studio。

  2. In the Connect to Server dialog box, specify the name of the appropriate SQL Server, and then click Connect.


  3. In SQL Server Management Studio, double-click Server Objects, right-click Linked Servers, and then click New Linked Server.

    在SQL Server Management Studio中,双击服务器对象,右键单击链接服务器,然后单击New Linked Server。

  4. In the New Linked Server dialog box, on the General page, in Linked server, enter the full network name of the SQL Serveryou want to link to.

    在“新链接服务器”对话框中,在“通用页面”的“链接服务器”中,输入要链接到的SQL Server的完整网络名。

  5. Under Server type, click SQL Server.

    在服务器类型下,单击SQL Server。

  6. In the left pane of the New Linked Server dialog, under Select a page, choose Security.


  7. You will need to map a local server login to a remote server login. On the right side of the Security page, click the Add button.


  8. Under Local Login, select a local login account to connect to the remote server. Check Impersonate if the local login also exists on the remote server. Alternatively, if the local login will be mapped to a remote SQL Server login you must supply the Remote User name and Remote Password for the remote server login.


  9. In the left pane of the New Linked Server dialog, under Select a page, choose Server Options. Set the Rpc and Rpc Out parameters to True, and then click OK.


An alternate way would be to use Transact SQL to write the query to set up the server using the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver

另一种方法是使用Transact SQL编写查询,使用存储过程sp_addlinkedserver设置服务器

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver   

Either version will set up the linked server that you can then reference in your code.




There are a few different ways that you can create a linked server in SQL Server you can use the GUI in SQL Server Management Studio or via a script.

有几种不同的方法可以在SQL server中创建链接服务器,您可以在SQL server Management Studio中或通过脚本使用GUI。

Using the instructions on MSDN you can do the following:


  1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2008, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.

    单击Start,单击所有程序,单击Microsoft SQL Server 2005或Microsoft SQL Server 2008,然后单击SQL Server Management Studio。

  2. In the Connect to Server dialog box, specify the name of the appropriate SQL Server, and then click Connect.


  3. In SQL Server Management Studio, double-click Server Objects, right-click Linked Servers, and then click New Linked Server.

    在SQL Server Management Studio中,双击服务器对象,右键单击链接服务器,然后单击New Linked Server。

  4. In the New Linked Server dialog box, on the General page, in Linked server, enter the full network name of the SQL Serveryou want to link to.

    在“新链接服务器”对话框中,在“通用页面”的“链接服务器”中,输入要链接到的SQL Server的完整网络名。

  5. Under Server type, click SQL Server.

    在服务器类型下,单击SQL Server。

  6. In the left pane of the New Linked Server dialog, under Select a page, choose Security.


  7. You will need to map a local server login to a remote server login. On the right side of the Security page, click the Add button.


  8. Under Local Login, select a local login account to connect to the remote server. Check Impersonate if the local login also exists on the remote server. Alternatively, if the local login will be mapped to a remote SQL Server login you must supply the Remote User name and Remote Password for the remote server login.


  9. In the left pane of the New Linked Server dialog, under Select a page, choose Server Options. Set the Rpc and Rpc Out parameters to True, and then click OK.


An alternate way would be to use Transact SQL to write the query to set up the server using the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver

另一种方法是使用Transact SQL编写查询,使用存储过程sp_addlinkedserver设置服务器

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver   

Either version will set up the linked server that you can then reference in your code.
