
时间:2021-12-25 00:01:18

I have a project I am working on which I started on a local repo. I recently had someone create a github repo and I uploaded the local repo to github (there were various errors and suggestions, but it eventually looked like it was up there.) After doing that, and pulling from origin/master, I noticed I was missing a month or so of work. Apparently my process wiped out a branch named "echo."


I now want to recover these changes from the lost branch. Here is the current picture:


git status
  On branch master
  Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
  nothing to commit, working directory clean

git branch
  * master

git checkout echo
  error: pathspec 'echo' did not match any file(s) known to git.



git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %s"
  5825339 - David Rogers, Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/...
  3c41742 - Someone Else, Initial commit
  6db6654 - unknown, Labels V 1.1.8
  2085c27 - David Rogers, Remove site 29 XML subdirectory from installer
  956c939 - David Rogers, Update user settings on upgrade
  1c39bbc - David Rogers, Update user settings on upgrade
  ac48392 - David Rogers, Initial commit

Thanks to the wonderful pages here: http://gitready.com/intermediate/2009/02/09/reflog-your-safety-net.html , I can see the bigger picture:


git reflog
  5825339 HEAD@{0}: pull origin master: Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
  6db6654 HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from echo to master
  b7642f4 HEAD@{2}: pull origin master: Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
  bb4cbe2 HEAD@{3}: commit: before github
  9288903 HEAD@{4}: commit: before github
  2e8336a HEAD@{5}: commit: prior to github
  6db6654 HEAD@{6}: checkout: moving from master to echo
  6db6654 HEAD@{7}: commit: Labels V 1.1.8
  2085c27 HEAD@{8}: commit: Remove site 29 XML subdirectory from installer
  956c939 HEAD@{9}: commit: Update user settings on upgrade
  1c39bbc HEAD@{10}: commit: Update user settings on upgrade
  ac48392 HEAD@{11}: commit (initial): Initial commit

(Note the "checkout: moving from master to echo.") Anyways, it looks to me like the head of my missing branch is bb4cbe2. The question is, how to I restore the work and git it up to the origin/master?




git fsck --lost-found
  Checking object directories: 100% (256/256), done.
  dangling commit b7642f4fa87f52b0991f88ce08e29d5aaa43edd3

Do I start with : git reset --hard bb4cbe2

我应该从:git reset --hard bb4cbe2开始

If I do that, I get:


git reset --hard bb4cbe2
  HEAD is now at bb4cbe2 before github

git status
  On branch master
  Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged,
  and have 3 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
    (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
  Untracked files:
    (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

Looks like the files are good. Now what? Do I pull from origin? Then push to origin?


I should mention that I have a full disk backup from before the git reset.

我应该提一下,我在git reset之前有一个完整的磁盘备份。



3 个解决方案



I'd do a rebase onto origin/master, then a push to origin/master. You could also do a merge onto master if you don't care about losing your commit history.

我会对origin / master做一个rebase,然后推送到origin / master。如果您不关心丢失提交历史记录,也可以合并到master。



If you see the desired state that you had before within the reflog that you posted, you can just checkout that state from the reflog, eg:


git checkout HEAD@{3}

And that will bring you to a branch with that state as identified by the reflog. If that was before your pull that's likely what you want.




git checkout b7642f4fa87f52b0991f88ce08e29d5aaa43edd3

This will check out the dangling commit. If it's what you want to get back, then just create a new branch from that commit and you're golden. If it's not, then you may want to explain your problem a little better.




I'd do a rebase onto origin/master, then a push to origin/master. You could also do a merge onto master if you don't care about losing your commit history.

我会对origin / master做一个rebase,然后推送到origin / master。如果您不关心丢失提交历史记录,也可以合并到master。



If you see the desired state that you had before within the reflog that you posted, you can just checkout that state from the reflog, eg:


git checkout HEAD@{3}

And that will bring you to a branch with that state as identified by the reflog. If that was before your pull that's likely what you want.




git checkout b7642f4fa87f52b0991f88ce08e29d5aaa43edd3

This will check out the dangling commit. If it's what you want to get back, then just create a new branch from that commit and you're golden. If it's not, then you may want to explain your problem a little better.
