
时间:2022-01-07 23:55:16

I would like to know that where should I start if I want to transfer the MS access database to SQL server. First of all is this some thing that I can do using Express Edition SQL server 2008 if I install separate tools for SSIS? Or else could you please suggest me a way to do it and what version of SQL server is needed. Apart from that what is the best approach to transfer data from access database to SQL server and push this information on regular bases when ever new data is added in ACCESS database.

我想知道,如果我想将MS access数据库转移到SQL server,应该从哪里开始。首先,如果我为SSIS安装单独的工具,我是否可以使用Express Edition SQL server 2008实现这一点?或者你能给我推荐一种方法和SQL server的版本吗?除此之外,将数据从access数据库传输到SQL server的最佳方法是什么?当access数据库中添加任何新数据时,如何将这些信息按常规的基础进行传输。

1 个解决方案



what is the best approach to transfer data from access database to SQL server and push this information on regular bases when ever new data is added in ACCESS database

当在access数据库中添加新数据时,将数据从access数据库传输到SQL server并将这些信息按常规基础进行传输的最佳方法是什么

IMO the best approach would be to move your Access tables to SQL Server. Access includes an Upsizing Wizard for this purpose. There is also Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access, which is more capable than the Access Upsizing Wizard.

在我看来,最好的方法是将访问表移动到SQL Server。为此,Access包含一个升级向导。还有Microsoft SQL Server迁移助手用于访问,它比Access upsize向导更有能力。

Afterward, in your Access application, replace the native Access (Jet/ACE) tables with links to the SQL Server tables.

之后,在访问应用程序中,使用到SQL Server表的链接替换本机访问(Jet/ACE)表。

The point of this suggestion is that you needn't bother about reconciling data changes between Access and SQL Server --- the data is kept in SQL Server, you can access that data from your Access application without any need to keep redundant copies in Access' storage format.

这个建议的要点是,您不必费心在Access和SQL Server之间协调数据更改——数据保存在SQL Server中,您可以从访问应用程序访问该数据,而不需要以Access' storage格式保存冗余副本。



what is the best approach to transfer data from access database to SQL server and push this information on regular bases when ever new data is added in ACCESS database

当在access数据库中添加新数据时,将数据从access数据库传输到SQL server并将这些信息按常规基础进行传输的最佳方法是什么

IMO the best approach would be to move your Access tables to SQL Server. Access includes an Upsizing Wizard for this purpose. There is also Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access, which is more capable than the Access Upsizing Wizard.

在我看来,最好的方法是将访问表移动到SQL Server。为此,Access包含一个升级向导。还有Microsoft SQL Server迁移助手用于访问,它比Access upsize向导更有能力。

Afterward, in your Access application, replace the native Access (Jet/ACE) tables with links to the SQL Server tables.

之后,在访问应用程序中,使用到SQL Server表的链接替换本机访问(Jet/ACE)表。

The point of this suggestion is that you needn't bother about reconciling data changes between Access and SQL Server --- the data is kept in SQL Server, you can access that data from your Access application without any need to keep redundant copies in Access' storage format.

这个建议的要点是,您不必费心在Access和SQL Server之间协调数据更改——数据保存在SQL Server中,您可以从访问应用程序访问该数据,而不需要以Access' storage格式保存冗余副本。