AWS国际版的Route 53和CloudFront

时间:2021-06-30 23:52:20

注册AWS国际版账号后,却发现Route 53和CloudFront功能是无法使用的。于是提交了一个Service Request,得到的答复是这两个功能需要验证后才能激活。

在控制台中点击进入Route 53或者CloudFront,按照页面提示进行激活操作。第一步是验证支付信息,由于在注册账号时已经填写了有效的信用卡,因此点击验证按钮后,会从信用卡中扣掉一个美刀。然后从注册邮箱中找到如下所示的邮件:

Greetings from Amazon Web Services. 

This email is to notify you that you have not been granted access to Amazon Route 53, CloudFront.  At this time we are requesting you to provide us with a valid business URL. Additionally, please email us the valid URL from an email addresses associated with the URL.

You can send your message to We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and appreciate your patience with our security measures.

邮件中说的valid business URL是指一个有独立域名的网站地址,然后就是一个与网站同域名的邮箱。于是我将这封邮件转发到公司邮箱中,再从公司邮箱转发这封邮件到,并附上与公司邮箱同域名的网站地址。

第二天收到回复,Route 53和CloudFront顺利激活!
