AngularJS和多个$ http查询的逻辑问题

时间:2021-06-03 23:50:33

I have an app that will make 2 $http queries to an external API and get 2 different JSON responses. These responses will populate a ng-repeat, headers, etc. My problem is that I want to include a 3rd query, dependent on the first two.

我有一个应用程序,将对外部API进行2 $ http查询,并获得2个不同的JSON响应。这些响应将填充ng-repeat,header等。我的问题是我想要包含第3个查询,这取决于前两个。

Like so:

I get artist JSON and release JSON, and I use and release.title to populate the URL of the third $http query.

我得到了艺术家JSON并发布了JSON,我使用artist.name和release.title来填充第三个$ http查询的URL。

So far I've managed to get the two first queries, and once the results they are displaying in the ng-repeat, with ng-click I launch the 3rd query and populate an img ng-src.

到目前为止,我已经设法获得了两个第一个查询,一旦结果显示在ng-repeat中,使用ng-click我启动第三个查询并填充img ng-src。

Buuut, my problem is that I want the img ng-src to be populated automatically without ng-click, so the function that triggers the 3rd query has to get launched right after the 2 first queries. And also, in my working version right now, the img that I fetch with ng-click, will populate all items in ng-repeat. Meaning that every item should get their own image, and right now they don't.

Buuut,我的问题是我希望img ng-src在没有ng-click的情况下自动填充,因此触发第3个查询的函数必须在2次首次查询后立即启动。而且,在我现在的工作版本中,我用ng-click获取的img将填充ng-repeat中的所有项目。意味着每个项目都应该得到自己的图像,而现在他们没有。

I've created a working Plunker, if you search for a music artist and click on a result and then on an album, you'll see what I mean.


Basically, I think I'm missing a piece of logic that will put everything together and in proper trigger order.


Any thoughts?

My JS:

angular.module('myApp', ['ngResource'])

  function Ctrl($scope, $http) {
    var search = function(name) {
      if (name) {
        $http.get(''+ name +'&page=1&per_page=5').
          success(function(data3) {
            $scope.clicked = false;
            $scope.results = data3.results;
      $scope.reset = function () {
        $scope.sliding = false;
        $ = undefined;
    $scope.$watch('name', search, true);

    $scope.getDetails = function (id) {
      $http.get('' + id).
        success(function(data) {
            $scope.artist = data;
      $http.get('' + id + '/releases?page=1&per_page=100').
        success(function(data2) {
            $scope.releases = data2.releases;
      $scope.clicked = true;
      $scope.sliding = true;
      $scope.getImages = function (title, name) {
        $http.get('' + name + '&album='+ title +'&format=json').
          success(function(data4) {
              $scope.images = data4;


My directive:

angular.module('myApp', ['ngResource'])

 .directive('artistData', function() {

          restrict: 'E',
          template: '<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2"> \
                     <h1 ng-show="" class="artist-name">{{}}</h1>  \
                     <div class="header-border" ng-show=""></div> \
                     <input ng-show="" class="form-control" ng-model="album" /> \
                      <div class="col-md-3" ng-click="getImages(release.title," ng-repeat="release in releases | filter:album | filter:{ role: \'main\' }"><div class="release">{{release.title}}<img class="img-responsive" ng-src="{{images.album.image[2][\'#text\']}}" /></div></div> \
          replace: true

And my HTML:


<div class="container">
  <div class="row" ng-controller="Ctrl">
    <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2">
      <div class="intro">

        <div class="intro-text" ng-class="{'slide':sliding}">
          <h1>Howdy stranger!</h1>
          <h3>Use the form below to search for an artist and start building your record collection!</h3>
        <input type="text" ng-model="name" class="form-control input-lg" ng-class="{'slide':sliding}" ng-focus="reset()" placeholder="Artist name"/>
      <ul ng-hide="clicked" class="search-results">
        <li ng-repeat="result in results" ng-click="getDetails(">{{result.title}}</li>

1 个解决方案



I would use "Chaining Promises" in this case.

在这种情况下,我会使用“Chaining Promises”。

In basic words you call new async task on response of previous.


AngularJS和多个$ http查询的逻辑问题

You can read this POST that might help you




I would use "Chaining Promises" in this case.

在这种情况下,我会使用“Chaining Promises”。

In basic words you call new async task on response of previous.


AngularJS和多个$ http查询的逻辑问题

You can read this POST that might help you
