时间:2021-06-03 23:50:57

this is my table 1:


NAME       AGE        SEX        CITY             ID

Clara      22         f          New York         1
Bob        33         m          Washington       2
Sam        25         m          Boston           3

this is my table 2:


555-1111     1
555-2222     2
555-3333     3

and now I want a table 3 which shows me all information:


NAME       AGE        SEX        CITY             ID        NUMBER

Clara      22         f          New York         1         555-1111
Bob        33         m          Washington       2         555-2222
Sam        25         m          Boston           3         555-3333

I tried first to insert into table 3 only the values from table 1 and then I inserted into table 3 the values from table 2 with an inner join where Id = Id is.

我首先尝试只将表1中的值插入表3,然后我将表2中的值插入到表3中,其中内部连接的位置为Id = Id。

INSERT INTO table3 { name, age, sex, city, id}
SELECT name, age, sex, city, id
FROM table 1

INSERT INTO table3 { name, age, sex, city, id, number}
SELECT name, age, sex, city, id, number
FROM table 2 p
INNER JOIN table 3 c ON c.Id = p.Id

But all I get is a duplication of my values. instead of having 3 entries, I have like 9 entries, which some have number null, some have only the number and the rest null, and some are correct.


I hope someone can help me




If I am having now a third Table like this one:



Canadian          1
American          2
French            3

How could I merge all 3 tables into one Table?


7 个解决方案



You only need one INSERT:


INSERT INTO table3 ( name, age, sex, city, id, number, nationality)
SELECT name, age, sex, city, p.id, number, n.nationality
FROM table1 p
INNER JOIN table2 c ON c.Id = p.Id



I would suggest instead of creating a new table, you just use a view that combines the two tables, this way if any of the data in table 1 or table 2 changes, you don't need to update the third table:


CREATE VIEW dbo.YourView
    SELECT  t1.Name, t1.Age, t1.Sex, t1.City, t1.ID, t2.Number
    FROM    Table1 t1
            INNER JOIN Table2 t2
                ON t1.ID = t2.ID;

If you could have records in one table, and not in the other, then you would need to use a full join:


CREATE VIEW dbo.YourView
    SELECT  t1.Name, t1.Age, t1.Sex, t1.City, ID = ISNULL(t1.ID, t2.ID), t2.Number
    FROM    Table1 t1
            FULL JOIN Table2 t2
                ON t1.ID = t2.ID;

If you know all records will be in table 1 and only some in table 2, then you should use a LEFT JOIN:

如果你知道所有记录都在表1中,而只有表2中的一些记录,那么你应该使用LEFT JOIN:

CREATE VIEW dbo.YourView
    SELECT  t1.Name, t1.Age, t1.Sex, t1.City, t1.ID, t2.Number
    FROM    Table1 t1
            LEFT JOIN Table2 t2
                ON t1.ID = t2.ID;

If you know all records will be in table 2 and only some in table 2 then you could use a RIGHT JOIN

如果您知道所有记录都在表2中,并且只有表2中的某些记录,那么您可以使用RIGHT JOIN

CREATE VIEW dbo.YourView
    SELECT  t1.Name, t1.Age, t1.Sex, t1.City, t2.ID, t2.Number
    FROM    Table1 t1
            RIGHT JOIN Table2 t2
                ON t1.ID = t2.ID;

Or just reverse the order of the tables and use a LEFT JOIN (I find this more logical than a right join but it is personal preference):

或者只是颠倒表的顺序并使用LEFT JOIN(我发现这比正确的连接更合乎逻辑,但这是个人偏好):

CREATE VIEW dbo.YourView
    SELECT  t1.Name, t1.Age, t1.Sex, t1.City, t2.ID, t2.Number
    FROM    Table2 t2
            LEFT JOIN Table1 t1
                ON t1.ID = t2.ID;



Try doing:


SELECT t1.name,t1.age, t1.sex,t1.city,t1.id,t2.number
FROM table1 t1
LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON t1.id = t2.id

By using LEFT JOIN, this will insert every record from table 1 in table3, and for the ones that match the join condition in table2, it will also insert their number.

通过使用LEFT JOIN,这将插入表3中表1的每个记录,对于与table2中的连接条件匹配的记录,它也将插入它们的编号。



If I'm understanding you correctly, you should be able to do this in one query, joining table1 and table2 together:


INSERT INTO table3 { name, age, sex, city, id, number}
SELECT p.name, p.age, p.sex, p.city, p.id, c.number
FROM table1 p
INNER JOIN table2 c ON c.Id = p.Id



Here is an short extension for 3 or more tables to the answer of D Stanley:

以下是3个或更多表的简短扩展,以回答D Stanley的答案:

INSERT INTO other_table (name, age, sex, city, id, number, nationality)
SELECT name, age, sex, city, p.id, number, n.nationality
FROM table_1 p
INNER JOIN table_2 a ON a.id = p.id
INNER JOIN table_3 b ON b.id = p.id
INNER JOIN table_n x ON x.id = p.id



To show the values from 2 tables in a pre-defined way, use a VIEW






Here is an example if multiple tables don't have common Id, you can create yourself, I use 1 as commonId to create common id so that I can inner join them:


Insert Into #TempResult
select CountA, CountB, CountC  from

select Count(A_Id) as CountA, 1 as commonId from tableA
  where ....
  and  ...
  and   ...
) as tempA

inner join
select Count(B_Id) as CountB, 1 as commonId from tableB
  where ...
  and ...
  and  ...
 ) as tempB

on tempA.commonId = tempB.commonId

inner join
select Count(C_ID) as CountC, 1 as commonId from tableC
where ...
and   ...
) as tempC

on tmepB.commonId = tempC.commonId

--view insert result
select * from #TempResult



You only need one INSERT:


INSERT INTO table3 ( name, age, sex, city, id, number, nationality)
SELECT name, age, sex, city, p.id, number, n.nationality
FROM table1 p
INNER JOIN table2 c ON c.Id = p.Id



I would suggest instead of creating a new table, you just use a view that combines the two tables, this way if any of the data in table 1 or table 2 changes, you don't need to update the third table:


CREATE VIEW dbo.YourView
    SELECT  t1.Name, t1.Age, t1.Sex, t1.City, t1.ID, t2.Number
    FROM    Table1 t1
            INNER JOIN Table2 t2
                ON t1.ID = t2.ID;

If you could have records in one table, and not in the other, then you would need to use a full join:


CREATE VIEW dbo.YourView
    SELECT  t1.Name, t1.Age, t1.Sex, t1.City, ID = ISNULL(t1.ID, t2.ID), t2.Number
    FROM    Table1 t1
            FULL JOIN Table2 t2
                ON t1.ID = t2.ID;

If you know all records will be in table 1 and only some in table 2, then you should use a LEFT JOIN:

如果你知道所有记录都在表1中,而只有表2中的一些记录,那么你应该使用LEFT JOIN:

CREATE VIEW dbo.YourView
    SELECT  t1.Name, t1.Age, t1.Sex, t1.City, t1.ID, t2.Number
    FROM    Table1 t1
            LEFT JOIN Table2 t2
                ON t1.ID = t2.ID;

If you know all records will be in table 2 and only some in table 2 then you could use a RIGHT JOIN

如果您知道所有记录都在表2中,并且只有表2中的某些记录,那么您可以使用RIGHT JOIN

CREATE VIEW dbo.YourView
    SELECT  t1.Name, t1.Age, t1.Sex, t1.City, t2.ID, t2.Number
    FROM    Table1 t1
            RIGHT JOIN Table2 t2
                ON t1.ID = t2.ID;

Or just reverse the order of the tables and use a LEFT JOIN (I find this more logical than a right join but it is personal preference):

或者只是颠倒表的顺序并使用LEFT JOIN(我发现这比正确的连接更合乎逻辑,但这是个人偏好):

CREATE VIEW dbo.YourView
    SELECT  t1.Name, t1.Age, t1.Sex, t1.City, t2.ID, t2.Number
    FROM    Table2 t2
            LEFT JOIN Table1 t1
                ON t1.ID = t2.ID;



Try doing:


SELECT t1.name,t1.age, t1.sex,t1.city,t1.id,t2.number
FROM table1 t1
LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON t1.id = t2.id

By using LEFT JOIN, this will insert every record from table 1 in table3, and for the ones that match the join condition in table2, it will also insert their number.

通过使用LEFT JOIN,这将插入表3中表1的每个记录,对于与table2中的连接条件匹配的记录,它也将插入它们的编号。



If I'm understanding you correctly, you should be able to do this in one query, joining table1 and table2 together:


INSERT INTO table3 { name, age, sex, city, id, number}
SELECT p.name, p.age, p.sex, p.city, p.id, c.number
FROM table1 p
INNER JOIN table2 c ON c.Id = p.Id



Here is an short extension for 3 or more tables to the answer of D Stanley:

以下是3个或更多表的简短扩展,以回答D Stanley的答案:

INSERT INTO other_table (name, age, sex, city, id, number, nationality)
SELECT name, age, sex, city, p.id, number, n.nationality
FROM table_1 p
INNER JOIN table_2 a ON a.id = p.id
INNER JOIN table_3 b ON b.id = p.id
INNER JOIN table_n x ON x.id = p.id



To show the values from 2 tables in a pre-defined way, use a VIEW






Here is an example if multiple tables don't have common Id, you can create yourself, I use 1 as commonId to create common id so that I can inner join them:


Insert Into #TempResult
select CountA, CountB, CountC  from

select Count(A_Id) as CountA, 1 as commonId from tableA
  where ....
  and  ...
  and   ...
) as tempA

inner join
select Count(B_Id) as CountB, 1 as commonId from tableB
  where ...
  and ...
  and  ...
 ) as tempB

on tempA.commonId = tempB.commonId

inner join
select Count(C_ID) as CountC, 1 as commonId from tableC
where ...
and   ...
) as tempC

on tmepB.commonId = tempC.commonId

--view insert result
select * from #TempResult