
时间:2023-02-08 23:47:13

I have a large dictionary response, which I then use to create a bulk object. Since it is simple object creation but in bulk, it's taking too much time. I am trying to do it by multiprocessing or thread. So I can create a bulk object in pieces of data (by single file) and store them together at the end.


Here is my function:


def create_obj(self, resp):
    school_db = Schools.objects.bulk_create(
            **{k: v for k, v in value.items()
               })for key, value in resp.items()
    return school_db

and sample of my large dictionary response-

和我的大词典回应样本 -

response = {
    'A101': {
        'VEG': True,
        'CONTACT': '12345',
        'CLASS': 'SIX',
        'ROLLNO': 'A101',
        'CITY': 'CHANDI',
    'A102': {
        'VEG': True,
        'CONTACT': '54321',
        'CLASS': 'SEVEN',
        'ROLLNO': 'A102',
        'CITY': 'GANGTOK',

So is there any way to split up the dictionary into 15-20 chunks by which I can use multiprocessing to process?


1 个解决方案



bulk_create accepts batch_size parameter however I think whaat you really want to do is to return 200 response immediately and perform bulk creation in a background task eg. with celery




bulk_create accepts batch_size parameter however I think whaat you really want to do is to return 200 response immediately and perform bulk creation in a background task eg. with celery
