如何在sql server 2008中将行转换为列

时间:2021-10-11 23:42:38

I'm trying to retrieve output format but only one column able to bind. I'm working in Sql server 2008 R2. I'm working for last 2 days but I can't seem to bind it. I need this without using pivot and unpivot function.

我正在尝试检索输出格式,但只有一列能够绑定。我在Sql server 2008 R2中工作。我工作了2天但似乎无法绑定它。我需要这个而不使用pivot和unpivot功能。


   | AAA    |   AA+     |    AA     |     AA-
A  | 6.05   |   7.15    |    9.5    |     8.5
B  | 3.02   |   4.58    |    6.25   |     7.25
C  | 2.25   |   1.02    |    0      |     6


No  |  A    |   B   |  C
AAA |  6.05 |  3.02 |  2.25
AA+ |  4.05 |  3.04 |  1.02
AA  |  3.02 |  4.05 |  0
AA- |  2.03 |  3.01 |  6

1 个解决方案



You can use apply and conditional aggregation:

您可以使用apply和conditional aggregation:

select v.no,
       max(case when t.col = 'A' then v.val end) as a,
       max(case when t.col = 'B' then v.val end) as b,
       max(case when t.col = 'C' then v.val end) as c
from t cross apply
     (values ('AAA', AAA), ('AA+', [AA+]), ('AA', AA), ('AA-', [AA-])
) v(no, val)
group by v.no;



You can use apply and conditional aggregation:

您可以使用apply和conditional aggregation:

select v.no,
       max(case when t.col = 'A' then v.val end) as a,
       max(case when t.col = 'B' then v.val end) as b,
       max(case when t.col = 'C' then v.val end) as c
from t cross apply
     (values ('AAA', AAA), ('AA+', [AA+]), ('AA', AA), ('AA-', [AA-])
) v(no, val)
group by v.no;