SQL server表锁定和解锁问题

时间:2023-01-27 23:39:47

I have a very interesting problem.


I have a table where I have data, like this: DVDSerialNumbers(ID, Create_Date, SerialNumber, CategoryID)


My application generates serial numbers for DVD's and I have a SQL command like this (issued by my application):


ExecuteQuery("select top {0} SerialNumber from DVDSerialNumbers where CategoryID = {1};" & 
"delete from DVDSerialNumbers where ID in (select top{0} ID from DVDSerialNumber where " & 
 "CategoryID = {1});", n, CategoryID)

ExecuteQuery returns the result of my select query but the delete command is executed too.


Basically I get no more than n SerialNumbers which have the given CategoryID and I delete their rows.


However, here I have a concurency problem. If the code above runs twice in the same time, it's possible that the results will be the same, however, the idea is to get a given SerialNumber from the table only once.


How can I make instance B to wait for instance A to finish this command? Should I lock the table? Or should I lock some rows? Or is there a better solution?


Thanks in advance for your help.


1 个解决方案



You need READPAST, UPDLOCK, ROWLOCK hints. See this for more: SQL Server Process Queue Race Condition

您需要READPAST,UPDLOCK,ROWLOCK提示。有关更多信息,请参阅此内容:SQL Server进程队列竞争条件

Then you'd need a transaction for the SELECT/DELETE. Instead, you can do this in one statement with an OUTPUT clause

然后你需要一个SELECT / DELETE事务。相反,您可以在一个带有OUTPUT子句的语句中执行此操作

ExecuteQuery("delete top ({0})
                  DVDSerialNumbers WITH (READPAST, UPDLOCK, ROWLOCK)
              OUTPUT DELETED.SerialNumber
              where CategoryID = {1}" & 
                , n, CategoryID)



You need READPAST, UPDLOCK, ROWLOCK hints. See this for more: SQL Server Process Queue Race Condition

您需要READPAST,UPDLOCK,ROWLOCK提示。有关更多信息,请参阅此内容:SQL Server进程队列竞争条件

Then you'd need a transaction for the SELECT/DELETE. Instead, you can do this in one statement with an OUTPUT clause

然后你需要一个SELECT / DELETE事务。相反,您可以在一个带有OUTPUT子句的语句中执行此操作

ExecuteQuery("delete top ({0})
                  DVDSerialNumbers WITH (READPAST, UPDLOCK, ROWLOCK)
              OUTPUT DELETED.SerialNumber
              where CategoryID = {1}" & 
                , n, CategoryID)