使用xml类型在SQL Server 2005中存储XSLT?

时间:2021-05-22 23:35:55

I have a lot of XSL files in my ASP.NET web app. A lot. I generate a bunch of AJAX HTML responses using this kind of generic transform method:

我的ASP.NET Web应用程序中有很多XSL文件。很多。我使用这种通用转换方法生成一堆AJAX HTML响应:

public void Transform(XmlDocument xml, string xslPath) 
    XslTransform myXslTrans = new XslTransform();
    myXslTrans.Transform(xml,null, HttpContext.Current.Response.Output);        

I'd like to move the XSL definitions into SQL Server, using a column of type xml. I would store an entire XSL file in a single row in SQL, and each XSL is self-contained (no imports). I would read out the XSL definition from SQL into my XslTransform object.

我想使用xml类型的列将XSL定义移动到SQL Server中。我将整个XSL文件存储在SQL中的单行中,并且每个XSL都是自包含的(无导入)。我会将SQL中的XSL定义读出到我的XslTransform对象中。

Something like this:


public void Transform(XmlDocument xml, string xslKey) 

    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetXslDefinition");
    cmd.AddParameter("@xslKey", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = xslKey;
    // where the result set has a single column of XSL: "<xslt:stylesheet>..." 

    SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    if(dr.Read()) {
        SqlXml xsl = dr.GetSqlXml(0);
        XslTransform myXslTrans = new XslTransform();
        myXslTrans.Transform(xml,null, HttpContext.Current.Response.Output);     

It seems like a straightforward way to:


  • add metadata to each XSL, like lastUsed, useCount, etc.
  • 向每个XSL添加元数据,如lastUsed,useCount等。

  • bulk update/search capabilities
  • 批量更新/搜索功能

  • prevent lots of disk access
  • 防止大量磁盘访问

  • avoid referencing relative paths and organizing files
  • 避免引用相对路径和组织文件

  • allow XSL changes without redeploying (I could even write an admin page that selects/updates the XSL in the database)
  • 允许XSL更改而无需重新部署(我甚至可以编写一个管理页面来选择/更新数据库中的XSL)

Has anyone tried this before? Are there any caveats?



Caveats that responders have listed:


  • disk access isn't guaranteed to diminish
  • 磁盘访问不能保证减少

  • this will break xsl:includes
  • 这将打破xsl:includes

2 个解决方案



The two big issues I can see are:


  1. We use a lot of includes to ensure that we only do things once, storing the XSLT in the database would stop us from doing that.
  2. 我们使用了很多包含来确保我们只执行一次,将XSLT存储在数据库中会阻止我们这样做。

  3. It makes updating XSLs more interesting - we've been quite happy to dump new .xsl files into deployed sites without doing a full update of the site. For that matter we've got bits of code that look for client specific xsl in a folder and those bits of code can reach back up to common code (templates) in the root - so I'm not sure about the redeploy thing at all, but this will depend very much on the particular use case, yours is certainly different to ours.
  4. 它使更新XSL更有趣 - 我们非常乐意将新的.xsl文件转储到已部署的站点,而无需对站点进行全面更新。就此而言,我们有一些代码可以在文件夹中查找客户端特定的xsl,而这些代码可以回溯到根目录中的公共代码(模板) - 所以我不确定重新部署的东西是什么,但这在很大程度上取决于具体的用例,你的肯定与我们的不同。

In terms of disk access, hmm... the db still has to go access the disk to pull the data and if you're talking about caching then the db isn't a requirement for enabling caching.


Have to agree about the update/search options - you can do stuff with Powershell but that needs to be run on the server and that's not always a good idea.

必须同意更新/搜索选项 - 您可以使用Powershell进行操作但需要在服务器上运行,这并不总是一个好主意。

Technically I can see no reason why not (excepting the wish to do includes as above) but practically it seems to be fairly balanced with good arguments either way.




I store XSLTs in a database in my application dbscript. (However I keep them in an NVARCHAR column, since it also runs on SQL Server 2000)

我将XSLT存储在我的应用程序dbscript中的数据库中。 (但是我将它们保存在NVARCHAR列中,因为它也在SQL Server 2000上运行)

Since users are able to edit their XSLTs, I needed to write a custom validator which loads the text of TextBox in a .Net XslCompiledTransform object like this:

由于用户能够编辑他们的XSLT,我需要编写一个自定义验证器,它在.Net XslCompiledTransform对象中加载TextBox的文本,如下所示:

    args.IsValid = true;

    if (args.Value.Trim() == "")

        System.IO.TextReader rd = new System.IO.StringReader(args.Value);
        System.Xml.XmlReader xrd = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(rd);
        System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform xslt = new System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform();
        System.Xml.Xsl.XsltSettings xslts = new System.Xml.Xsl.XsltSettings(false, false);
        xslt.Load(xrd, xslts, new System.Xml.XmlUrlResolver());
    catch (Exception ex)
        this.ErrorMessage = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sErrorMessage) ? "" : (sErrorMessage + "<br/>") +
        if (ex.InnerException != null)
            ex = ex.InnerException;
            this.ErrorMessage += "<br />" + ex.Message;
        args.IsValid = false;

As for your points:


  • file I/O will be replaced by database-generated disk I/O, so no gains there

    文件I / O将被数据库生成的磁盘I / O替换,因此没有增益

  • deployment changes to providing an INSERT/UPDATE script containing the new data

    部署更改为提供包含新数据的INSERT / UPDATE脚本



The two big issues I can see are:


  1. We use a lot of includes to ensure that we only do things once, storing the XSLT in the database would stop us from doing that.
  2. 我们使用了很多包含来确保我们只执行一次,将XSLT存储在数据库中会阻止我们这样做。

  3. It makes updating XSLs more interesting - we've been quite happy to dump new .xsl files into deployed sites without doing a full update of the site. For that matter we've got bits of code that look for client specific xsl in a folder and those bits of code can reach back up to common code (templates) in the root - so I'm not sure about the redeploy thing at all, but this will depend very much on the particular use case, yours is certainly different to ours.
  4. 它使更新XSL更有趣 - 我们非常乐意将新的.xsl文件转储到已部署的站点,而无需对站点进行全面更新。就此而言,我们有一些代码可以在文件夹中查找客户端特定的xsl,而这些代码可以回溯到根目录中的公共代码(模板) - 所以我不确定重新部署的东西是什么,但这在很大程度上取决于具体的用例,你的肯定与我们的不同。

In terms of disk access, hmm... the db still has to go access the disk to pull the data and if you're talking about caching then the db isn't a requirement for enabling caching.


Have to agree about the update/search options - you can do stuff with Powershell but that needs to be run on the server and that's not always a good idea.

必须同意更新/搜索选项 - 您可以使用Powershell进行操作但需要在服务器上运行,这并不总是一个好主意。

Technically I can see no reason why not (excepting the wish to do includes as above) but practically it seems to be fairly balanced with good arguments either way.




I store XSLTs in a database in my application dbscript. (However I keep them in an NVARCHAR column, since it also runs on SQL Server 2000)

我将XSLT存储在我的应用程序dbscript中的数据库中。 (但是我将它们保存在NVARCHAR列中,因为它也在SQL Server 2000上运行)

Since users are able to edit their XSLTs, I needed to write a custom validator which loads the text of TextBox in a .Net XslCompiledTransform object like this:

由于用户能够编辑他们的XSLT,我需要编写一个自定义验证器,它在.Net XslCompiledTransform对象中加载TextBox的文本,如下所示:

    args.IsValid = true;

    if (args.Value.Trim() == "")

        System.IO.TextReader rd = new System.IO.StringReader(args.Value);
        System.Xml.XmlReader xrd = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(rd);
        System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform xslt = new System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform();
        System.Xml.Xsl.XsltSettings xslts = new System.Xml.Xsl.XsltSettings(false, false);
        xslt.Load(xrd, xslts, new System.Xml.XmlUrlResolver());
    catch (Exception ex)
        this.ErrorMessage = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sErrorMessage) ? "" : (sErrorMessage + "<br/>") +
        if (ex.InnerException != null)
            ex = ex.InnerException;
            this.ErrorMessage += "<br />" + ex.Message;
        args.IsValid = false;

As for your points:


  • file I/O will be replaced by database-generated disk I/O, so no gains there

    文件I / O将被数据库生成的磁盘I / O替换,因此没有增益

  • deployment changes to providing an INSERT/UPDATE script containing the new data

    部署更改为提供包含新数据的INSERT / UPDATE脚本