在SQL Server 2005中拦截和重写查询

时间:2021-08-12 23:36:30

We have an application built on top of SQL server 2005 that we have no control over. We've recently discovered that this application is sending some very inefficient SELECT queries to SQL that is causing serious capacity issues on the database. I know the right solution is to crack open the code for the application and change the queries, but for reasons I won't go into that's going to take a very long time. Is there some way we can intercept this specific query on SQL server and selectively re-write it to something more optimal?

我们有一个基于SQL Server 2005构建的应用程序,我们无法控制。我们最近发现这个应用程序正在向SQL发送一些非常低效的SELECT查询,导致数据库出现严重的容量问题。我知道正确的解决方案是破解应用程序的代码并更改查询,但由于原因我不会进入这需要很长时间。有没有什么方法可以拦截SQL服务器上的这个特定查询,并有选择地重新写入更优化的东西?

4 个解决方案


You could use this approach. It works like a charm for me:)


Rather than attempting to intercept and modify SQL calls originating from the application, perhaps you can instead implement an abstraction layer without changing the application's SQL. For example, if you can modify the DSN or login connection string for the application, then connsider the following. Let's assume the current database is [A]. Create a new database [B] that contains views and functions (but not tables) with the same name as what is in [A], then modify them to reference the tables in [A]. Add whatever additional joins, filtering, etc. are needed to implement your (what I'm assuming) row based security. Then, modify the application DSN to use database [B] instead of [A].




You could try plan guides. This may allow you to tune/optimise the queries without changing the actual call.


From "Understanding Plan Guides"


This procedure can be used when you cannot or do not want to change the text of the query directly. Plan guides can be useful when a small subset of queries in a database application deployed from a third-party vendor are not performing as expected. Plan guides influence optimization of queries by attaching query hints to them.


This could also be useful to make the query really run like a lame dog, so that the developers come and ask for your help... ;-)

这也可能有助于使查询真正像跛狗一样运行,以便开发人员来寻求你的帮助...... ;-)


It depends on what they are doing and what the queries are. Of course, if they are using sprocs or UDF's you can replace those without changing the application. You can also consider adding some indexes that are "optimized" for their bad SQL (though that may affect legitimate users of the database). You might also check the queries they are doing and see if you can replace the tables they are hitting with a more efficient view, but then you are messing with your DDL just to deal with a bad apple. Your best bet is probably to migrate legitimate applications off that particular server and leave the offender alone to rot.



Have you taken a resource editor/reflector to the executable files? If you're lucky and the SQL Statements are static you may be able to change them.


Without more info about the app it's difficult to determine if this is possible. If the SQL is dynamically generated then this isn't an option.



You could use this approach. It works like a charm for me:)


Rather than attempting to intercept and modify SQL calls originating from the application, perhaps you can instead implement an abstraction layer without changing the application's SQL. For example, if you can modify the DSN or login connection string for the application, then connsider the following. Let's assume the current database is [A]. Create a new database [B] that contains views and functions (but not tables) with the same name as what is in [A], then modify them to reference the tables in [A]. Add whatever additional joins, filtering, etc. are needed to implement your (what I'm assuming) row based security. Then, modify the application DSN to use database [B] instead of [A].




You could try plan guides. This may allow you to tune/optimise the queries without changing the actual call.


From "Understanding Plan Guides"


This procedure can be used when you cannot or do not want to change the text of the query directly. Plan guides can be useful when a small subset of queries in a database application deployed from a third-party vendor are not performing as expected. Plan guides influence optimization of queries by attaching query hints to them.


This could also be useful to make the query really run like a lame dog, so that the developers come and ask for your help... ;-)

这也可能有助于使查询真正像跛狗一样运行,以便开发人员来寻求你的帮助...... ;-)


It depends on what they are doing and what the queries are. Of course, if they are using sprocs or UDF's you can replace those without changing the application. You can also consider adding some indexes that are "optimized" for their bad SQL (though that may affect legitimate users of the database). You might also check the queries they are doing and see if you can replace the tables they are hitting with a more efficient view, but then you are messing with your DDL just to deal with a bad apple. Your best bet is probably to migrate legitimate applications off that particular server and leave the offender alone to rot.



Have you taken a resource editor/reflector to the executable files? If you're lucky and the SQL Statements are static you may be able to change them.


Without more info about the app it's difficult to determine if this is possible. If the SQL is dynamically generated then this isn't an option.
