
时间:2023-01-26 23:29:16

I need to pull several rows from a table and process them in two ways:


  • aggregated on a key
  • 聚合在一个键上

  • row-by-row, sorted by the same key
  • 逐行,按相同的键排序

The table looks roughly like this:


table (

So I'm looking at two approaches to the function I'm writing.


The first would pull the aggregate data with one query, and then query again inside a loop for each set of row-by-row data (the following is PHP-like pseudocode):


$rows = query(
        "SELECT key,SUM(numeric_data)
         FROM table
         GROUP BY key"

foreach ($rows as $row) {
    <process aggregate data in $row>

    $key = $row['key'];
    $row_by_row_data = handle_individual_rows($key);

function handle_individual_rows($key)
    $rows = query(
            "SELECT string_data
             FROM table WHERE key=?",

    <process $rows one row at a time>

    return $processed_data;

Or, I could do one big query and let the code do all the work:


$rows = query(
    "SELECT key, string_data, numeric_data
     FROM table"

foreach ($rows as $row) {
    <process rows individually and calculate aggregates as I go>

Performance is not a practical concern in this application; I'm just looking to write sensible and maintainable code.


I like the first option because it's more modular -- and I like the second option because it seems structurally simple. Is one option better than the other or is it really just a matter of style?

我喜欢第一个选项,因为它更模块化 - 我喜欢第二个选项,因为它看起来结构简单。一种选择比另一种更好还是只是风格问题?

8 个解决方案


One SQL query, for sure.


This will

  • Save you lots of roundtrips to database
  • 为您节省大量的往返数据库

  • Allow to use more efficient GROUP BY methods
  • 允许使用更高效的GROUP BY方法

Since your aggregates may be performed equally well by the database, it will also be better for mainainability: you have all your resultset logic in one place.


Here is an example of a query that returns every row and calculates a SUM:


SELECT  string_data, numeric_data, SUM(numeric_data) OVER (PARTITION BY key)
FROM    table

Note that this will most probably use parallel access to calculate SUM's for different key's, which is hardly implementable in PHP.


Same query in MySQL:


SELECT  key, string_data, numeric_data,
        SELECT  SUM(numeric_data)
        FROM    table ti
        WHERE   ti.key = to.key
        ) AS key_sum
FROM    table to


If performance isn't a concern, I'd go with the second. Seems the tiniest bit friendlier.


If performance were a concern, my answer would be "don't think, profile". :)

如果表现是一个问题,我的回答是“不要思考,简介”。 :)


The second answer is by far more clear, sensible and maintainable. You're saying the same thing with less code, which is usually better.


And I know you said performance is not a concern, but why fetch data more than you have to?



I can't be certain from the example here, but I'd like to know if there's a chance to do the aggregation and other processing right in the SQL query itself. In this case, you'd have to evaluate "more maintainable" with respect to your relative comfort level expressing that processing in SQL code vs. PHP code.


Is there something about the additional processing you need to do on each row that would prevent you from expressing everything in the SQL query itself?



I don't think you'll find many situations at all where doing a query-per-iteration of a loop is the better choice. In fact, I'd say it's probably a good rule of thumb to never do that.


In other words, the fewer round trips to the database, the better.


Depending on your data and actual tables, you might be able to let SQL do the aggregation work and select all the rows you need with one query.



one sql query is probably a better idea. It avoids you having to re-write relational operations



I think somehow you've answered your own question, because you say you have two different processings : one aggregation and one row by row.


  • if you want to keep everything readable and maintainable, mixing both in a single query doesn't sound right, the query will answer two different needs so it won't be very readable


  • even if perf is not an issue, it's faster to do the aggregation on the DB server instead of doing it in code


  • with only one query, the code that will handle the result will mix two processings, handling rows and computing aggregations in the same time, so in time this code will tend to get confusing and buggy


  • the same code might evolve over time, for instance the row-by-row can get complex and could create bugs in the aggregation part or the other way around


  • if in the future you'll need to split these two treatments, it will be harder to disentangle the code that at that moment, somebody else has written ages ago...


Performance considerations aside, in terms of maintainability and readability I'd recommend to use two queries.


But keep in mind that the performance factor might not be an issue at the moment, but it can be in time once the db volume grows or whatever, it's never a negligible factor on long term ...



Even if perf is not an issue, your mind is. When a musician practices every movement is intended to improve the musician's skill. As a developer, you should develop every procedure to improve your skill. iterative loops though data is sloppy and ugly. SQL queries are elegant. Do you want to develop more elegant code or more sloppy code?

即使perf不是问题,你的思想也是如此。当音乐家练习每一个动作都是为了提高音乐家的技巧。作为开发人员,您应该开发每个程序来提高您的技能。迭代循环,虽然数据是草率和丑陋的。 SQL查询很优雅。您想开发更优雅的代码还是更邋code的代码?


One SQL query, for sure.


This will

  • Save you lots of roundtrips to database
  • 为您节省大量的往返数据库

  • Allow to use more efficient GROUP BY methods
  • 允许使用更高效的GROUP BY方法

Since your aggregates may be performed equally well by the database, it will also be better for mainainability: you have all your resultset logic in one place.


Here is an example of a query that returns every row and calculates a SUM:


SELECT  string_data, numeric_data, SUM(numeric_data) OVER (PARTITION BY key)
FROM    table

Note that this will most probably use parallel access to calculate SUM's for different key's, which is hardly implementable in PHP.


Same query in MySQL:


SELECT  key, string_data, numeric_data,
        SELECT  SUM(numeric_data)
        FROM    table ti
        WHERE   ti.key = to.key
        ) AS key_sum
FROM    table to


If performance isn't a concern, I'd go with the second. Seems the tiniest bit friendlier.


If performance were a concern, my answer would be "don't think, profile". :)

如果表现是一个问题,我的回答是“不要思考,简介”。 :)


The second answer is by far more clear, sensible and maintainable. You're saying the same thing with less code, which is usually better.


And I know you said performance is not a concern, but why fetch data more than you have to?



I can't be certain from the example here, but I'd like to know if there's a chance to do the aggregation and other processing right in the SQL query itself. In this case, you'd have to evaluate "more maintainable" with respect to your relative comfort level expressing that processing in SQL code vs. PHP code.


Is there something about the additional processing you need to do on each row that would prevent you from expressing everything in the SQL query itself?



I don't think you'll find many situations at all where doing a query-per-iteration of a loop is the better choice. In fact, I'd say it's probably a good rule of thumb to never do that.


In other words, the fewer round trips to the database, the better.


Depending on your data and actual tables, you might be able to let SQL do the aggregation work and select all the rows you need with one query.



one sql query is probably a better idea. It avoids you having to re-write relational operations



I think somehow you've answered your own question, because you say you have two different processings : one aggregation and one row by row.


  • if you want to keep everything readable and maintainable, mixing both in a single query doesn't sound right, the query will answer two different needs so it won't be very readable


  • even if perf is not an issue, it's faster to do the aggregation on the DB server instead of doing it in code


  • with only one query, the code that will handle the result will mix two processings, handling rows and computing aggregations in the same time, so in time this code will tend to get confusing and buggy


  • the same code might evolve over time, for instance the row-by-row can get complex and could create bugs in the aggregation part or the other way around


  • if in the future you'll need to split these two treatments, it will be harder to disentangle the code that at that moment, somebody else has written ages ago...


Performance considerations aside, in terms of maintainability and readability I'd recommend to use two queries.


But keep in mind that the performance factor might not be an issue at the moment, but it can be in time once the db volume grows or whatever, it's never a negligible factor on long term ...



Even if perf is not an issue, your mind is. When a musician practices every movement is intended to improve the musician's skill. As a developer, you should develop every procedure to improve your skill. iterative loops though data is sloppy and ugly. SQL queries are elegant. Do you want to develop more elegant code or more sloppy code?

即使perf不是问题,你的思想也是如此。当音乐家练习每一个动作都是为了提高音乐家的技巧。作为开发人员,您应该开发每个程序来提高您的技能。迭代循环,虽然数据是草率和丑陋的。 SQL查询很优雅。您想开发更优雅的代码还是更邋code的代码?