
时间:2021-05-09 22:56:38

Say, I have two lists of objects, foo and bar. In a Django template, while looping through foo, there's a counter that keeps track of the current index/iteration and the counter is used to access bar. The problem here is I don't think Django template system supports accessing list using variable indexes. Is that true? If so, is there any workaround for the problem (other than repeating the same piece of html/template code with hard-coded indexes)?

说,我有两个对象列表,foo和bar。在Django模板中,在循环遍历foo时,有一个计数器跟踪当前索引/迭代,计数器用于访问bar。这里的问题是我不认为Django模板系统支持使用变量索引访问列表。真的吗?如果是这样,问题是否有任何解决方法(除了用硬编码索引重复相同的html /模板代码)?

Code demonstration:


{% for x in foo %}
  <span>{{ x.name }} vs. {{ bar.{{ forloop.counter0 }}.name }}</span>
{% endfor %}

Django template doesn't like {{ bar.{{ forloop.counter0 }}.name }}


Note: I am using Django 1.4

注意:我使用的是Django 1.4

2 个解决方案



Right, you can't resolve variable names. Definitely try very hard to put this logic in the view.


But 5% of the time, I do find this extremely limiting at times requiring too much logic in the view / changes required outside the template authors control. I've come to accept a few personal customizations, allowing for variable assignment within the view as well as simple variable resolution.


It's quite simple to build a template tag that does so though, using the template engines "all lookups in one" system (index, attribute, key).


from django.template import Variable, VariableDoesNotExist

def resolve(lookup, target):
        return Variable(lookup).resolve(target)
    except VariableDoesNotExist:
        return None

{% resolve some_list some_index as value %}
{% resolve some_dict some_dict_key as value %}



You are correct that Django templates do not directly allow this, and it's because Django tries to force you to put pretty much all your presentation logic in your views. Your best option is to make a list of dicts in your context in your view, so you can iterate of that and access the members by name. Or:


  • zip your lists together instead of making them a dict and access them using {% for fooItem, barItem in zippedList %}.
  • 将您的列表压缩在一起而不是使它们成为dict并使用{%for fooItem,zipIList中的barItem}来访问它们。
  • use a less limiting templating language, like Jinja2
  • 使用限制较少的模板语言,如Jinja2
  • use a custom template filter, as suggested by Yuji Tomita
  • 使用Yuji Tomita建议的自定义模板过滤器



Right, you can't resolve variable names. Definitely try very hard to put this logic in the view.


But 5% of the time, I do find this extremely limiting at times requiring too much logic in the view / changes required outside the template authors control. I've come to accept a few personal customizations, allowing for variable assignment within the view as well as simple variable resolution.


It's quite simple to build a template tag that does so though, using the template engines "all lookups in one" system (index, attribute, key).


from django.template import Variable, VariableDoesNotExist

def resolve(lookup, target):
        return Variable(lookup).resolve(target)
    except VariableDoesNotExist:
        return None

{% resolve some_list some_index as value %}
{% resolve some_dict some_dict_key as value %}



You are correct that Django templates do not directly allow this, and it's because Django tries to force you to put pretty much all your presentation logic in your views. Your best option is to make a list of dicts in your context in your view, so you can iterate of that and access the members by name. Or:


  • zip your lists together instead of making them a dict and access them using {% for fooItem, barItem in zippedList %}.
  • 将您的列表压缩在一起而不是使它们成为dict并使用{%for fooItem,zipIList中的barItem}来访问它们。
  • use a less limiting templating language, like Jinja2
  • 使用限制较少的模板语言,如Jinja2
  • use a custom template filter, as suggested by Yuji Tomita
  • 使用Yuji Tomita建议的自定义模板过滤器