将C ++ Builder代码转换为C#.NET(TComponent,TOjbect,TList等)

时间:2021-01-15 22:53:35

Where can I find API documentation for TComponent, TObject, TList, etc.? I am converting some C++ code that was written using C++ builder into C#. I'm having trouble finding related documentation for these classes in order to find a C# equivalent.

我在哪里可以找到TComponent,TObject,TList等的API文档?我正在将使用C ++构建器编写的一些C ++代码转换为C#。我找不到这些类的相关文档以找到C#等价物。

1 个解决方案


Use the official online reference. The link is directly to the index - just look up types and functions there as needed.

使用官方在线参考。链接直接指向索引 - 只需根据需要查找类型和功能。


Use the official online reference. The link is directly to the index - just look up types and functions there as needed.

使用官方在线参考。链接直接指向索引 - 只需根据需要查找类型和功能。