
时间:2021-06-24 22:50:48

I'm designing a quiz app with Angular and Ionic. I have about 2000 questions in json format and I choose PouchDB as database. CouchDB is perfect for me: I can add new question on a server and app auto update question and answer.


But I have a doubt now: I cannot find a way to get random docs from Pouch. With my app I will generate quizzes from some selected section and I must get a variable number of docs from my DB.


I'm using the db.allDocs([options], [callback]) api, I can set a limit but I cannot find a way to get random doc.


Is there any solution?


2 个解决方案



The first solution given by @nlawson isn't always working, for example I had to delete every document fetched so I lose the sequence of IDs, for example:


I had a list of documents with ids from 1 to 5


1- random is 3

1 -随机是3

2- get document with id 3


3- delete document with id 3 State of the database [1,2,4,5]


4- if random is anything but 3 repeat steps above, but if random is 3 or any id already deleted it cause problems, so this solution wasn't working, so I found another solution which is:




Using the Mango querie find(), with this code

使用Mango querie find()和此代码

let rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

   selector: {_id: {$gte : '1'}},
   limit : 1,
   skip : rand-1,

First of all I get a random number, the max is the number of documents in my database and the min is 1 as the first id given to the first document.


After that I execute the find() query to select documents with an id great or equal to 1 (basically all), limit the query to retrieve only the first and start retrieving from rand-1.

之后,我执行find()查询以选择id为great或等于1(基本上都是)的文档,将查询限制为只检索第一个文档,并从r -1开始检索。

To reuse our first example with rand equal 3 it will be something like that:

为了重复使用第一个rand = 3的例子它会是这样的:

1- get all documents with an ID great or equal 1 => [1,2,3,4,5]

1-获取ID为great或等于1的所有文档=> [1,2,3,4,5]

2- starting from rand-1 witch is 3-1=2 get the a limited number of documents the limit is 1 => [2]

2-从rand-1女巫开始,3-1=2得到有限数量的文档,限制为1 [2]

So it will always return the document on the position rand.


P.S: to use find() you must install on top of pouch this library pouchdb.find.js




You could


  1. Give your docs an _id of '1', '2', '3', etc., then use Math.random() to get() one randomly.


  2. Or you could read in all the IDs using bulkDocs and then pick one randomly to get(), but that might be bad for performance if you have a lot of docs:


db.allDocs().then(function (res) {
  var ids = res.rows.map(function (row) { return row.id; });
  var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * ids.length);
  return db.get(ids[index]);
}).then(function (randomDoc) {
  // you got a randomDoc



The first solution given by @nlawson isn't always working, for example I had to delete every document fetched so I lose the sequence of IDs, for example:


I had a list of documents with ids from 1 to 5


1- random is 3

1 -随机是3

2- get document with id 3


3- delete document with id 3 State of the database [1,2,4,5]


4- if random is anything but 3 repeat steps above, but if random is 3 or any id already deleted it cause problems, so this solution wasn't working, so I found another solution which is:




Using the Mango querie find(), with this code

使用Mango querie find()和此代码

let rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

   selector: {_id: {$gte : '1'}},
   limit : 1,
   skip : rand-1,

First of all I get a random number, the max is the number of documents in my database and the min is 1 as the first id given to the first document.


After that I execute the find() query to select documents with an id great or equal to 1 (basically all), limit the query to retrieve only the first and start retrieving from rand-1.

之后,我执行find()查询以选择id为great或等于1(基本上都是)的文档,将查询限制为只检索第一个文档,并从r -1开始检索。

To reuse our first example with rand equal 3 it will be something like that:

为了重复使用第一个rand = 3的例子它会是这样的:

1- get all documents with an ID great or equal 1 => [1,2,3,4,5]

1-获取ID为great或等于1的所有文档=> [1,2,3,4,5]

2- starting from rand-1 witch is 3-1=2 get the a limited number of documents the limit is 1 => [2]

2-从rand-1女巫开始,3-1=2得到有限数量的文档,限制为1 [2]

So it will always return the document on the position rand.


P.S: to use find() you must install on top of pouch this library pouchdb.find.js




You could


  1. Give your docs an _id of '1', '2', '3', etc., then use Math.random() to get() one randomly.


  2. Or you could read in all the IDs using bulkDocs and then pick one randomly to get(), but that might be bad for performance if you have a lot of docs:


db.allDocs().then(function (res) {
  var ids = res.rows.map(function (row) { return row.id; });
  var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * ids.length);
  return db.get(ids[index]);
}).then(function (randomDoc) {
  // you got a randomDoc