
时间:2020-12-16 22:47:44

I have some data in the form:


          V1   V2  V3         V4  V5         V6   V7  V8  V9 V10 V11
 1. 14342667 4336 1.5 2015-10-03 \\N 2015-10-03  804 2.0 2.0   0 3.0
 2. 14342667 4336 0.8 2015-06-13 \\N 2015-06-11 2912 2.0 2.0   0 \\N
 3. 14342667 4336 0.5 2016-01-02 \\N 2015-12-27 1618 0.0 0.0   1 \\N
 4. 14342667 4336 0.7 2015-08-22 \\N 2015-08-22 1780 2.0 2.0   0 \\N
 5. 14342667 4336 0.9 2015-02-21 1.2 2015-02-17 1548 0.0 0.0   1 \\N
 6. 14342667 4336 1.0 2015-08-08 \\N 2015-08-06 1538 2.0 2.0   0 2.25
 7. 14342667 4336 0.9 2015-03-28 \\N 2015-03-24 2129 7.0 7.0   0 \\N
 8. 14342667 4336 0.8 2015-04-11 \\N 2015-04-11 2316 1.0 2.0   0 \\N

I want to replace instances of \\N with NA using R and data.table. I got these in places of blank when I sqooped data into HIVE.


I have tried things like data1 <- data1[, lapply(.SD, recode, '"\\N"=NA')] and data1 <- data1[, lapply(.SD, recode, '"\N"=NA')] using CAR package which works well for other replacements but failing in the current case with error:

我尝试过data1 <- data1[, lapply(。SD,重新编码,“\ \ N”= NA)]和data1 <——data1、拉普兰人(。使用汽车包装,对其他替代产品效果良好,但在当前的情况下失败:

Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) : in recode term: "\N"=NA message: Error : '\N' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting ""\N"

错误,有趣(X[[1L]],…):in recode term:“\N”=NA message:“\N”是一个未被识别的字符串,从字符串开始“\N”。

I have also read solutions like x[x=="\\N"] <- NA but I couldn't lapply those successfully using data.table. I have also looked into HIVE table side solution but apparently regexp_replace works only for one column not for all instances in all columns.

我也读过像x[x= "\\N"] <- NA的解决方案,但我不能用数据表来成功地应用这些解决方案。我还研究了HIVE table端解决方案,但显然regexp_replace只适用于一个列,而不是所有列中的所有实例。

3 个解决方案



We can find out the columns that have this pattern with grep and then use as.numeric on those columns


nm1 <- names(df1)[colSums(sapply(df1, grepl, pattern = "\\\\"))!=0]
setDT(df1)[,(nm1):= lapply(.SD, as.numeric) , .SDcols= nm1]
#         V1   V2  V3         V4  V5         V6   V7 V8 V9 V10  V11
#1: 14342667 4336 1.5 2015-10-03  NA 2015-10-03  804  2  2   0 3.00
#2: 14342667 4336 0.8 2015-06-13  NA 2015-06-11 2912  2  2   0   NA
#3: 14342667 4336 0.5 2016-01-02  NA 2015-12-27 1618  0  0   1   NA
#4: 14342667 4336 0.7 2015-08-22  NA 2015-08-22 1780  2  2   0   NA
#5: 14342667 4336 0.9 2015-02-21 1.2 2015-02-17 1548  0  0   1   NA
#6: 14342667 4336 1.0 2015-08-08  NA 2015-08-06 1538  2  2   0 2.25
#7: 14342667 4336 0.9 2015-03-28  NA 2015-03-24 2129  7  7   0   NA
#8: 14342667 4336 0.8 2015-04-11  NA 2015-04-11 2316  1  2   0   NA


df1 <- structure(list(V1 = c(14342667L, 14342667L, 14342667L, 14342667L, 
14342667L, 14342667L, 14342667L, 14342667L), V2 = c(4336L, 4336L, 
4336L, 4336L, 4336L, 4336L, 4336L, 4336L), V3 = c(1.5, 0.8, 0.5, 
0.7, 0.9, 1, 0.9, 0.8), V4 = c("2015-10-03", "2015-06-13", "2016-01-02", 
"2015-08-22", "2015-02-21", "2015-08-08", "2015-03-28", "2015-04-11"
), V5 = c("\\\\N", "\\\\N", "\\\\N", "\\\\N", "1.2", "\\\\N", 
"\\\\N", "\\\\N"), V6 = c("2015-10-03", "2015-06-11", "2015-12-27", 
"2015-08-22", "2015-02-17", "2015-08-06", "2015-03-24", "2015-04-11"
), V7 = c(804L, 2912L, 1618L, 1780L, 1548L, 1538L, 2129L, 2316L
), V8 = c(2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 7, 1), V9 = c(2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 7, 
2), V10 = c(0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L), V11 = c("3.0", "\\\\N", 
"\\\\N", "\\\\N", "\\\\N", "2.25", "\\\\N", "\\\\N")), .Names = c("V1", 
"V2", "V3", "V4", "V5", "V6", "V7", "V8", "V9", "V10", "V11"), 
 class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1.", 
"2.", "3.", "4.", "5.", "6.", "7.", "8."))



At @akrun's suggestion, here is another simple way:


ccols = which(sapply(DF, class) == "character")
DF[ccols] <- lapply(DF[ccols], type.convert, na.strings="\\\\N")

Use str(DF) to see that the columns are whatever they should be (numeric or integer).


With data.table, this would look like


ccols = which(sapply(DF, class) == "character")
DF[, (ccols) := lapply(.SD, type.convert, na.strings="\\\\N"), .SDcols=ccols]



NULL is in Hive inside HDFS looks like //N so one can use function nvl() for replacement as well if looking for HIVE side solution.




We can find out the columns that have this pattern with grep and then use as.numeric on those columns


nm1 <- names(df1)[colSums(sapply(df1, grepl, pattern = "\\\\"))!=0]
setDT(df1)[,(nm1):= lapply(.SD, as.numeric) , .SDcols= nm1]
#         V1   V2  V3         V4  V5         V6   V7 V8 V9 V10  V11
#1: 14342667 4336 1.5 2015-10-03  NA 2015-10-03  804  2  2   0 3.00
#2: 14342667 4336 0.8 2015-06-13  NA 2015-06-11 2912  2  2   0   NA
#3: 14342667 4336 0.5 2016-01-02  NA 2015-12-27 1618  0  0   1   NA
#4: 14342667 4336 0.7 2015-08-22  NA 2015-08-22 1780  2  2   0   NA
#5: 14342667 4336 0.9 2015-02-21 1.2 2015-02-17 1548  0  0   1   NA
#6: 14342667 4336 1.0 2015-08-08  NA 2015-08-06 1538  2  2   0 2.25
#7: 14342667 4336 0.9 2015-03-28  NA 2015-03-24 2129  7  7   0   NA
#8: 14342667 4336 0.8 2015-04-11  NA 2015-04-11 2316  1  2   0   NA


df1 <- structure(list(V1 = c(14342667L, 14342667L, 14342667L, 14342667L, 
14342667L, 14342667L, 14342667L, 14342667L), V2 = c(4336L, 4336L, 
4336L, 4336L, 4336L, 4336L, 4336L, 4336L), V3 = c(1.5, 0.8, 0.5, 
0.7, 0.9, 1, 0.9, 0.8), V4 = c("2015-10-03", "2015-06-13", "2016-01-02", 
"2015-08-22", "2015-02-21", "2015-08-08", "2015-03-28", "2015-04-11"
), V5 = c("\\\\N", "\\\\N", "\\\\N", "\\\\N", "1.2", "\\\\N", 
"\\\\N", "\\\\N"), V6 = c("2015-10-03", "2015-06-11", "2015-12-27", 
"2015-08-22", "2015-02-17", "2015-08-06", "2015-03-24", "2015-04-11"
), V7 = c(804L, 2912L, 1618L, 1780L, 1548L, 1538L, 2129L, 2316L
), V8 = c(2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 7, 1), V9 = c(2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 7, 
2), V10 = c(0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L), V11 = c("3.0", "\\\\N", 
"\\\\N", "\\\\N", "\\\\N", "2.25", "\\\\N", "\\\\N")), .Names = c("V1", 
"V2", "V3", "V4", "V5", "V6", "V7", "V8", "V9", "V10", "V11"), 
 class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1.", 
"2.", "3.", "4.", "5.", "6.", "7.", "8."))



At @akrun's suggestion, here is another simple way:


ccols = which(sapply(DF, class) == "character")
DF[ccols] <- lapply(DF[ccols], type.convert, na.strings="\\\\N")

Use str(DF) to see that the columns are whatever they should be (numeric or integer).


With data.table, this would look like


ccols = which(sapply(DF, class) == "character")
DF[, (ccols) := lapply(.SD, type.convert, na.strings="\\\\N"), .SDcols=ccols]



NULL is in Hive inside HDFS looks like //N so one can use function nvl() for replacement as well if looking for HIVE side solution.
