为什么我不能“SELECT INTO”名称以数字开头的数据库?

时间:2022-05-08 22:50:24
Main.dbName = "7202" 

query = "select * into " + Main.dbName + ".dbo.[AccountReceivableHistory]
        from " + dbOrigin + ".dbo.[AccountReceivableHistory] where
        AccountReceivableHistory].Date >= '2012-12-27' and    
        AccountReceivableHistory].Date < '2012-12-28'"

The error says


Syntax error near '7202'.


1 个解决方案



You can use a number for a table name (or database name, or schema name - see my comment), however, you will need to escape it with []:

您可以使用数字作为表名(或数据库名称或模式名称 - 请参阅我的注释),但是,您需要使用[]来转义它:

select *
into [123].[456].[789] 
from OtherTable;

Where [123] represents database, [456] represents schema and [789] represents a table.



In the interests of standardisation, e.g. if there is a chance of future portability between RDBMS, note that preference should be given to use double quotes " instead of [] for escaping, e.g.


SELECT * from "123"."456"."789";

You will however need to ensure that set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON is set on the connection.


If the names of objects are being constructed dynamically, note that it is also possible to override the default escaping of the QUOTENAME function by providing a character delimiter as the second parameter, e.g.:


select QUOTENAME('123', '"');



You can use a number for a table name (or database name, or schema name - see my comment), however, you will need to escape it with []:

您可以使用数字作为表名(或数据库名称或模式名称 - 请参阅我的注释),但是,您需要使用[]来转义它:

select *
into [123].[456].[789] 
from OtherTable;

Where [123] represents database, [456] represents schema and [789] represents a table.



In the interests of standardisation, e.g. if there is a chance of future portability between RDBMS, note that preference should be given to use double quotes " instead of [] for escaping, e.g.


SELECT * from "123"."456"."789";

You will however need to ensure that set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON is set on the connection.


If the names of objects are being constructed dynamically, note that it is also possible to override the default escaping of the QUOTENAME function by providing a character delimiter as the second parameter, e.g.:


select QUOTENAME('123', '"');