我可以在Orchard CMS中使用我的Ninject .NET项目吗?

时间:2021-12-15 22:44:41

I am creating a website using Orchard CMS and I have an external .NET project written with Ninject for dependency injection which I would like to use together with a module within Orchard CMS. I know that Orchard uses Autofac for dependency injection and this is causing me problems since I never worked with DI before.

我正在使用Orchard CMS创建一个网站,我有一个用Ninject编写的外部.NET项目用于依赖注入,我想与Orchard CMS中的模块一起使用。我知道Orchard使用Autofac进行依赖注入,这引起了我的问题,因为我之前从未使用过DI。

I have created an Autofac module, UserModule, which registers the a source, UserRegistrationSource, like this:




public class UserModule : Module
    protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
        builder.RegisterSource(new UserRegistrationSource());



public class UserRegistrationSource : IRegistrationSource
    public bool IsAdapterForIndividualComponents
        get { return false; }

    public IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration> RegistrationsFor(Service service, Func<Service, IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration>> registrationAccessor)
        var serviceWithType = service as IServiceWithType;
        if (serviceWithType == null)
            yield break;

        var serviceType = serviceWithType.ServiceType;
        if (!serviceType.IsInterface || !typeof(IUserServices).IsAssignableFrom(serviceType) || serviceType != typeof(IUserServices))
            yield break;

        var registrationBuilder = // something...

        yield return registrationBuilder.CreateRegistration();



public interface IUserServices : IDependency
    void Add(string email, string password);

public class UserServices : IUserServices
    private readonly EFMembershipManager _manager;

    public UserServices(EFMembershipManager manager)
        _manager = manager;

    public void Add(string email, string password)
        _manager.createUser(email, password);

EFMembershipManager.cs constructor


public EFMembershipManager(ServerRepository db,
                           ServerRepositoryMembershipProvider membershipProvider,
                           string testUsername,
                           string serverUsername)

EFMembershipManager is a class from the external project which uses Ninject for DI's and uses ServerRepository and ServerRepositoryMembershipProvider whom also are injected using Ninject.


And now I'm stuck...


Should UserRegistrationSource take the Ninject container (kernel) as a constructor argument and try to find the IUserServices service and then mediate the resolves to the Ninject kernel and return an empty Enumerable so that Autofac doesn't try to resolve anything related to IUserServices or is this the wrong approach?


1 个解决方案



Autofac supports registration sources (and more on registration sources here). A registration source is a service that the container will consult when trying to resolve a type. The source can respond, either with a means to build the type, or an empty list which indicates that the source is not able to provide the requested type.


In your case, a registration source could be implemented that will try to resolve the requested type from your Ninject container.


I'm not too familiar with Orchard but I'm guessing that it uses configuration files to configure Autofac. My suggestion is that you create a simple Autofac module that registers your registration source implementation, and that you configure Orchard to load the module from config.




Autofac supports registration sources (and more on registration sources here). A registration source is a service that the container will consult when trying to resolve a type. The source can respond, either with a means to build the type, or an empty list which indicates that the source is not able to provide the requested type.


In your case, a registration source could be implemented that will try to resolve the requested type from your Ninject container.


I'm not too familiar with Orchard but I'm guessing that it uses configuration files to configure Autofac. My suggestion is that you create a simple Autofac module that registers your registration source implementation, and that you configure Orchard to load the module from config.
